
What is syphilis? Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that can cause serious health problems if left untreated. However, it’s easy to cure if found early. In Australia, rates of syphilis are higher among: men who have sex with men Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people living in remote places However, in recent years rates of syphilis have also been going up in: heterosexual males females What are the symptoms of syphilis? Some people with syphilis have no symptoms. This is why it’s important to be tested regularly. The symptoms of syphilis depend on the stage of infection. There are 4

Syndrome X

Metabolic syndrome What is metabolic syndrome? Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of risk factors that together increase a person’s risk of stroke, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. These risk factors are: high blood pressure excess abdominal weight low levels of ‘good’ cholesterol (HDL cholesterol) insulin resistance, where your cells don’t respond to insulin and your blood sugar levels rise Metabolic syndrome is also known as syndrome X or insulin-resistance syndrome. People with metabolic syndrome have 2 to 3 times the risk of having a heart attack and stroke, type 2 diabetes or chronic kidney disease than people without the condition. Metabolic syndrome affects many adults in

Symptoms of serious illness in babies and children

When should I see a doctor? Most illnesses in babies and children are mild and do not need medical treatment. But if you suspect something more serious, you should seek medical attention. You know your child best. If you are worried, take them to see a doctor. There are general features of a serious illness that should prompt you to see a doctor urgently. These include: severe pain that wakes your child from sleep fever or pain without a clear cause pain that is getting worse pain accompanied by other symptoms such as a fever, vomiting or diarrhoea your child has a fever and

Swollen or painful testicle

What causes swollen or painful testicles? Scrotal swelling or pain could be caused by many things, including: an injury an infection such as mumps and other causes. Epididymitis is one of the most common causes of scrotal pain in men a cyst — fluid-filled sac that can feel like a small, hard lump when touched. Cysts are usually harmless testicular cancer testicular torsion. This happens when a testicle twists in the scrotum and cuts off the blood supply, and causes swelling. This is a medical emergency — unless the condition is treated quickly, the testicle can die problems with the nerves, arteries or veins, such

Swollen glands

What are swollen lymph nodes? Lymph nodes, also known as lymph glands or just ‘glands’, are part of the lymphatic system, which fights infection. Lymph nodes filter impurities from the lymph, which is a type of body fluid. Glands in many different parts of the body can become swollen, but you’re more likely to feel them in your neck, armpits or groin. You may have swollen glands in only one area of your body or in many different parts of your body at the same time. Swollen lymph nodes are also known as lymphadenopathy. What causes swollen lymph nodes? There

Swimming safety (beach)

  The beach The beach is one of Australia’s most recognisable and enjoyable features. Here’s how to enjoy a day at the beach safely and help prevent accidents or injuries. If you get into trouble, save your energy by floating on your back. Try and stay calm. This will ensure you have the energy to stay afloat until help arrives. Who are lifeguards and lifesavers? Lifeguards and lifesavers are trained to supervise beachgoers. They provide advice about beach conditions. You should note what uniform the lifesaving service at your beach is wearing. This will help you know who to look


Health benefits of swimming What are the health benefits of swimming? Swimming is a great, low-impact sport. It is usually suitable for all ages and fitness levels if you know how to swim properly. Swimming can help people recovering from injury. Swimming has 4 main ‘strokes’: freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly. If you are a capable swimmer, you can swim on your own, or in a team or squad. It offers a few health benefits. Fitness: if you swim fast, swimming can be a high-intensity workout that helps get you fit. It burns kilojoules, increases your heart rate and improves your ability to exercise longer.

Swimmer’s ear

What is swimmer’s ear? Swimmer’s ear is an infection of the skin of the outer ear canal, and is also known as otitis externa. This type of infection is very common and affects all age groups. It usually gets better quickly with treatment. What are the symptoms of swimmer’s ear? The symptoms of swimmer’s ear can include: pain in the outer part of the ear — this may range from slightly uncomfortable to severe pain that feel worse when you chew itchiness a squelching or popping sensation when you move your ear or jaw a feeling of pressure or fullness in

Swelling in groin

Groin pain or swelling The most common causes of groin pain or swelling are swollen glands, a groin injury or groin strain or a hernia. If your groin pain or swelling doesn’t improve in a few days, you should see your doctor. What are swollen glands? Swollen glands or lymph nodes usually mean you’re fighting an infection. If the glands in your groin are swollen, you might have an infection or inflamed area in your leg. Swollen glands usually get better by themselves, but if they don’t go away or you are in discomfort, see your doctor. How does a groin injury or groin strain

Swelling (in joints)

Joint pain and swelling What is joint pain and swelling? Swollen joints happen when there is fluid in the tissues around the joints. It can be very uncomfortable and can make it difficult to move the affected joints. In some cases, swelling may cause affected joints to increase in size or appear to be an odd shape. Joint pain and swelling can affect more than one joint at a time. The most common joints to be affected by pain and swelling are elbows, wrists, shoulders, the base of the spine, knuckles in the hand, hips, knees or ankles. Acute and

Swedish massage

What is Swedish massage? Swedish massage is one of the most popular forms of massage therapy. It’s usually used to: help people to relax release tension from your muscles improve your joint range of motion The techniques used in Swedish massage are usually designed to help blood return to your heart. This helps to improve your circulation (blood flow). What does a Swedish massage involve? Swedish massage involves: rubbing and kneading your muscles placing pressure on your muscles and bones compression and vibration of your muscles tapping your muscles moving your joints The most common strokes used during a Swedish

Sweats (night)

Night sweats What are night sweats? If you wake up with your pyjamas and sheets soaked with perspiration, even when it’s not hot or you don’t have too many blankets on the bed, you may be having night sweats. Anyone can have night sweats, no matter your gender or age. What causes night sweats? There are many causes of night sweats. Most are not serious. In some cases, night sweats are a sign of a medical condition. In others, they may be caused by a medicine that you are taking. The most common causes of night sweats are related to

Sweating (excessive)

Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) What is excessive sweating? Excessive or uncontrollable sweating, also known as hyperhidrosis, can be very distressing and embarrassing, but it’s quite common. Around 3 in every 100 Australians have excessive sweating, meaning they sweat a lot for no apparent reason, even when they are not hot or doing physical activity. If you have this condition, you might sweat so much it soaks through your clothes. If you live with hyperhidrosis and your condition bothers you, you can get help. Treatments can help lessen the impact of excessive sweating on your life. There are 2 types of excessive

