
Health benefits of swimming

Key facts Swimming is a sport that you can do in a squad or independently, at any time of year. Being low-impact, swimming is a great option for people recovering from injury. Swimming has many health benefits including increasing your fitness, muscle strength and wellbeing. If you are starting an exercise program you can gradually increase how far and for how long you swim as your fitness improves. Whenever you are near water, there is a risk of drowning. Always practise water safety, and never swim alone. Wherever there is water, there is a risk of drowning. Always practise water

Strength training for beginners

Key facts Strength training is any form of exercise involving weights or resistance. Strength training builds strength in your muscles and protects your bones and joints. This type of training should be part of your weekly exercise program. Strength training reduces your risk of heart disease, diabetes and improves your mental health and wellbeing. Seek advice from a doctor or an exercise professional before you start strength training. What is strength training? Strength training is any form of exercise that involves using weights or resistance to build strength in your muscles. Strength training is also known as resistance training. Strength training involves you

Running tips for beginners

Key facts Running has many health benefits, such as improving your heart health and mood, and helping you to sleep better. Running for as little as 10 minutes per day can improve your health. It is an affordable and convenient form of exercise. Beginners of nearly any age can start running. If you have an illness or injury, see a doctor for expert advice before you begin. Running tips for beginners What are the health benefits of running? Mental health Many people run to clear their mind, reduce stress or improve their mood. When you run, your body releases endorphins.

Physical activity (older people)

Key facts Keeping active helps you stay physically and mentally strong. Aim for about 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most days, but any amount of activity is beneficial — even just a few minutes. Strength and weight-bearing activities can increase bone density, helping to prevent osteoporosis. Consider exercising with a friend, and choose activities you enjoy, to help you stay motivated. Physical activity guidelines for older people Why should older people stay active? Whatever your age, you can enjoy the benefits of physical activity. There’s a host of health reasons to stay active and it doesn’t have to

Exercise (getting started)

How to start exercising Everyone should aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity on most, preferably all, days of the week. Moderate-intensity physical activity is an activity that is energetic and raises your heart rate, but doesn’t make you too breathless, such as fast walking. If you are pregnant, have been previously inactive, or suffer from any medical conditions, it is recommended that you seek medical advice before commencing vigorous physical activity. For best results in achieving a healthier lifestyle and reducing your risk of developing a chronic disease, combine physical activity with healthy eating. Build up slowly

Health benefits of yoga and Pilates

Key facts Yoga combines physical movements with meditation and calm breathing techniques. Pilates involves a series of repetitive body moves with a breath technique to enhance correct movement and coordination. Regular yoga and Pilates classes improve your muscle strength, and balance and flexibility skills. An instructor can change yoga and Pilates moves to suit all ages and fitness levels. If you are new to yoga or Pilates, take classes with a certified instructor to learn the correct movements and to help avoid injury. What are yoga and Pilates? Yoga Yoga is an ancient exercise and wellbeing practice that originated in