memory disorders

Cognitive impairment

Key facts Cognitive impairment is not an illness, but it can signal other medical conditions. Signs of cognitive impairment can include memory loss, mood swings and behavioural changes. There are ways to treat and prevent cognitive impairment and its complications What is cognitive impairment? Cognitive impairment is when you have problems remembering things and solving problems. Cognitive impairment is not an illness. It can be caused by many conditions.   You may struggle with: remembering things paying attention speaking or understanding recognising people, places or things experiencing new places and situations — you may become overwhelmed Cognitive impairment can come

Wernicke encephalopathy

Key facts Wernicke encephalopathy is a type of brain injury. It’s caused by a lack of thiamine (vitamin B1). If not treated quickly, Wernicke encephalopathy can lead to permanent brain damage. What is Wernicke encephalopathy? Wernicke (or Wernicke’s) encephalopathy is a type of brain injury. It is a medical emergency. If not treated quickly, it can lead to permanent brain damage. What are the symptoms of Wernicke encephalopathy? Symptoms can vary, but often include problems with your: eyes, such as jerky movements, double vision or drooping eyelids balance, such as when trying to stand movement, such as difficulty walking normally mind, such as

Worried about your memory?

Key facts Memory loss is linked with many conditions, including dementia. Major changes in your memory are not normal at any age. You should see your doctor if your memory problems are affecting your daily life. The treatment for memory loss will depend on what’s causing it. What is memory loss? If you are getting forgetful or confused, you might be worried it’s dementia. Everyone forgets things from time to time, but memory loss (amnesia) is linked with many conditions, including dementia. Some memory loss can happen as a part of normal ageing. Memory change with healthy ageing doesn’t interfere

Dementia – an overview

Key facts Dementia is a condition that affects your thinking, behaviour and ability to do everyday tasks. While dementia is more common in older Australians, it is not a normal part of ageing. See your doctor if you have memory loss, difficulty with familiar tasks, language problems or changes in mood or personality. There is no cure for dementia. Caring for someone with dementia can be difficult, so make sure you get help and look after yourself. What is dementia? Dementia is a broad term used to describe the gradual loss of your: memory intellect ability to think rationally social


Key facts Encephalopathy refers to the symptoms you experience when your brain is not working normally. There are many different causes of encephalopathy. Treatments for encephalopathy depend on the cause and may treat the symptoms or the underlying cause. What is encephalopathy? The word encephalopathy describes any disease that affects the whole brain and alters its structure or how it works, and causes changes in mental function. What are the symptoms of encephalopathy? The symptoms of encephalopathy vary from person to person. The most common symptom of encephalopathy is a change in mental state, with problems such as: loss of


Key facts Disorientation occurs when you become confused about the time of day, where you are or even who you are. Disorientation is a symptom of many conditions including dementia, sepsis, low sodium levels, illicit drugs and alcohol abuse and withdrawal, or dehydration. Treatment of disorientation depends on what has caused it — it usually resolves when the underlying cause has been eliminated. If your friend or family member has suddenly become disorientated, they should seek medical attention immediately. It could be a sign that they are unwell. What is disorientation? Disorientation occurs when you are confused about the time,

Delirium and dementia

Key facts Delirium is a sudden change in your thinking and behaviour. Delirium is often caused by changes in your health, such as an infection or a medicine change. If you are in hospital and at risk of delirium, your doctor will provide care to stop delirium from happening. What is delirium? Delirium is a common problem. It appears as a sudden change in your thinking and behaviour. Delirium happens quickly and only lasts for a few days. Delirium often happens in older people, but it can happen at any age. People who have delirium when they are in hospital

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

What is Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease? Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a rare and serious disease. It causes the brain to become spongy. This leads to dementia and death. CJD belongs to a group of rare diseases known as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) or prion diseases. These diseases can affect humans and animals. The best-known form of TSE is bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), or ‘mad cow’ disease. In Australia, there are about 35 cases of CJD each year. What causes Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease? CJD happens when infectious particles called prions damage your brain cells. A prion is a brain protein where the structure has changed. A


What is confusion? Confusion is a term that refers to a decline in cognitive ability, that is, our ability to think, learn and understand. A decline in cognitive ability is often associated with dementia. Symptoms of confusion include problems with short-term memory, difficulty carrying out tasks, poor attention span, unclear speech and difficulty in following a conversation. Sometimes confusion can be temporary and will pass. Sometimes confusion is long term and is due to a permanent condition. When should I call an ambulance? Confusion can be the sign of a serious medical condition. Call triple zero (000) and ask for advice


Key facts Amnesia is a form of memory loss. While forgetting things is normal, people with amnesia often forget familiar things, such as where they live, and what their loved ones’ names are. Amnesia can be caused by many things, including head injuries or dementia. There are ways to treat or manage amnesia, depending on what causes it. What is amnesia? Amnesia is a memory disorder. It is a term used to describe a type of memory loss that is usually temporary. It is normal to forget things sometimes, such as the name of someone you just met. However, struggling

Alzheimer’s disease

Key facts Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia that affects your thinking, behaviour and ability to do everyday tasks. Alzheimer’s disease is caused by a build-up of certain proteins in your brain, which gets worse over time. While Alzheimer’s disease is more common in older Australians, it is not a normal part of ageing. There is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, but some medicines can help improve your quality of life. See a doctor if you have memory loss, difficulty with familiar tasks or language, or changes in mood or personality. What is Alzheimer’s disease? Alzheimer’s disease is the