Swallowed substance (swallowed)

Key facts Common household and garden products can be swallowed by accident. If you suspect that someone has taken an overdose of medicine or has swallowed a poisonous substance, get medical help immediately — this is an emergency. Store all medicines, chemicals and cleaning products in a high, locked cupboard out of sight and reach of children to prevent poisoning in children. If you suspect that the poisoning was not the result of an accident and that it was done on purpose, seek help from a healthcare professional as soon as possible. Which substances often get swallowed? Common household and

Swallowed object (swallowed accidentally)

Key facts Sometimes people accidentally swallow something they shouldn’t. Some swallowed objects can progress through the body without a problem and can pass in stools (poo), but some objects can be very dangerous if they are swallowed. Objects that are particularly dangerous when swallowed including button batteries — these can cause serious injury or death. Other objects that are very dangerous to swallow include large and sharp objects, magnets and objects made of lead. What is a swallowed object? A swallowed object usually refers to an item that you should not have swallowed. Healthcare professionals may call it a suspected

Surgical and medical abortions

Abortion – surgical and medical options What is abortion? An abortion (also known as termination) is the medical process of ending a pregnancy, so it does not result in the birth of a baby. I think I am pregnant with an unplanned pregnancy. What should I do? If you think you are pregnant, the first thing to do is take a pregnancy test. You can do this by visiting your doctor or buying a test from a pharmacy or supermarket. The sooner you do this the better. If you are pregnant, you can work out the stage of your pregnancy by calculating the number of days since

Surgery for tennis elbow

What is tennis elbow? Tennis elbow is caused by wear and tear of the tendons on the outside of your elbow, causing pain, stiffness and, sometimes, weakness. What are the benefits of surgery? 9 in 10 people heal within a year without surgery. The main benefit of surgery is to get relief from the symptoms more quickly. Are there any alternatives to surgery? Resting your elbow when you have symptoms and not doing the activities that cause pain will treat the condition but it can take up to 2 years to recover fully. Physiotherapy can help you to recover more quickly. Some

Surgery for rectal cancer

What is rectal cancer? Rectal cancer is a harmful growth that starts in the wall of your rectum, which is the final part of your large bowel just before your anus. Surgery for rectal cancer involves removing the cancer along with part of your rectum either side of it. What are the benefits of surgery? The aim is to remove the cancer along with part of your bowel either side of it. If the cancer is small, it may be possible for it to be removed without removing part of your bowel. Are there any alternatives to surgery for rectal

Surgery for problems of the small toes

What problems can happen to the small toes? There are 3 main problems that can happen to the small toes. Deformity — Change in the shape of a toe. Pain in your toe joints. Metatarsalgia — Pain in the ball of your foot. Toe deformities, such as claw toe and hammer toe, happen when the tendons that move your toes get too tight or out of balance. The toe can rub on other toes and on the inside of your shoe, causing pressure and pain. Inflammatory arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis can damage your toe joints and this may make them come

Surgery for pilonidal sinus

What is a pilonidal sinus? A pilonidal sinus is a problem in your natal cleft (the area between your buttocks) that can cause infection. Hairs can grow in your natal cleft, or loose hairs can fall and collect in your natal cleft. Hairs carry bacteria, which can cause inflammation and infection. An abscess (a collection of pus) can form or the pus can drain through a tunnel (sinus) out to your skin. A pilonidal sinus. What are the benefits of surgery? Surgery is the most dependable way to remove the pilonidal sinus and pockets of infection. Are there any alternatives

Surgery for large hiatus hernia

What is a hiatus hernia? Your oesophagus passes from your chest into your abdominal cavity through a small gap (hiatus) in your diaphragm. Normally the hiatus is the right size to allow the oesophagus to pass into the abdomen while keeping your stomach in your abdominal cavity. If the gap is too big, the top of your stomach, and in severe cases the whole of your stomach and other organs, can pass through the gap into your chest. What are the benefits of surgery? Surgery should completely resolve or significantly relieve some or all of your symptoms. If acid reflux

Surgery for ingrowing toenail (child)

What is an ingrowing toenail? An ingrowing toenail happens when the toenail grows into the skin around it. The skin can get damaged, causing infection and pain. The most common cause of an ingrowing toenail is not cutting your child’s toenails properly, by cutting them too short or down the sides of the toenail. Wearing shoes that do not have enough width to fit the toes in their natural position can also cause an ingrowing toenail. What are the benefits of surgery? Your child should no longer have infection and pain. An ingrown toenail. Are there any alternatives to surgery? Try to

Surgery for ingrowing toenail (adult)

What is an ingrowing toenail? An ingrowing toenail happens when your toenail grows into the skin around it. The skin can get damaged, causing infection and pain. The problem usually happens to your big toe. The most common cause of an ingrowing toenail is not cutting your toenails properly, by cutting them too short or down the sides of your toenail. Wearing shoes that do not have enough width to fit your toes in their natural position can also cause an ingrowing toenail. An ingrown toenail. What are the benefits of surgery? You should no longer have infection and pain. Are there

Surgery for diverticular disease

What is diverticular disease? Diverticular disease is the name given to a condition where pouches form in the lining of your colon (large bowel). Most people with diverticular disease have few, if any, symptoms. However, a small proportion do have enough problems to need surgery to remove the affected portion of their bowel. Diverticular disease is probably caused by too little fibre in the diet over many years. This results in high pressure within your bowel as your bowel tries to squeeze a relatively low volume of solid matter towards your back passage. The pressure causes the wall of your bowel

Surgery for de Quervain’s disease

What is de Quervain’s disease? De Quervain’s disease causes pain when you move your wrist and thumb, and usually a tender swelling at the base of your thumb. The two tendons that move your thumb usually glide freely through a tight tunnel (sheath) at the base of your thumb. If the fibrous roof of the tunnel thickens, the tunnel becomes too tight, usually resulting in pain when you move your wrist and thumb. The pain is usually worse when your thumb is extended. Sometimes your wrist and thumb may feel stiff and your thumb may lock slightly when you move

