female sexual problems

Vaginal bleeding

Key facts Vaginal bleeding normally occurs about once a month during your menstrual period. Bleeding between periods can also happen. See your doctor if you have heavy periods, bleeding between periods, bleeding after sex or bleeding after menopause. What is vaginal bleeding? Most females experience vaginal bleeding each month during their menstrual periods. Periods last an average of 5 days, but can last for up to 8 days. Bleeding from the vagina is also possible at other times. If you notice blood coming from your vagina at other times, or you are bleeding during your period in a way which

Painful sex for women

Painful sex for women Experiencing some pain or discomfort before, during or after sex can affect women of all ages. But there are treatments available, and you can seek help. If you find that sex is often painful, you should visit your doctor to check there are no underlying causes. What is painful sex and what can cause it? Pelvic pain before, during or after vaginal intercourse is called ‘dyspareunia’. Painful sex can be caused by physical or psychological problems. Psychological causes (such as relationship problems, stress and anxiety) can make painful sex worse. Painful sex falls in to 2

Loss of female libido

Loss of female libido What is loss of female libido? Loss of libido (low libido or low sex drive) is a reduced desire to have sex. It can also mean a low sex drive that is persistent and won’t go away outside of the normal changes of your interest in sex. What are the symptoms of low libido? Symptoms of low sex drive or loss of libido might be: having no interest in any type of sex including masturbation rarely or never having sexual fantasies or thinking of sex being unhappy with your low desire for sexual activity or thoughts