
Phobias – an overview

Key facts A phobia is an unreasonable fear of something, either social or specific. Social phobias occur in both males and females, and usually start in the teens but can begin in childhood. Common specific phobias can include fear of certain animals, medical procedures or situations. To be diagnosed as a phobia, a person’s anxiety must not match the danger posed, and it must cause distress that affects their life. Both social and specific phobias usually respond to treatment. What is a phobia? A phobia is an unreasonable fear of something. There are 2 main kinds of phobias. The first


Key facts Claustrophobia is the fear of being in an enclosed space. Common situations that can trigger claustrophobia include being in lifts, tunnels, cars, planes or crowded rooms. Claustrophobia can cause intense anxiety and/or panic attacks. Panic attacks can cause overwhelming feelings of anxiety, as well as physical symptoms, such as a racing heartbeat, shortness of breath and sweating. Claustrophobia can be successfully treated with psychological therapies. This includes cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and self-exposure therapy. What is claustrophobia? Claustrophobia is a type of phobia. A phobia is an irrational or disproportionate fear of an object, activity or situation. People

Social anxiety disorder

What is social anxiety disorder? Social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia, is a recurrent disproportionate fear of social situations, where a person fears being judged, criticised or humiliated in front of other people. Social anxiety disorder is not just being shy or nervous when in formal situations or when having to give a speech – situations where many people feel apprehensive. It happens in ordinary everyday situations, such as eating in public, meeting people, or being watched while doing something. A person may feel that they will humiliate or embarrass themselves. The fear of embarrassment and of being


Key facts Agoraphobia is a fear of being in certain situations that may be hard to leave, or where support may not be available. It leads to avoidance of these places or situations. Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder that is common in people who have panic disorder and panic attacks. Agoraphobia can impact your quality of life and prevent you from doing things. Treatments like cognitive behavioural therapy are available to help you manage and overcome agoraphobia. What is agoraphobia? Agoraphobia is a type of anxiety disorder where a person fears having a panic attack in certain places — like