Opioid medicines and pain

Common questions about opioid pain medicines Opioids FAQs

Key facts Opioid pain medicines can relieve acute (short-term) pain, chronic (long-term) cancer pain and pain in people receiving palliative care. Opioids are usually not helpful in treating chronic non-cancer pain. Opioid pain medicines can cause drowsiness, nausea and constipation and are dangerous when combined with alcohol or other substances. If you take opioid pain medicines for a long time, you could develop an addiction and find it very difficult to stop taking them. Opioids should be stopped slowly and gradually to avoid withdrawal symptoms. What are opioids? Opioids are a group of strong pain medicines. Opioids reduce the feeling

Taking opioid medicines safely

Key facts Opioids are pain medicines used for short-term relief of severe pain following surgery or an injury. They also help people manage pain caused by cancer and life limiting diseases. Opioids can cause serious side effects — even when used exactly as recommended by your doctor. Reduce your risk of serious side effects by avoiding alcohol, sedative medicines and illegal drugs if you take prescription opioids. Talk to your doctor as soon as possible if you still have pain while you are taking prescription opioids. What is an opioid? An opioid is a substance that blocks pain messages between


Key facts Opioids are pain medicines that must be prescribed by a doctor. Opioids are not generally recommended for long-term use, except in people who have cancer or are receiving palliative care. Signs of an opioid overdose include vomiting, breathing problems and unresponsiveness. Naloxone, a medicine that temporarily reverses the effects of an opioid overdose, is available for free as part of the ‘Take Home Naloxone’ program. What are opioids? Opioids are a group of medicines that may be prescribed by a doctor to treat pain. Opioids reduce feelings of pain by interrupting pain signals between the brain and the

Tramadol (active ingredient)

Key facts Tramadol is an opioid medicine used for the short-term relief of moderate to severe pain. It is not usually recommended for the treatment of chronic (long-term) pain. Tramadol is only available with a prescription from your doctor. If you stop taking tramadol suddenly, you may experience withdrawal symptoms, so ask your doctor how to reduce your dose safely. What is tramadol? Tramadol is an opioid medicine only available with a prescription from your doctor. What is tramadol used for? Tramadol is used for the short-term relief of severe pain. It should only be used when other forms of non-opioid pain


Key facts Tapentadol is an opioid pain-relief medicine that can only be prescribed by your doctor. Tapentadol is prescribed for relief of severe pain, where other pain medicines have not been effective or cannot be used. Suddenly stopping tapentadol can cause withdrawal symptoms. Always take tapentadol exactly as prescribed by your doctor to reduce the risk of harmful side effects and dependence. What is tapentadol? Tapentadol is an opioid medicine your doctor can prescribe to treat severe pain, only available with a prescription from your doctor. What forms of tapentadol are available? Tapentadol is available as an oral tablet. Some forms of


Key facts Pethidine is an opioid pain-relief medicine that was once widely used in Australia for pain caused by a range of different conditions. Pethidine is now less often used because newer, safer opioids are available. Pethidine is sometimes used to reduce labour pain in childbirth. Pethidine is considered highly addictive, and so is not prescribed on an ongoing basis, or in the treatment of persistent pain in chronic conditions. What is pethidine? Pethidine is a strong opioid pain-relief medicine. It was once widely used in Australia for pain caused by a range of different conditions, but its use is decreasing

Pain-relief medicines

Key facts There are many different medicines that can treat short-term (acute) and long-term (chronic) pain. Some pain-relief medicines are available over-the-counter, while for others, you need a prescription from your doctor. The best way to manage long-term (chronic) pain is with a combination of pain medicines and non-medicine strategies, such as exercise and meditation. Talk to your doctor if your medicines are not helping you manage your pain, or if you’re experiencing side effects. What is pain-relief medicine? Pain-relief medicines are used as part of a strategy to manage short-term (acute) or long-term (chronic) pain. They work by targeting the


Key facts Oxycodone is an opioid medicine used to relieve severe pain. It is not usually recommended for the treatment of chronic (long-term) pain. Oxycodone is only available on prescription from your doctor. If you stop taking oxycodone suddenly, you may experience withdrawal symptoms. There are risks to taking opioid medicines, so make sure you take these medicines exactly as prescribed by your doctor. What is oxycodone? Oxycodone is a strong opioid medicine used to treat severe pain. What forms of oxycodone are available? Common brands of oxycodone include Endone, OxyContin and OxyNorm. It comes in different dosages and forms including: tablets capsules suppositories