Surgery for benign scrotal lumps

What is a benign scrotal lump? A benign scrotal lump is a lump in your scrotum that is not caused by cancer. There are 3 types of benign scrotal lump. A hydrocele is a build-up of fluid around a testicle. An epididymal cyst is a collection of fluid in the epididymis (a tube-like structure that stores sperm). A sperm granuloma is a small painful swelling caused by sperm sometimes leaking following a vasectomy. a) A normal testicleb) A hydrocele What are the benefits of surgery? If the lump is large, surgery will ease any discomfort you may have and make it easier for

Surgery for anal fistula

What is an anal fistula? An anal fistula is an abnormal connection between the lining on the inside of your anal canal (back passage) and the skin near your anus. Most anal fistulas are caused by an abscess (a collection of pus) that has developed in your anal canal. The pus can drain away onto your skin on its own or by an operation. A fistula happens when the track made by the pus on the way to the surface of your skin stays open. What are the benefits of surgery? You should no longer have any infection or pain.

Surgery (questions to ask before)

Questions to ask before surgery Whether or not to have surgery is a big decision. No matter how much advice you get, ultimately the decision is yours. Asking your doctor plenty of questions can help guide you towards making the right decision. Do I really need this surgery? It’s a good idea to know exactly how the surgery might help you. For example, if it’s surgery on your leg, you could ask your GP and your surgeon: Will the surgery make your leg feel less painful? Will the surgery make walking easier? Be clear about what the benefits might be.

Surgery (preparing for)

Preparing for surgery Choosing your surgeon It can be hard to choose a surgeon. You want to find a person who has all the technical skills you need. You also need to find someone who listens well and can talk to you about any concerns you have. You could ask your doctor who is the best surgeon to do my operation? And why? You could ask your surgeon about their experience doing this surgery. If it’s their first time, you should know that. It’s a good idea to ask your surgeon: How many times have you done this operation? What results


Key facts Sunscreen is a cream or lotion used to help protect your skin from the damaging effects of the sun. Sunscreen should be applied 20 minutes before going out into the sun and should be reapplied every 2 hours. Use sunscreen that is SPF 30 or above, broad spectrum and waterproof whenever the UV radiation level is at 3 or above. Apply generous amounts of sunscreen to any part of your body that is exposed to the sun. See your doctor if you notice any skin changes that may suggest a skin cancer. What is sunscreen? Sunscreen is a

Sunburn and sun protection

What is sunburn? Sunburn is damage to the skin caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Too much UV radiation causes the skin to become hot, red and painful. Skin that has been sunburnt turns red within hours. The sunburn will continue to develop for the next 1 to 3 days. Most people who have been sunburnt also peel, which is the body’s way of shedding dead and damaged skin cells and making way for the new skin underneath. How is sunburn caused? UV radiation causes the skin to make more of a pigment called melanin to protect itself. This

Summer rashes

During summer, many Australians participate in outdoor activities. Many people also get rashes. These rashes can be caused by: heat rash (or prickly heat) sunburn and sunlight bites and stings sweating a lot Allergies and pre-existing skin conditions can also get worse during summer. Babies are especially prone to skin rashes because their skin is often more sensitive. Types of summer rash There are several different types of skin rashes; here are some that are more likely to happen during summer. Heat rash or prickly heat Heat rash or prickly heat is caused by a blockage and inflammation of your sweat ducts. This can be made worse

Suicide warning signs

What is suicide? Suicide is the act of deliberately ending your own life. More than 65,000 Australians attempt suicide each year, and 3,139 Australians died by suicide in 2020. In Australia, suicide is the leading cause of death among people aged between 15 and 49 years old. Suicidal behaviour can range from thinking about suicide (often referred to as ‘suicide ideation’), to making plans then attempting suicide and, in the most tragic cases, death by suicide. What are the risk factors for suicide? Suicide is complex, and there are many factors that might lead a person to experience suicidal thoughts or behaviours.

Suicidal thoughts

Are you experiencing suicidal thoughts? What are suicidal thoughts? Suicidal thoughts are thoughts about wanting to end your life. You might be thinking about the ways you might end your life, or the emotional pain you’re feeling. If you are having suicidal thoughts, you are not alone — 3% of Australians have considered suicide in the past 12 months. Remember — help is at hand. Why do I feel like this? Finding yourself thinking about suicide can be frightening. You might feel alone, and like nobody can understand what you’re going through. It may help to know that lots of people


What is sugar? A sugar is a type of carbohydrate. Like other carbohydrates, sugars are a source of energy for your body. Sugars can occur naturally in foods or be added to foods and drinks. Naturally-occurring sugars include lactose in milk, fructose in fruit and honey, glucose in fruits and vegetables, and maltose in wheat and barley. Added sugars is the name given to sugars that are added to a food by the person or manufacturer preparing it. Sugars are added by manufacturers for many reasons — including to make food taste sweeter, extend its shelf life or improve its appearance. There is no

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

What is sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI)? Sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) is a term used to describe the sudden and unexpected death of a baby that is less than 12 months old. It is used when the cause is not immediately obvious. Investigations after death can explain some deaths. These may be due to: accidental death smothering by bedclothes infection metabolic disorders genetic disorders non-accidental injury Sometimes these deaths happen because a baby has suffocated or been trapped by things in their sleep environment. This is called a fatal sleeping accident. When no cause for the death

Substance abuse

What is substance abuse? Substance abuse involves overuse (often to dangerous levels) of alcohol, tobacco or other drugs. Substance abuse can also be called substance use disorder. Substance use disorders are when use of a substance: is heavy is prolonged creates personal or social problems Around 1 in 20 Australians has an addiction or substance abuse problem. It can result in changes and long-term damage to your brain and other organs. What substances are commonly abused? Commonly abused substances in Australia are tobacco and alcohol. Smoking is the main cause of preventable death and disease in Australia. About 1 in

Subdural haematoma

What is a subdural haematoma? A subdural haematoma is a collection of blood between the surface of the brain and the skull. It is an emergency condition that can result from a head injury. Subdural haematoma types Subdural haematomas are classified according to the length of time since the event that caused them. They can be: acute (less than 2 days) subacute (2 to 14 days) chronic (more than 14 days) Some people with chronic subdural haematoma have had only a mild head injury or no head injury that they can recall. What are the symptoms of a subdural haematoma?


