Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

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The history of the university dates back to the beginning of the 20th century to the present day and reflects the most complex processes of its development and growth in Russian society.The history of the university begins in 1906. At this time, a medical school was created at the Moscow Higher Women’s Courses, since after an urgent need for healthcare specialists arose in the country, thus new opportunities appeared for women who would like to receive higher education.


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in 2022


Annual Fees

Increases compare to 2021

Admission center

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University is one of the oldest and leading universities in Russia and it is well known all over the world.  It is located in the biggest city of Russia Moscow. The university is the first in the world to establish the first paediatric faculty in 1930 which served as а model for creation of such faculties in other universities all over the world. The world’s first faculty of biomedicine was opened in Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University in 1964.Thеrе are medical investigators in medical spheres of Biochemistry, biophysics and cybernetics are trained. The faculty graduates work not only in Russia, but also in numerous countries of the world including countries of the European Union and the United States of America.

There are graduate and postgraduate programs for study: general medicine, paediatrics, medical biochemistry, medical biophysics, medical cybernetics, clinical psychology, social work, dentistry and pharmacy. After acquiring basic education, students саn continue education bу engaging in clinical residency and postgraduate studies.

More than 2000 lecturers working in 115 departments offer lectures, seminars and practical laboratory sessions in the sciences in more than 250 courses. The university established network of the biggest Moscow state clinical hospitals which service hundreds of thousands of people with various pathologies. Students have а unique opportunity to acquire hands on knowledge of how real patients are diagnosed, treated, operated and how they recover. Active participation in design and carrying out of therapy strategies for real patients at clinics under guidance of senior professors is оnе of distinctive competitive advantages. The clinical base of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University consists of five main hospitals. They are City Clinical Hospital №17, Perinatal Medical Centre «Mother&Child», Family Planning&Reproduction Centre, City Clinical Hospital №31, Russian Children’s Clinical Hospital. 

Admission pricelist

For academic year 2024 / 2025
Important to know that all prices are calculated at currency rate 1$ = 90 Rubles

Official Fees Pricelist

2024 - 2025

Prices have been updated and converted to US dollars using the coefficient :
 1 dollar equals 90 rubles

»Tuition fees can be paid by the student in two installments, one at the beginning of each academic term

» Hostel annual fees : 800 - 1200 USD,
  [ According to room type and number of students in each ]

» Medical insurance fees : 150 USD,
  [ Basic plan, You can increase it as you want later ]

» Price in dollars : 3333 USD [ $ ]
» Study duration : 1 year
» Price in dollars : 8333 USD [ $ ]
» Study duration : 6 years
» Price in dollars : 8333 USD [ $ ]
» Study duration : 6 years
» Price in dollars : 10,556 USD [ $ ]
» Study duration : 5 years
» Price in dollars : 10,556 USD [ $ ]
» Study duration : 5 years
» Price in dollars : 4444 USD [ $ ]
» Study duration : 5 years








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