Anatomy of the Thorax

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The thorax is divided by a transverse plane at the angle of Louis (T4/5) into the superior and inferior mediastinum. The latter can be subdivided into the anterior, middle and posterior compartments.



There are a total of 12 ribs:

– Ribs 1 to 7 attached to sternum by costal cartilage – “true ribs”

– Ribs 8 to 10 attached to the rib above by costal cartilage – “false ribs”

– Ribs 11 and 12 are so-called “floating ribs,” as do not articulate with the sternum anteriorly



The airway starts with the trachea which begins, beneath the cricoid cartilage (C6).

Trachea –> main bronchi –> lobar bronchi –> segmental bronchi  –> conducting bronchiole –> terminal bronchiole –> respiratory bronchiole 


Bifurcates at T4/T5

The bifurcation is known as the carina

Main Bronchus

These are referred to as primary 

RMB = wider, shorter and more vertical

LMB = narrower, longer and more horizontal

Lobar BronchiThese are referred to as secondary
Segmental bronchi

These are referred to as tertiary

They go to bronchopulmonary segments



The lungs sit in the thoracic cavity and are split into different lobes by fissures.

– The right lung is shorter, wider and more vertical – hence a foreign body is more likely to pass down this way.


The lungs have specific surface markings which are useful when auscultating the different parts.

– Apex –> 2.5cm above medial third of clavicle

– 2nd costal cartilage –> lungs from both sides meet

– 4th costal cartilage –> left lung diverges to accommodate the heart

– 6th costal cartilage –> lungs lie opposite mid-clavicular line

– 8th costal cartilage –> lungs cross mid-axillary line

– 10th rib –> lungs reach posteriorly on both sides.



Oblique fissure: Starts at spine of T3 –> ends at 6th costal cartilage

Transverse fissure (right lung): Parallel to 4th costal cartilage

– The oblique and transverse fissure meet at the 5th rib in the mid-axillary line

– On the left, the middle lobe is replaced by a small lingula



Bronchopulmonary Segments

Each lung is split into 10 bronchopulmonary segments

– Upper lobe – S1-3                                 

– Middle lobe – S4-5                            

– Lower lobe – S6-10

– In a supine patient, a foreign body is more likely to enter right apical lower lobe segment

– In standing patient, a foreign body is more likely to enter a basal segment of lower lobe 



Both lungs are covered by 2 pleural layers which have a closed intrapleural space, needed for breathing

– Visceral layer – this is the layer that lines the lungs

– Parietal layer – lines the thoracic wall, upper diaphragm and sides of the mediastinum.



One of the most important structures of the lung is the lung hilum. This has a variety of structures which are needed for respiration.

– Arteries (pulmonary + bronchial) lie superiorly

– Veins lie anteroinferior

– Bronchi lie posteriorly


 Neurovascular supply and lymphatics


 Blood supply

– Pulmonary arteries -> supply deoxygenated blood for gas exchange

– Bronchial arteries -> supply oxygenated blood to the bronchial tree


Nervous supply

– Vagus -> cause bronchoconstriction: ACh on M3 receptor – Gq coupled (parasympathetic)

– Thoracic sympathetic chain -> cause bronchodilation – Na on B2 receptor – Gs coupled (sympathetic)


Lymphatic supply

The lymph drainage of the lungs runs along the bronchi and under the pleurae.

– These converge on lymph nodes at the lung hila (bronchopulmonary nodes)

– These then drain to nodes around the carina (tracheobronchial nodes)

– This drains to mediastinal nodes –> terminate into the thoracic duct/right lymphatic duct


In the superior mediastinum, the key features are the major blood vessels and thoracic duct.

Aortic arch:

This gives off three major branches:

– On the right -> brachiocephalic trunk (divided into right subclavian and right common carotid artery)

– On the left -> left common carotid and subclavian arteries



The subclavian and internal jugular vein unite forming the brachiocephalic vein at sternoclavicular joint

– The SVC is then formed by the union of the brachiocephalic veins behind the first costal cartilage

– This drains into the right atrium at level of 3rd costal cartilage


Thoracic duct:

This enters the junction of the left subclavian and left internal jugular vein


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Sama Mohamed

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