What is a stye? A stye (hordeolum) is a small, painful lump on the outside or inside of your eyelid. Styes often look like pimples. A stye may be a different colour to the rest of your skin due to swelling. If a stye eye has a white spot in the middle, this means there is pus inside. The stye may feel sore and tender. It may cause your eye to water. Chalazion cysts are another type of lump that can be found on the eyelid. These are not painful. What causes a stye? Styes are quite common. They are caused


Stuttering is a speech disorder that stops someone from speaking fluently. Most children who stutter recover naturally, but it can be a lifelong condition for some people. Different treatments and programs can help people who stutter to improve their speech. These treatments are most effective if started during the pre-school years. What is stuttering? Stuttering is a speech disorder that affects the flow of speech. A person who stutters knows what they want to say, but they can’t get the words out in the right way when they want to say them. About 1 in 100 Australians stutter. The condition


What is a stroke? A stroke occurs when the blood supply to a part of your brain is suddenly reduced. This prevents your brain from getting oxygen and other nutrients from your blood. Your brain needs a continuous supply of oxygen and nutrients from your blood. Without oxygen or nutrients, your brain cells die and the affected area can suffer permanent damage. There are 2 main reasons for reduced blood supply: a blood clot a bleed One in 4 people with have a stroke in their lifetime. What are the symptoms of a stroke? You can remember the main symptoms of

Stress relief and relaxation

Relaxation techniques for stress relief How are relaxation techniques beneficial? Stress causes your nervous system to release hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, which can help your body respond to challenging situations. But if you feel stressed for a long time, they can cause you to feel overwhelmed, exhausted or like you aren’t coping. Ongoing — or, chronic — stress is associated with some mental health conditions. It can also cause physical symptoms like high blood pressure, headaches, insomnia and a weakened immune system. Relaxation techniques can help you manage stress and improve your wellbeing. When can relaxation techniques help me? Relaxation techniques can be used

Stress in young people

What is stress? Stress is a normal and healthy part of our nervous system. However, too much stress can be difficult to manage and become problematic. Everyone experiences stress for different reasons. This can vary for different generations. Research has shown that stress in teenagers and young adults is higher than in older Australians. The good news is that most of us can usually manage the stress caused by issues with relationships, finances, and health. Stress is a natural human response to the pressure you feel from challenging or dangerous situations. In healthy amounts, it motivates us to respond to the challenging thing.


What is stress? Stress is a common and normal physical response to challenging or new situations. Stress has both mental and physical aspects. When you are stressed, your body releases stress hormones such as adrenaline. This brings on physical changes in your body, which help you respond to the stressful situation. While everyone will feel stress at times, each person’s experience will be different. Knowing what makes you stressed and how you respond to different challenges in life will help you manage stressful periods. The body’s stress response, also called the ‘fight or flight’ response, is a helpful way your body has adapted

Streptococcal disease

Group A streptococcal disease What is group A streptococcal infection? Group A streptococcus, also known as strep A or by the abbreviation GAS, is a type of bacteria often found in the throat and on the skin. Group A streptococcal infections commonly cause sore throats, also known as strep throat. This type of bacteria can be the cause of a rash sometimes known as scarlet fever and skin infections such as impetigo and cellulitis. In rare cases the bacteria can also cause a severe, life-threatening infection known as invasive group A streptococcal disease (iGAS). Two of the most severe forms of iGAS are necrotising fasciitis (sometimes called

Strep throat

What is strep throat? Strep throat is a contagious infection of the throat. It’s common in school-age children aged 5 to 10 years. What causes strep throat? Most sore throats are caused by viruses, but some are caused by bacteria called streptococcus pyogenes. Streptococcus pyogenes can be spread from person to person very easily. You can catch strep throat through contact with droplets, which are made when an infected person: talks coughs sneezes What are the symptoms of strep throat? The symptoms of a strep throat infection last around 7 days. They may include: sore, red throat and tonsils that make it painful to

Strength training for beginners

Key facts Strength training is any form of exercise involving weights or resistance. Strength training builds strength in your muscles and protects your bones and joints. This type of training should be part of your weekly exercise program. Strength training reduces your risk of heart disease, diabetes and improves your mental health and wellbeing. Seek advice from a doctor or an exercise professional before you start strength training. What is strength training? Strength training is any form of exercise that involves using weights or resistance to build strength in your muscles. Strength training is also known as resistance training. Strength training involves you

Stranger danger

Keeping your kids safe Most crimes against children are not committed by a stranger but by someone they know. It is important to teach your child how to recognise suspicious behaviour – from both strangers and people they know – and what to do about it. Protective behaviour for children Parents are often worried about ‘stranger danger’. But this is only a small part of keeping children safe from people who want to hurt them. More than 8 in 10 crimes against children are committed by someone they know, even relatives or friends. There are also dangers online. Young children may

Strains and sprains

What are sprains and strains? Sprains and strains are injuries to soft tissue. Soft tissues connect, support and surround bones and organs in our bodies. The most common soft tissues injured are ligaments, muscles, and tendons. What are the differences between a sprain and strain? A sprain is a stretched or torn ligament, which is the soft tissue that connects two bones together at a joint. Common areas for sprains are the ankles, knees and wrists. A strain is a stretched or torn muscle or tendon (the soft tissue that connects muscle to bone). What are the symptoms of sprains


Natural disasters What is a natural disaster? Natural disasters in Australia can include: heatwaves and bushfires droughts floods severe storms and tropical cyclones earthquakes tsunamis landslides Natural disasters can be tough on people, their communities and even lead to loss of life. Here are some tips for getting ready and how to cope during and after extreme weather events. How can I prepare for a natural disaster? Emergencies can happen at any time without warning. The Australian Red Cross has an emergency REDiPlan, which you can download and fill out, or download their Get Prepared app. It outlines 4 steps to prepare your household for an

Stool tests

What is a stool test? Stool tests examine samples of poo (also called faeces or bowel motions). Stool samples can be tested in the laboratory in a variety of ways, depending on why you are doing the test. These tests are sometimes called faecal tests. Why might I need to have a stool test? There are many different reasons why you might be recommended to have a stool test, such as: to find the reason for an infection to check if you have inflammatory bowel disease to check if you are absorbing food properly to see if you might have bowel cancer

