Online Training Center

Based on previous entrance exams to medical universities in Russia

Data revision and supervision :

 Dr. Ahmed Hafez

Multiple-choice questions for training in Russian university entrance exams, and their answers are taken from previous years’ exams in most russian universities, These forms are renewed and are constantly updated to cover all the questions asked and possible in the admission tests for students in Russian universities in medical specializations.

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Entrance & Acceptance tests for medical universities



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Fibre to Fabric

1. Which one of the following is a synthetic fibre? a.) Rayon b.) Nylon c.) Polyester d.) All of the above Answer – (d.) All of the above Explanation – Synthetic fibres are man-made polymers that are used to create fabric. Polymers are formed when many small units are chemically joined together.   2. The process of separating cotton fibres from the seeds is called ____. a.) Retting b.) Ginning c.) Weaving d.) Spinning Answer – (b.) Ginning Explanation – Ginning is the process of separating cotton fibres from cotton seeds or lint. It also aids in the removal of

Psychotic Disorders

Psychosis is the misrepresentation of thoughts and perceptions that originate from a patient’s own mind which are experienced as reality. It is a symptom, not a diagnosis in itself and affects about 3% of the population.   Causes: With most psychiatric conditions, the aetiology of psychosis is seen with a biopsychosocial model: Biological: Genetics –> Twin studies have shown schizophrenia has 50% concordance rate in MZ  twins Dopamine–> Antipsychotics block D2 receptors whereas L-Dopa induces psychosis Neurodevelopmental –> Higher in people with low birth weight, developmental delay etc.   Psychological: Prodrome –> Often preceded by patients exhibiting anxiety, depression and ideas of reference –

Stress Reactions

  Acute stress reaction This is an acute reaction which occurs rapidly (minutes to hours) after a sudden and stressful event. – This can include sexual assault, an injury, a near-death experience etc. – This leads to several symptoms in response which usually arise very quickly and terminate within 3 days   Symptoms: – Initial state of being dazed and confused – Purposeless overactivity and withdrawal – Intense brief anxiety – Autonomic arousal –> sweating, dry mouth, vomiting   Management – Help patient to re-orientate with trauma-focussed CBT Prognosis – Most cases resolve rapidly within 3 days. If symptoms persist > 1

Apply for Bachelor's Degree

In all medical fields; Medicine, Dentistry & Pharmacy

It takes about 1-2 months to be accepted

Apply for Matser's Degree

Available in Russian or English languages 

Takes from 2-3 years according to your speciality

Transfer to our university

Only internal transfer is available from other Russian universities 

External transfer from outside Russia not available .

Apply for preparation year

It takes a year learning Russian language & prepare  you in Biology & chemistry by Russian language

Apply for faculty of General Medicine

You can choose the language of study, Russian, English or French 
Lasts for 6 years

Apply for Faculty of dentistry

You can choose the language of study, Russian, English or French 
Lasts for 5 years

Apply for faculty of pharmacy

You can choose the language of study, Russian, English or French 
Lasts for 5 years

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