Lomonosov University

Lomonsov Moscow State University

   Moscow                                 RANKING :    86          1

For preparation year, bachelor, master or transfer

The Faculty of Fundamental Medicine (FFM MGU) is currently one of the most dynamically developing structural divisions of Moscow University. The faculty is recognized as the best medical school in Russia according to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021, is included in the "golden league" of the best medical universities in the world according to the results of research by the Round University Ranking (RUR) group and the best Russian university in a group of specialties " Medicine” according to the QS World University Rankings. The main mission of the faculty is to train highly qualified medical specialists who are able to successfully solve clinical problems, develop medical science, combine high culture and civic responsibility for the health of Russian citizens.

admission price list

for academic year 2022 - 2023

By Russian Language By English language

455 000 RUB


By Russian Language By English language

455 000 RUB


By Russian Language By English language

455 000 RUB



›› USD / RUB rate : 1$ equal 70 RUB

All what you need to study in Russia, just is to have a high school diploma at any rate

  • High school diploma at any rate
  • Passport photocopy
  • Personal photo
  • World Rank
    Local Rank
    World Progress
    2022 2023
    Fees increase
    Fees in 2022 Fees in 2023

    Questions about admission and registration?

    You have a complaint or a suggestion!

    Contact directly with our CEO, Dr. Ahmed Hafez through one of following methods :

     › E-mail : [email protected]
     › Phone : +2 01063 012 870 / +7 925 488 0172
     › Whatsapp :
    +7 9888 69 77 43

    Data revision and supervision :

    Preparation year / $
    Hostel / $
    Medical Insurance / $

    Apply for Bachelor's Degree

    In all medical fields; Medicine, Dentistry & Pharmacy

    It takes about 1-2 months to be accepted

    Apply for Matser's Degree

    Available in Russian or English languages 

    Takes from 2-3 years according to your speciality

    Transfer to our university

    Only internal transfer is available from other Russian universities 

    External transfer from outside Russia not available .

    Apply for preparation year

    It takes a year learning Russian language & prepare  you in Biology & chemistry by Russian language

    Apply for faculty of General Medicine

    You can choose the language of study, Russian, English or French 
    Lasts for 6 years

    Apply for Faculty of dentistry

    You can choose the language of study, Russian, English or French 
    Lasts for 5 years

    Apply for faculty of pharmacy

    You can choose the language of study, Russian, English or French 
    Lasts for 5 years


    Average Rating

    5 Star
    4 Star
    3 Star
    2 Star
    1 Star

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