Stool changes

Although stools (faeces or poo) can vary, you should pay attention to what your stools look like. This will help you notice if your stools change. Stool changes in adults can suggest a medical condition and may need further investigation by your doctor. What are stool changes? Normally, stools are soft, sausage-shaped and easy to pass. It should take about a minute to empty your bowel. Changes to take note of might include the time it takes to empty your bowels, seeing blood or worms in your stools, or changes in: colour texture shape frequency Changes in stool colour In adults, stools

Stomach ulcers

What is a stomach ulcer? Stomach ulcers are open, inflamed sores in the lining of your stomach. They are also known as gastric ulcers. Ulcers can also occur in the upper part of the small intestine — these are known as duodenal ulcers. Together, stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers are known as peptic ulcers. What causes stomach ulcers? The most common causes of stomach ulcers are: Helicobacter pylori ( H. pylori) — a type of bacteria non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs), such as aspirin and ibuprofen What are the symptoms of a stomach ulcer? The most common symptom is pain in the upper abdomen (tummy area) just below

Stomach pain

Abdominal pain What is abdominal pain? Abdominal pain is pain felt anywhere in the area between the bottom of the ribs and the pelvis. Most Australians will experience abdominal pain at some point in their lives. Abdominal pain can be serious, but most abdominal pain gets better on its own without needing any special treatment. People sometimes refer to abdominal pain as stomach pain, stomach ache, stomach cramps, tummy pain, sore stomach, wind pain or belly ache. Pain or discomfort in the abdomen can be mild or severe. It may come on suddenly (acute); it could be something that you

Stomach cancer (treatment options)

What is stomach cancer? Stomach cancer is a harmful growth that starts in the wall of your stomach. A cancer in the upper part of your stomach can prevent food from going down, making it difficult for you to swallow or giving the feeling of food sticking. Effective treatment may help to control the cancer and improve your symptoms. Your doctor can mark where the cancer is. How can stomach cancer be treated? Surgery to remove the cancer and part of or all your stomach. Your bowel is used to join the ends together, allowing you to eat and drink normally.

Stomach cancer

What is stomach cancer? Stomach cancer is a condition of abnormal cell growth in your stomach. The stomach is part of the body’s digestive system and is located in your upper abdomen. The 2 main types of stomach cancer are: gastric adenocarcinoma (gastric cancer) — the most common type gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST) Stomach cancer is a relatively common cancer in Australia. It is rarely diagnosed in people aged under 60 years of age and affects more males than females. What are the symptoms of stomach cancer? Some people have stomach cancer without having any symptoms at all. Some people get symptoms such as:

Stoma (living with)

What is a stoma? When an illness involves the removal of a section of your bowel or bladder, your surgeon may need to form a hole in your abdomen called a stoma (sometimes referred to as an ‘ostomy’). The stoma opening is used to remove bodily waste — faeces (‘poo’) or urine, in the case of a urostomy — into a small collection bag. Your stoma will look moist and pinkish-red and will protrude slightly from a circular hole in your abdomen. Your stoma may be swollen to begin with, but usually reduces in size over time. You shouldn’t feel

STIs screening tests

What are STIs? Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), previously known as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), are infections that you can pass to your partner during sexual activity. There are several different types of STI. They may cause symptoms, but you can also have an STI without noticing any symptoms. STIs often cause health problems if left untreated. Common STIs include: chlamydia gonorrhoea syphilis genital herpes hepatitis B HIV. These infections are caused by a bacteria or virus. If left untreated, some STIs can affect your long-term health and/or fertility. Am I at risk of STIs? STIs can be passed through vaginal, oral or

Stings and bites (sea creatures)

  Sea creature bites and stings If you are bitten or stung by a sea creature, the best first aid treatment depends on the creature involved. Sea creature bites and stings can cause a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) in some people. Learn more about first aid treatment for severe allergic reactions in the ‘anaphylaxis’ section below. Box jellyfish, Irukandji and other tropical stingers Tropical stingers (jellyfish) live in tropical waters around Australia’s coastline north of Bundaberg in Queensland through to Geraldton in Western Australia. The most dangerous are the box jellyfish and Irukandji. The stinger season usually peaks from November

Stinging plants

There are several stinging plants in Australia that can cause pain if your skin touches them. This article explains the best first aid treatment if this happens, depending on the type of stinging plant. It’s important to be aware that stings from plants can cause a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) in some people. Learn more about first aid treatment for severe allergic reactions in the ‘anaphylaxis’ section below. What are stinging nettles? Stinging nettles (Urtica dioica, Urtica incisa, Urtica urens) are plants that are commonly regarded as weeds in Australia. Stinging nettles are often found in damp areas. They grow

Sticky eye (conjunctivitis)

beginning of content Conjunctivitis (pink eye) What is conjunctivitis? Conjunctivitis, sometimes known as ‘pink eye’ or ‘sticky eye’, is a common condition where the white part of the eye becomes pink or red. One or both eyes may be watery, sore or itchy, sometimes with sticky white or yellow discharge. This is due to inflammation of the eye’s clear outer layer (known as the conjuctiva) and the inside of the eyelid. Allergic conjunctivitis may be seasonal, or triggered by specific allergens, for example, pollen or animal dander. Viral and bacterial conjunctivitis can be highly contagious and it is important that

Steroids (anabolic)

What are anabolic steroids? Anabolic steroids are synthetic (human-made) medicines that are similar to the male hormone testosterone. Their scientific name is anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS). They usually come in the form of an oral tablet, but may also be available as a gel or liquid. Anabolic steroids are different from corticosteroids, which are medicines used to treat conditions such as arthritis or asthma. Both are sometimes simply called ‘steroids’, which can be confusing. While anabolic steroids can be prescribed for medical purposes, some people may use them illegally and take them to improve their performance in sport, their appearance or their body image. When used for