Options for managing chronic pain

Key facts Chronic pain can be very intense, and coping with it on your own can be a challenge. Since everyone’s experience of chronic pain is different, individuals need their own tailored pain-management plan. You can manage chronic pain by using a combination of methods that improve your physical, social, and mental wellbeing. Medicines are sometimes useful in managing chronic pain in addition to other strategies. Opioids are not usually recommended for chronic non-cancer pain. What are my options for managing chronic pain? Chronic pain is a common condition that affects 1 in 5 Australians aged over 45 years. Chronic pain


Key facts Morphine is an opioid medicine prescribed for severe pain when other pain-relief medicines are not effective or cannot be used. If you take morphine regularly, stopping suddenly can cause withdrawal symptoms. Always take morphine exactly as prescribed by your doctor. If your pain is not well controlled by morphine, or you have any unexpected or unwanted side effects, see your doctor. What is morphine? Morphine is a strong opioid medicine only available with a prescription from your doctor. What is morphine used for? Morphine is used to relieve severe pain, such as pain caused by: a major trauma (for example,


Key facts Methadone is prescribed for the treatment of heroin and other opioid dependencies, and for pain relief from some conditions. It is a type of opioid medicine, and is only available with a prescription from your doctor. Methadone can make it easier for people to stop taking more harmful drugs. Methadone is only used to treat severe pain when other treatments do not work or cannot be tolerated. Do not change your dosage of methadone without discussing it with your doctor first. What is methadone? Methadone is an opioid medicine, which is only available with a prescription from your doctor.


Key facts Hydromorphone is a strong opioid-based pain medicine that can only be prescribed by your doctor. Hydromorphone is prescribed for the short-term relief of severe pain, where other pain-relief medicines have not been effective or cannot be used. Hydromorphone is not the same as morphine — it is much more potent (stronger), so take care not to confuse the two. Always take hydromorphone exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Don’t stop taking hydromorphone suddenly, as you may experience withdrawal symptoms. What is hydromorphone? Hydromorphone is a strong opioid pain medicine available on prescription from your doctor.   What is hydromorphone used


Key facts Fentanyl is a strong opioid pain medicine that can only be prescribed by your doctor. Fentanyl is prescribed for severe pain, when other pain medicines have been ineffective or cannot be used. Fentanyl is available in several formulations in different strengths. If you take fentanyl and your pain is not well-controlled, or you have any unexpected side effects, see your doctor. Always take fentanyl exactly as your doctor prescribed. What is fentanyl? Fentanyl is a strong opioid medicine that can be prescribed by your doctor as part of a broader strategy to help manage your pain. What is fentanyl used for?


Key facts Codeine is an opioid pain-relief medicine used for the short-term relief of mild to moderate pain. It is not usually recommended for the treatment of chronic (long-term) pain. Codeine doesn’t work for everyone, as some people’s bodies aren’t able to process it due an inherited genetic difference. Codeine is only available with a prescription from your doctor. If you stop taking codeine suddenly, you may experience withdrawal symptoms. What is codeine? Codeine is an opioid medicine that is only available on prescription from your doctor. What is codeine used for? Codeine is used for the short-term relief of mild to

Chronic pain

Key facts Chronic pain typically lasts for more than 3 months, or beyond expected healing time. Causes of chronic pain include illnesses, musculoskeletal problems, injury, surgery and cancer. Sometimes people with chronic pain have no obvious cause for their pain. Chronic pain can affect mood, sleep and mental health, and sometimes leads to anxiety and/or depression. Treatment for chronic pain includes medicines, physiotherapy, psychological therapy, and relaxation techniques. What is chronic pain? Chronic pain is pain that lasts for more than 3 months, or in many cases, beyond normal healing time. Chronic pain is sometimes also called persistent pain. It


Key facts Buprenorphine is an opioid medicine available on prescription from your doctor. Buprenorphine is prescribed for the medical treatment of people with an opioid drug dependence, such as heroin or other opioid medicines. Buprenorphine is sometimes prescribed for the treatment of severe pain. Your doctor is the best person to advise you on whether buprenorphine is the right medicine for you, how much you need and how long to take it for. Buprenorphine can cause serious side effects and should only be used under close supervision of a doctor. What is buprenorphine? Buprenorphine is an opioid medicine that is only available