Voronezh Medical University

Voronezh State Medical University

Voronezh                     RANKING :    701           11

For preparation year, bachelor, master or transfer

The State Budgetary Institution of Higher Professional Education «Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko» of the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation is known as one of the country’s leading research and teaching centers with a total of about 5,000 students. It is one of the oldest educational institutions of Russia. Its history goes back to 1802 – the date of Derpt University foundation, which moved to Voronezh in 1918. In 1930, its medical faculty became an independent medical institute, which achieved its academy status in 1994. The University has proved its worth as an academic institution providing high-quality education and conducting advanced scientific research in Medicine, Biology, and Pharmacy. The quality of its performance is reflected in the rating scale, according to which the university is included in the top ten medical schools of Russia. Since its foundation, it has prepared more than 40 thousand medical specialists, including foreign ones from 56 countries of Europe, Asia and Africa.

The Founder of the University is the RF Government. The Founder’s powers and competencies belong to the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation. The University has a perpetual license for educational activity and the state accreditation. The University carries out its activities on the basis of the Statute.

The structure of the University is now presented by 7 faculties and 3 educational institutes.


The Faculties of General Medicine, Pediatrics, Dentistry, Pharmacy, and Preventive Medicine train specialists on the basis of complete secondary education.


The Faculty of Healthcare Management Development trains qualified healthcare executives able to work efficiently in a new social and economic environment.


The Faculty of Graduate Studies gives an opportunity to continue studies in internship programs according to a chosen major or at the residency course, which is a part of the multilevel structure of higher medical education of the Russian Federation.


The International Institute of Medical Education and Cooperation trains specialists for foreign countries.


The Institute of Advanced Nursing trains specialists on the basis of special professional and complete secondary education.


The Institute of Advanced Training supports advancement of professional skills and medical staff retraining.


More than 800 staff members including 149 Doctors of Medical Sciences, 91 professors, and 525 PhD in Medical Sciences are involved in teaching and scientific work at 78 departments of the University.


The educational activity of Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko is conducted in conformity with the main educational programs developed by the school on the basis of the state educational standards for higher professional education and secondary professional education with due regard to suggested programs of the courses approved by the corresponding educational and methodological associations.


The University has adopted the semester system.

The undergraduate training consists of two stages:

– Pre-clinical (1-2 years);

Hospital clerkships are done along with the study of clinical disciplines starting from the 2nd year of study;

– clinical (3-6 years).

admission price list

for academic year 2022 - 2023

By Russian Language By English language
3 575$
000 RUB
4  430$
000 RUB
By Russian Language By English language
4 430$
000 RUB
By Russian Language By English language
3 150$
000 RUB

›› USD / RUB rate : 1$ equal 70 RUB

  • Russian language  Apply for preparation year
  • English language   5 years and the 6th in Russian language
  • All what you need to study in Russia, just is to have a high school diploma at any rate

  • High school diploma at any rate
  • Passport photocopy
  • Personal photo
  • World Rank
    Local Rank
    World Progress
    2022 2023
    Fees increase
    Fees in 2022 Fees in 2023

    Questions about admission and registration?

    You have a complaint or a suggestion!

    Contact directly with our CEO, Dr. Ahmed Hafez through one of following methods :

     › E-mail : [email protected]
     › Phone : +2 01063 012 870 / +7 925 488 0172
     › Whatsapp :
    +7 9888 69 77 43

    Data revision and supervision :

    Preparation year / $
    Hostel / $ / year
    Medical Insurance / $ / year

    Apply for Bachelor's Degree

    In all medical fields; Medicine, Dentistry & Pharmacy

    It takes about 1-2 months to be accepted

    Apply for Matser's Degree

    Available in Russian or English languages 

    Takes from 2-3 years according to your speciality

    Transfer to our university

    Only internal transfer is available from other Russian universities 

    External transfer from outside Russia not available .

    Apply for preparation year

    It takes a year learning Russian language & prepare  you in Biology & chemistry by Russian language

    Apply for faculty of General Medicine

    You can choose the language of study, Russian, English or French 
    Lasts for 6 years

    Apply for Faculty of dentistry

    You can choose the language of study, Russian, English or French 
    Lasts for 5 years

    Apply for faculty of pharmacy

    You can choose the language of study, Russian, English or French 
    Lasts for 5 years