Stem cells

What are stem cells? Stem cells are ‘unspecialised’ cells in the body that have the potential to develop into ‘specialised’ cell types (e.g. blood cells, muscle cells, nerve cells) that have been lost through illness or injury. Stem cells are being researched for their potential to treat various medical conditions, but this research is still at the early stages. In most cases, their use is controversial. How do stem cells work? Stem cells can help with the growth or repair of body tissues. There are different types, including: adult stem cells, which replace damaged tissue cells embryonic stem cells (from

Staying healthy when you have a heart condition

  How do I stay healthy? If you have a heart condition, it is important to stay as healthy as possible. You can look after your heart by having a healthy lifestyle. It is never too late to start. To keep your heart healthy, it is important to: eat a healthy diet do physical activity quit smoking understand and control your cholesterol levels understand and control high blood pressure see your doctor regularly for a heart health check You can read more on the Heart Foundation website or call them on 13 11 12. What is a healthy diet? A healthy diet is one that includes a variety of


Key facts Statins are a group of prescription medicines used to lower cholesterol — there are many examples, including atorvastatin, rosuvastatin, simvastatin and pravastatin. They reduce how much cholesterol your body produces, so it doesn’t build up in your blood vessels. Statins can lower your risk of a heart attack or stroke and are recommended for anyone who is at high risk. To lower your risk, it’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle as well as taking statins. With statins, there is a small risk of diabetes and a very small risk of serious muscle problems. What are statins? Statins

Staph infections (skin)

What are staph skin infections? Staph bacteria are often found on your skin or in your nose. Even healthy people can have staph bacteria on their skin. It usually doesn’t cause any problems. A staph infection of the skin happens when staphylococcus bacteria gets inside your body and affects your skin. Examples of staph skin infections are wound infection cellulitis staphylococcus scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) impetigo What are the symptoms of a staph skin infection? The symptoms of staph skin infections can range from mild to serious. Wound infections Wounds happen when the skin is broken from a graze, cut, insect bite

Staph infections (invasive)

What is an invasive staph infection? Invasive staphylococcus aureus (staph) infections happen when bacteria get inside your body. Staph bacteria are often found on your skin or in your nose. Even healthy people can have staph bacteria on their skin. It usually doesn’t cause any problems. Invasive staph infection happens when staph bacteria get inside your body. If bacteria get into your blood stream or lungs it can be very serious. Invasive staph infections are not as common as staph skin infections. Some sicknesses or conditions can mean a higher risk of getting an invasive staph infection. Such as people who

Staph infections

Key facts Staphylococcus (staph) bacteria are a common type of bacteria, which don’t usually cause any harm. There are many different types of staph infection. Your symptoms will depend on the type of infection that you’ve got. Most staph skin infections are treated with antibiotic medicine. Good hygiene can help prevent staph infections. What is a staph infection? Staphylococcus (staph) bacteria cause staph infections. Staph bacteria are a common type of bacteria. They don’t usually cause any harm. They’re also known as ‘golden staph’. There are different types of staph bacteria. Staph bacteria are often found on your skin or


What is the stapes bone? The stapes bone is the innermost of the three hearing bones in your middle ear. The bones (ossicles) move together, transferring sound waves from your eardrum (tympanic membrane) to your inner ear. Sometimes the stapes bone can get stuck, and locks in place. This decreases the sound being carried across to your inner ear (conductive hearing loss). The problem is usually caused by otosclerosis, a condition that causes the stapes bone and bony capsule of your inner ear to thicken. The problem can also be caused by brittle bone disease. What are the benefits of

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) What is squamous cell carcinoma? Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is one of the most common forms of skin cancer. SCC is not as dangerous as melanoma, but it can spread to other parts of your body if not treated. Every year, people in Australia die from aggressive SCCs. What are the types of squamous cell carcinoma? Squamous cell carcinoma develops when the flat cells in the top layer of your skin (called squamous cells) grow and divide in an uncontrolled way. You can get SCC wherever you have squamous cells — which is in many different parts

Sprains and strains

What are sprains and strains? Sprains and strains are injuries to soft tissue. Soft tissues connect, support and surround bones and organs in our bodies. The most common soft tissues injured are ligaments, muscles, and tendons. What are the differences between a sprain and strain? A sprain is a stretched or torn ligament, which is the soft tissue that connects two bones together at a joint. Common areas for sprains are the ankles, knees and wrists. A strain is a stretched or torn muscle or tendon (the soft tissue that connects muscle to bone). What are the symptoms of sprains


Bleeding between periods Vaginal bleeding between your periods is not uncommon, but it should be checked by your doctor if it happens more than once. You should also go to your doctor if you bleed after sex. If you are bleeding very heavily or you feel faint or that you might pass out, call triple zero (000) immediately and ask for an ambulance. If calling triple zero (000) does not work on your mobile phone, try calling 112. What is bleeding between periods? After puberty and before menopause, women experience normal vaginal bleeding each month during their menstrual period. Normal

Sports massage

What is sports massage? Sports massage is a type of massage designed to help athletes before, during and after training. Sports massage can help you to: increase flexibility prevent injuries improve performance increase endurance help with healing after a sports injury Sports massage can be tailored to different sports and sporting injuries. The aim of sports massage is to: relax your muscles aid circulation (blood flow) release stress that can build up in the soft tissues of your body during exercise What does a sports massage involve? A sports massage is often not a relaxing type of massage. If you

Sport benefits for children

Organised sport has many psychological and social benefits for children – even more than the physical activity during play. Researchers think this is because children benefit from the social side of being in a team, and from the involvement of other children and adults. What life skills are associated with sport? Sport isn’t just a good way to keep children’s bodies healthy, but it also has psychological benefits and teaches them important life skills too. Organised sport has many psychological and social benefits for children – even more than the physical activity during play. Researchers think this is because children benefit from the social


What is spondylolisthesis? Spondylolisthesis is a problem with a person’s spine. It can lead to back pain. There are many different ways to help ease the pain of spondylolisthesis. What are the symptoms of spondylolisthesis? Often people with spondylolisthesis don’t notice anything. Some people with spondylolisthesis have: pain or stiffness in their lower back tight muscles, or spasms, in the back of their thighs (hamstrings) pain, numbness, or tingling in their buttocks, legs, and feet weakness in their legs an abnormal way of walking What causes spondylolisthesis? In adults, the main causes of spondylolisthesis are arthritis, osteoporosis and bone fractures (broken bones). An injury or damage

