Bone diseases


What is rickets? Rickets is a preventable bone disease that causes the bones to be soft and weak. It occurs in children, and occasionally teenagers, but not adults. If a child has soft bones, the bones can bend slightly into an abnormal shape. What are the symptoms of rickets? Children with rickets might: be slow to have the front fontanelle (the soft part at the top of a baby’s head) close be slow to grow be slow to crawl and walk have teeth that grow late and have poor quality enamel have bow legs, knock knees or legs that aren’t

Paget’s disease of bone

Key facts Paget’s disease is a chronic (long term) bone disorder where your bones become weakened and deformed. The exact cause of Paget’s disease is not known, but risk factors include older age, family history, certain ethnic backgrounds and some viruses. Paget’s disease can cause a dull pain in your bones at night or when you’re resting. Paget’s disease is treated with medicines called bisphosphonates. Paget’s disease can cause some bone, joint and neurological (nerve) complications. Paget’s disease of bone What is Paget’s disease? Paget’s disease is a chronic bone disorder where your bones become weakened and deformed. It can develop in


Key facts Osteoporosis is a chronic (long-term) disease which makes your bones more likely to break. Many people don’t know that they have osteoporosis until they break or fracture a bone. Osteoporosis can be managed through lifestyle changes and with prescription medicines that strengthen your bones. What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a common, chronic (long-term) disease. It’s when your bones: become less dense lose minerals like calcium become more fragile If you have osteoporosis, you are more likely to fracture or break a bone if you fall over. It’s estimated that 6.2 million Australians, aged 50 years or older, had osteoporosis


Key facts Osteopaenia means bone density that is lower than normal, but not as severe as osteoporosis. If you have osteopaenia, your bones are more fragile and more likely to break from minor accidents. Bone density gets lower with age and falling hormone levels, and can also be affected by lifestyle factors, health conditions and medicines. You can find out if you have osteopaenia by having a bone density scan. To keep your bones healthy, make sure to get enough calcium, vitamin D and weight-bearing exercise. What is osteopaenia? Osteopaenia (sometimes spelled osteopenia) is the medical name for bone density