Speciality of study

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Pronunciation: vye ep’ teeGeneric name: eptinezumab-jjmrDosage form: injection single-dose vial (100 mg/mL)Drug class: CGRP inhibitors What is Vyepti? Vyepti (eptinezumab-jjmr) is used to prevent migraines and is given …

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How to Efficiently Study – 19 Tips You Can Implement Today

How to Efficiently Study – 19 Tips You Can Implement Today

Mundane ways of studying are no longer working. It is not enough to just memorise the material. You have to learn efficiently and smartly. This article will give you 19 tips on becoming a better student and creating an excellent studying strategy. Know why you should study Why should you study at all? That’s the dilemma almost everyone has faced in school.You should know why you are studying something and its practical implications. Or how…

Study Dentistry In Europe In English

Dentistry courses fully taught in English
Recognised by the WHO and listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools
DMD degree recognised by UK General Dental Council & Medical Councils worldwide
100% guaranteed acceptance into dental school
Affordable tuition fees & cost of living
Full ongoing support by doctors and students overseas

Why First-Year Entry Into Medical Education In Europe


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Why Study Dentistry in Europe in English?

Applying for dentistry in your home country can be challenging. Education is expensive, and admission requirements are very high. Even if you are eligible for entry into a dental course, there’s no guarantee that you’ll be accepted. Thousands of students apply for dentistry every year, and unfortunately, not all get in.

This is why many students choose to study dentistry or medicine in English in Europe.

Applying for a Doctor of Dental Medicine degree overseas is simple. Мany applicants prefer to study dentistry abroad in English rather than in the UK or their home countries. More often than not, it’s significantly more affordable as well. Not only that but after 5 or 6 years of study, you gain your Master’s Degree in dentistry and can work anywhere in the world!

A dentistry degree in the EU or the European Economic Area will be recognised in the UK, the US, Canada, Australia, Ireland, and globally. The boundary for entry is significantly lower. Those who have unfortunately failed their exams or have received lower than expected grades due to some unforeseen circumstances can rest easy in knowing that there’s always a way to do the degree of their dreams.

Settling into the country of your choice and having a life abroad is an enlightening experience. You’ll gain a lot from meeting new people and sampling different cultures, as well as meeting like-minded students who will be more than happy to help out. You’ll end up paying less for rent and other necessities and living a more comfortable life without student debts.

Entry Requirements for Dentistry in Europe

European universities do not have a unified admission system. Many dental schools on the continent have devised their own entry requirements designed to target and attract the best possible applicants.

The two mandatory qualifications for all universities are secondary education and proficiency in English. Still, most schools offer a combination of the following entry requirements:

  • Biology and Chemistry knowledge at the high school level
  • High school diploma/GCSE/A-levels
  • Multiple choice questions exam in Biology and Chemistry
  • English language proficiency
  • Online interview
  • Personal statement

How Much Does It Cost to Study Dentistry in Europe?

Tuition fees on the continent range from €3,800 to over €30,000 per academic year. The difference in prices comes mainly from the economic state of the countries and the various fiscal rules they observe. Nonetheless, the cost of studying dentistry in Europe can be very advantageous for international students.

However, there are a few easy rules to illustrate the geographical distribution of prices. The further East you go, the lower the tuition fees get. Moreover, when you move to the North, prices get higher. Here is what these rules look like in numbers:

  • The most affordable is Georgia, with tuition fees starting from €3,800 per year
  • Average prices are between €5,000 and €14,000 in Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, and Poland
  • The most expensive are countries in Western Europe, such as Italy and Germany, with prices starting from €20,000

Where Are The Dentistry Degrees Recognised?

The DMD degree you obtain from a European medical school will be recognised worldwide as they follow the highest education standards. You can start to practise as a dentist right after graduation.

The General Dental Council in the UK and the Irish Dental Council require international graduates to have at least 1600 hours of clinical experience as part of their study programme. Every dental school overseas meets this requirement. You will automatically qualify to take the Overseas Registration Exam (ORE).

All European dental schools are listed on the World Directory of Medical Schools and recognised by the World Health Organisation. This means that the USA and Canada will accept your degree and grant you the right to apply for licensure.

To register in Australia, you must have passed a dental degree that includes at least 4 years of full-time academic study, and dental degrees in Europe are either 5 or 6 years long.

Structure of Dentistry Courses In Europe

The courses are generally split into pre-clinical and clinical years. The first couple of years of study focuses more on fundamental knowledge such as Anatomy, Biochemistry, and Physiology.

The clinical years are more practical-based. Here is where you’ll gain experience and try out the technical knowledge you’ve learned at dentistry universities abroad. You will interact with patients and treat their dental problems daily.

After your studies, you can work anywhere in the world! This is a popular option for students looking to follow their dreams of studying dentistry but, due to unfortunate circumstances (or even a large volume of applicants for a small number of places), cannot do so. There’s always a way in the end!

Sometimes you might end up in a better position than if you had just let that opportunity pass you. There are hundreds if not thousands, of students who make the jump and aim for their goals with relative ease. That could be you, after all.

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What does it mean to study abroad?

“Study abroad” is a chance to pursue your college studies in a foreign country. Students attend lectures or carry out research at a foreign university or through their home university’s study-abroad program. Participants typically live in a residence hall, apartment, or with a local family through a homestay.

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