Spinal stenosis

What is spinal stenosis? Spinal stenosis, (also called spinal canal stenosis or lumbar spinal stenosis), is a narrowing of the canal in which the spinal cord sits. The narrowing can put pressure on the nerves in the back, which can cause pain and weakness in the arms or legs. Surgery for spinal stenosis involves widening the canal to relieve the pressure on nerves. What are the symptoms of spinal stenosis? Many people don’t experience any symptoms, even if the spinal stenosis shows up on a scan. When symptoms start, they usually get worse over time. The symptoms depend on which

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)

What is SMA? Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an inherited (genetic) condition that affects the nerves leading to the muscles, known as motor nerves. SMA prevents the muscles from receiving messages from the brain. Over time, the muscles become weaker and waste away. This process is known as atrophy. SMA affects muscles you can see, such as those in the arms and legs, and also muscles you don’t see, such as those used in breathing, coughing and swallowing. Although there is no cure for SMA, there are treatments and support available to help those living with SMA to have the best quality

Spinal disc problems

What are spinal discs? There is a spinal disc between each of the bones (called vertebrae) in your spine. The spinal discs act as shock absorbers. The rubbery discs, also known as intervertebral discs, are filled with gel-like fluid, making the spine flexible. The spinal cord is the bundle of nerves that connects your brain to the nerves in your body, and together, the vertebrae and the discs surround and protect your spinal cord. What are different spinal disc problems? Spinal disc problems include: prolapsed disc (also known as a slipped or herniated disc) — this is when the inner gel-like

Spinal cord injuries

A spinal cord injury is damage to the spinal cord that causes loss of function, feeling and mobility. Spinal cord injuries are most commonly caused by trauma including motor vehicle accidents, falls, sports-related injury and acts of violence. Sports-related spinal cord injuries occur more commonly in children and teenagers, while work-related injuries (especially from construction work) are more common in adults. Spinal cord injuries may result in paralysis including quadriplegia (a loss of function below the neck) and paraplegia (a loss of function below the chest). The spinal cord does not need to be completely severed to cause loss of function. Compression

Spinal anaesthetic

What is a spinal anaesthetic? A spinal anaesthetic (or spinal) involves injecting local anaesthetics and other painkillers into the subarachnoid space (an area filled with fluid near your spinal cord). This numbs your nerves to give pain relief in certain areas of your body. A spinal can be used either on its own while you are awake, or together with sedation or a general anaesthetic. A spinal can also be used after an operation or procedure to give effective pain relief. How does a spinal work? The subarachnoid space is the bag of fluid that surrounds your spinal cord and the nerves that

Spina bifida

What is spina bifida? Spina bifida is a type of neural tube defect (NTD) where a baby’s spine and spinal cord do not develop properly during the first month of pregnancy. The spine and brain develop from part of the embryo called the neural tube. When the neural tube does not fully close, it leaves a gap, leading to spina bifida. Spina bifida can cause a range of health problems, depending on its severity. Around 1 in 1000 pregnancies is affected by a NTD. What are the different types of spina bifida? Spina bifida occulta is the most mild and common type of spina bifida. It

Spider bites

Spider bites in Australia It can be difficult to know if a bite from a spider is dangerous or not. This article explains the best first aid treatment needed for different spider bites. In some people, spider bites can cause anaphylaxis (a severe allergic reaction). Learn more about first aid treatment for severe allergic reactions in the ‘anaphylaxis’ section below. Different types of spider bite In terms of first aid, there are 3 types of spiders in Australia: Funnel-web spiders and other big black spiders — bites from these spiders are very dangerous and can cause death. Redback spiders — their bites


What is speed? Speed is a type of amphetamine. It is a central nervous system stimulant that affects the way your brain works and how your body functions. There are different types of amphetamines. Doctors prescribe some amphetamines to treat medical conditions such as narcolepsy (an uncontrollable urge to sleep) or ADHD. Others are produced and sold illegally. The main forms of illicit methamphetamine are: speed base crystal meth (ice) Ice is the most potent (strongest) form. Speed powder can range in colour from white to brown. It may contain traces of grey or pink. It has a strong smell and bitter taste.

Speech pathology

What is a speech pathologist? A speech pathologist or speech therapist is an allied health professional. They are trained to diagnose and treat communication disorders. This includes problems with: speaking listening reading social skills stuttering understanding language using voice writing They also help people with swallowing and feeding problems. Speech pathologists need to have a degree in speech pathology. Many speech pathologists are members of Speech Pathology Australia (SPA). This means that they have an appropriate qualification. A Certified Practicing Speech Pathologist has met certain standards of practice. You can check if a speech pathologist is certified by searching the SPA website. What

Speech development

What is normal speech development in children? Language development varies between children, even within the same family. Most children tend to follow a natural progression for mastering the skills of language. There are certain milestones that provide a rough guide to normal development. How does speech develop over time? Babies need to learn how language sounds before they can learn how to speak. Although individual children develop at their own rate, there are some general patterns: From 1 to 3 months of age, babies cry and coo. At 4 to 6 months of age, babies sigh, grunt, gurgle, squeal, laugh and

South Australia disability services

If you are a person living with disability or caring for someone with disability in South Australia, you may have noticed some changes in the way that disability services are delivered. Services that were delivered through South Australian state government agencies are now delivered through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). NDIS is a Commonwealth Government system to support Australians under 65 who have permanent and significant disability. The NDIS is run by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). Services for people aged 65 years and over are delivered through My Aged Care. To find out how to access the NDIS, go to Applying

Sources of vitamin E

Foods high in vitamin E Why should I include vitamin E in my diet? Vitamin E is an antioxidant, which means that it can help protect cells in your body against damage caused by exposure to harmful substances such as cigarette smoke or radiation. Vitamin E also helps keep your immune system healthy, promotes good eye health and maintains healthy skin. Vitamin E may also have a role to play in maintaining heart health. Read more here about vitamin E and your health. What are the best natural sources of vitamin E? Vitamin E is found in fats and oils from animal products (meat, poultry, fish and diary foods), as

Sore throats (in children)

