Online Training Center

Based on previous entrance exams to medical universities in Russia

Data revision and supervision :

 Dr. Ahmed Hafez

Multiple-choice questions for training in Russian university entrance exams, and their answers are taken from previous years’ exams in most russian universities, These forms are renewed and are constantly updated to cover all the questions asked and possible in the admission tests for students in Russian universities in medical specializations.

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English MCQ Modules

Entrance & Acceptance tests for medical universities



Latest Modules

General biology

Q1. In the complete year, Rabi Crops are grown in which season? Spring Rainy Summer Winter Ans. Winter   Q2. Rhizobium Bacteria which fixes atmospheric nitrogen are found in nodules growing in: Leaves of leguminous plants Roots of leguminous plants Stem of leguminous plants All options are correct Ans. Roots of leguminous plants   Q3. The grain seed is separated from the chaff in the harvested crop. The process is called as: Seeding Weeding Threshing Ploughing Ans. Threshing   Q4. Select the examples of Multicellular Microorganism from the following: Algae and Fungi Algae and Bacteria Bacteria and Viruses Bacteria and

Prostate Conditions

Acute prostatitis This is acute inflammation of the prostate, which usually occurs in infection   Causes Young adults – Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae Older Adults – E. coli   Symptoms Dysuria, urinary frequency, and suprapubic pain Can cause urinary retention leading to pain and haematospermia Systemic symptoms, e.g., fevers   Key tests DRE gives tender prostate and secretions reveal bacteria   Management Antibiotics e.g. levofloxacin (Quinolone) or Trimethoprim   Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) This refers to hyperplasia of the prostate which occurs with age and is common. It does not increase the risk of cancer, as it is the central

Testicular Conditions

Epididymo-orchitis This is inflammation of the epididymis (and the testes)   Causes Bacteria, e.g., chlamydia, gonorrhea, E. coli Viruses, e.g., mumps (in teenage males) Drugs e.g., amiodarone Symptoms Acute onset tender swelling (confined to epididymis) Dysuria, sweats, fever   Management Treat the underlying cause, e.g., antibiotics if due to an STI   Testicular torsion This refers to twisting of the spermatic cord, usually in adolescents It can cut off the blood supply to the testes resulting in ischaemia   Symptoms Acute onset testicular pain Absence of the cremasteric reflex Abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting Prehn’s sign seen (where raising the

Apply for Bachelor's Degree

In all medical fields; Medicine, Dentistry & Pharmacy

It takes about 1-2 months to be accepted

Apply for Matser's Degree

Available in Russian or English languages 

Takes from 2-3 years according to your speciality

Transfer to our university

Only internal transfer is available from other Russian universities 

External transfer from outside Russia not available .

Apply for preparation year

It takes a year learning Russian language & prepare  you in Biology & chemistry by Russian language

Apply for faculty of General Medicine

You can choose the language of study, Russian, English or French 
Lasts for 6 years

Apply for Faculty of dentistry

You can choose the language of study, Russian, English or French 
Lasts for 5 years

Apply for faculty of pharmacy

You can choose the language of study, Russian, English or French 
Lasts for 5 years

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