

Overview Acromegaly is a condition caused by an excess of growth hormone (GH) most commonly related to a pituitary adenoma. It tends to present with macrognathia, frontal bossing and enlargement of hands and feet. Presentation may also be related to the aetiology – e.g. mass effect of a pituitary adenoma resulting in visual field defects and headache. It is associated with a number of systemic conditions (e.g. cardiovascular disease, diabetes). The condition is thought to be rare though the true prevalence is hard to establish. Recent studies estimate a prevalence of up to 1 in 1000 individuals in patients who


What is acromegaly? Acromegaly is a rare disorder that affects adults and is caused by overproduction of growth hormone. Growth hormone (also called human growth hormone, GH or HGH) controls the normal growth of the body’s tissues, organs and bones, as well as helping control its metabolism. A similar condition, known as gigantism, can occur in children and can make them grow very tall. Adults with too much growth hormone don’t grow exceptionally tall because once they have gone through puberty, their long bones don’t grow any longer. What are the symptoms of acromegaly? The main signs of acromegaly are: changes to