Online automated system

Payment methods

There are many methods for payment for our service you can choose you favourite and applicable method overall the world , all payment methods offered here are secured and guaranted.

If you have any problem in payment just press "Contact us" button & one of our financial department employee will recontact you directly 

Online payment
Payment through bank transfer

Payment from Egypt

Commercial International Bank - CIB
  Commercial International Bank

› Name : Ahmed Mohamed Hafez

› Branch :  Nasrcity , El-Sanhoury branch

› EGP – Account No. : 100017429242

Banque Misr - BM
Banque Misr

› Name : Ahmed Mohamed Hafez

› Branch :  Qotor

› EGP – Account No. : 2560333000074568

› USD $ – Account No. : 2560203000000485

National Bank of Egypt - NBE
National Bank of Egypt

› Name : Ahmed Mohamed Hafez

› Branch :  Qotor

› EGP – Account No. : 4355001287509901019

› USD $ – Account No. : 4355001287509902022

Alex Bank
  Alex Bank

› Name : Ahmed Mohamed Hafez

› Branch :  Tanta

› EGP – Account No. : 303075879001

Banque Du Caire
  Alex Bank

› Name : Ahmed Mohamed Hafez

› Branch :  Tanta

› EGP – Account No. : 303075879001

Payment from Russia

Sber Bank

› Name : Хафез Ахмед Мохамед Хамди

› RUB – Card : 4279380640151801

› Mobile No : +79254880172

Tinkoff Bank
Tinkoff BANK

› Name : Хафез Ахмед Мохамед Хамди

› RUB – Card : 4377727806314881

› USD – Card : 4377727807749291

› Mobile No : +79254880172

VTB Bank

› Name : Хафез Ахмед Мохамед Хамди

› RUB – Card : 4893470215516219

› USD – Card : 5368290255292411

› Mobile No : +79254880172

International Payment

Banque Misr - BM
Banque Misr

› Name : Ahmed Mohamed Hafez

› Branch :  Qotor

› USD $ – Account No. : 2560203000000485

IBAN : EG96000202560203000000485

› SWIFT CODE : BMISEGCXxxx – Qotor Branch

National Bank of Egypt - NBE
National Bank of Egypt

› Name : Ahmed Mohamed Hafez

› Branch :  Qotor

› USD $ – Account No. : 4355001287509902022

IBAN : EG960003043550012875099020220

SWIFT CODE : NBEG EG CX435 – Qotor Branch

Swiss Bank


› USD – IBAN : CH3908843133381121010


These bank accounts belong to Dr. Ahmed Hafez directly and there are no financial transactions through any other accounts not mentioned on this page.
After the transfer process, please send a copy of the deposit to Dr. Ahmed Hafez directly on the WhatsApp number +79291290991

Warning of paramount importance: Dr. Ahmed Hafez is not responsible for any transfers made to any other accounts outside the ones mentioned on this page, even if they are financial transfers to one of the employees of the site’s online or offline team.

Direct contact methods

  Contact directly with our CEO, Dr. Ahmed Hafez through one of following methods :

› E-mail : [email protected]

› Phone : +2 01063 012 870 / +7 925 488 0172

› Whatsapp : +7 9888 69 77 43

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CIB Egypt       Banque Misr       ALEX Bank       National Bank of Egypt       Tinkoff Bank       Sber Bank       VTB Bank

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