Coughs and colds in children What is the ‘common cold’? The common cold is an infection caused by a virus. Hundreds of different viruses can cause colds and they usually affect the nose, ears and throat. They are easily spread from person to person through infected droplets from the mouth and nose. They can also be passed on through coughs and sneezes. Colds are very common. Healthy preschool children often catch at least 6 colds per year. Sometimes, after recovering from a virus kids get sick with a new and different virus, so it can seem as though they are ‘always

Sore throat

Key facts A sore throat, or pharyngitis, is when the throat is red, swollen and painful, especially when you swallow. The most common cause of a sore throat is a virus, but some sore throats are caused by the bacteria streptococcus pyogenes — this is a ‘group A streptococcus‘, sometimes called ‘strep A’. There is no way to cure a sore throat that is caused by a virus. If the sore throat is caused by bacteria, you may benefit from antibiotics. Sometimes, when the sore throat is caused by strep A, complications can occur, including an abscess at the back

Soft tissue sarcoma in children

What is soft tissue sarcoma? Soft tissue sarcomas are tumours that grow in the cells in the soft tissues of the body: for example, in the muscles, fat, cartilage, nerves, tendons, lining of the joints or the blood vessels. Soft tissue sarcomas can grow almost anywhere in the body. Sarcomas are rare, but they are one of the most common cancers in children. Experts don’t know why some children develop soft tissue sarcoma. It’s more common in children who have been exposed to radiation, who were born with certain genetic conditions, or who have HIV at the same time as the Epstein-Barr virus that causes glandular


What is salt? Salt is a mineral made mostly of sodium chloride. It has been used to flavour and preserve food for centuries, but recently attention has focused on the health risks of high-salt diets, specifically due to the sodium in salt. You need sodium for your body to function, but too much is linked to high blood pressure, which can lead to heart disease, stroke and chronic kidney disease. Most Australians are consuming more salt (and therefore sodium) than is recommended — nearly twice as much on average. What’s the difference between salt and sodium? Sodium chloride — the compound in salt — combines

Social workers

What do social workers do? What is a social worker? Social workers are allied health professionals. They help people needing support to make changes in their lives. Social workers can provide counselling, information and referrals to other services. A social worker can help you to face life’s challenges. Social workers often support people with issues relating to: addiction or gambling alcohol and other drugs poverty, homelessness or housing stress financial stress mental wellbeing and illness domestic and family violence physical health and disabilities social injustice and discrimination child and family, and other relationships What training does a social worker have? Social workers are educated

Social anxiety

  What is social anxiety disorder? Social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia, is a recurrent disproportionate fear of social situations, where a person fears being judged, criticised or humiliated in front of other people. Social anxiety disorder is not just being shy or nervous when in formal situations or when having to give a speech – situations where many people feel apprehensive. It happens in ordinary everyday situations, such as eating in public, meeting people, or being watched while doing something. A person may feel that they will humiliate or embarrass themselves. The fear of embarrassment and of

Snake bites

Are snake bites serious? Knowing whether a snake bite is dangerous or not can be difficult. This article explains what to do — including providing the proper first aid treatment — if you are bitten by a snake. It’s also important to be aware that bites from snakes can cause a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) in some rare cases. Learn more about first aid treatment for severe allergic reactions in the ‘anaphylaxis’ section below. How do I provide first aid for snake bites? You should always provide emergency care if you or someone else is bitten by a snake —

Smoking (in pregnancy)

How does smoking affect my fertility? Quitting smoking increases your fertility for both females and males. Females who smoke may have: difficulty conceiving early onset of menopause many cancers, including ovarian cancer Males who smoke may have: trouble getting and maintaining an erection lower sperm count damage to DNA in sperm causing health problems in your baby How can smoking affect my baby? Smoking during pregnancy exposes your baby to harmful chemicals. Every time you smoke, your baby effectively smokes too. Nicotine and other harmful chemicals pass through the placenta and into your baby’s body. Smoking also reduces blood flow to your baby. Smoking while pregnant can


Quitting smoking Why should I quit smoking? Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death and disease in Australia. Tobacco smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals and many of them can cause cancer. Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body and every cigarette is doing you harm. From the moment you stop smoking, however, your body begins to repair itself and you will start noticing the benefits quite quickly. Quitting smoking can be tough, but as well as the health benefits and being able to save money, there are other reasons to give up — with benefits both for the


What is smallpox? Smallpox is a serious disease caused by the variola virus. It has now been entirely removed from the world through vaccination. It is very contagious and killed millions of people worldwide before the World Health Organization (WHO) began an international immunisation campaign. In 1980 the WHO announced that smallpox had been eradicated. It was the first infectious disease to have been completely wiped out worldwide. The last case in Australia occurred in 1938. The last reported naturally occurring case anywhere in the word was in Somalia in 1977. After the disease was officially eradicated, all remaining stocks of the

Slips (falls)

Falls and the elderly Why are falls a particular concern for older people? Anyone can have a fall, but falls are a major health concern for older people (those aged 65 and over). Falls are the leading cause of unintentional injury in older Australians. As our population ages and the number of older people grows, the likelihood of more falls and fall-related hospitalisations increases. Nearly 1 in 3 older Australians have experienced a fall in the past 12 months. Of these, 1 in 5 required hospitalisation. Even when falls don’t cause an injury, they often trigger a loss of confidence in an

Sleeve gastrectomy surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery What is gastric sleeve surgery? Gastric sleeve surgery, or sleeve gastrectomy, is surgery for weight loss that involves removal of a large part of the stomach. After the surgery, the person feels full after eating a small amount of food. The surgery also makes people feel less hungry because a smaller stomach will produce lower levels of a hormone called ghrelin, which causes hunger. When should I consider gastric sleeve surgery? Gastric sleeve surgery is a form of bariatric surgery, also called weight loss surgery. It is sometimes recommended for people who are very obese, or who have


What is sleepwalking? Sleepwalking is a type of sleep disorder. It simply means that you move around while you are asleep. You will do things without knowing about it. You usually can’t remember what you have done. You may just walk around a room or the whole house, and then go back to bed. Other people might talk, shout or eat. Some people even move furniture or drive a car. Treatment isn’t usually needed for people who sleepwalk. However, there are things you can do to lower the chance of sleepwalking. Sleepwalking usually happens early in the night. Children are more