Admission center
Admission steps
Choose Country
Comission Payement
Documents submission
Acceptance letter
Invitation letter
Airport reception
Instructions of admission to a medical university through Medicine21™ corporation :
» Follow the described steps, step by step, until you complete the registration process
» Choose the country you want to study in carefully, and you can view in advance the countries available to study through our company here.
[ Available countries ]
» Please check the available universities in the country you wish to study in advance and read carefully the details of the university you have chosen so that you are fully aware of its details.
» After completing the registration process and choosing the university and specialization, you will be directed to the financial accounts department to pay the company’s commission for the registration and admission processes at the university you chose.
» The university acceptance response takes from a week to a month, depending on the specialty, university, and academic invitation
» Do not take advantage of the company to obtain a study invitation for any purposes other than study, because this may expose the company and expose you to legal accountability in your country and in the country where you are traveling.
» Do not violate the instructions of our representative who is responsible for you throughout the registration period and until you travel to the country of destination and join the university of your choice.
» A representative from the company is appointed to be responsible for you throughout the academic period. You can rely on him for any inquiry or request for assistance, and you must follow his instructions throughout the period of your studies so that things go well.