Creating a calming, helpful home for people with dementia

Key facts For people with dementia, their physical environment can play an important role in helping them stay safe, comfortable and as independent as possible. Small changes like labelling cupboards and installing handrails can help with problems like memory loss, disorientation, coordination and mobility. It’s important to only make changes to address the person’s particular challenges. Any unnecessary changes may only add to their confusion. Making sure rooms are safe and familiar can help a person with dementia to feel calm and recall happy memories. Supportive aids like medication reminders and blister packs can reduce the risk of accidents, support

Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

What is CMV? Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a very common virus in the herpes virus family. Around 1 in 2 people have been infected with CMV by young adulthood and up to 9 out of 10 people have been infected by 40 years of age. CMV may stay in a your body for years without causing any problems. What are the symptoms of CMV? The symptoms of CMV can vary. Some people have no symptoms. Others might have symptoms such as: fever tiredness sore throat swollen glands abdominal (tummy) pain Some people can become seriously ill. Most people who become seriously


What is a cyst? A cyst is a sac that forms in your skin or body. It is filled with fluid or semi-solid material. Most cysts are not cancerous. Cysts are common and can form in any part of your body. They can vary in size and how quickly they grow. Cysts are different from abscesses, which are collections of pus from an infection. What are the types of cysts? There are hundreds of different types of cysts. These form in different parts of your body. Some of the common types are: Baker’s cyst — behind your knee Bartholin’s cysts — on your vulva


What is a cystoscopy? A cystoscopy is a medical procedure where an instrument called a cystoscope is used to look inside your bladder. A cystoscope is a thin tube with a light and a small camera at the end. Cystoscopy can help with diagnosing and treating conditions that affect the bladder and urinary system. There are 2 types of cystoscopy: flexible cystoscopy (where a thin, bendy cystoscope is used, often in a clinic) rigid cystoscopy (where a cystoscope that does not bend is used in a hospital procedure) When is a cystoscopy needed? A cystoscopy is often recommended for people who have blood in their


What is cystitis? Cystitis is inflammation of the bladder. It is most common in adult females but can also affect adult males and children. If you think you or your child may have cystitis, it’s important to see a doctor. Cystitis can lead to serious illness if it is not treated. What are the symptoms of cystitis? The main symptoms of cystitis are: a strong, persistent urge to urinate (wee) feeling pain or burning when urinating needing to urinate often passing only small amounts of urine each time a dull ache or pain in your lower abdomen (belly) urine that smells, or looks

Cystic fibrosis (CF)

Key facts Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a disease that mostly affects your lungs and digestive system. CF is caused by a mutation (change) in a gene which is inherited (passed on) from your parents. Currently, there is no cure for CF. What is cystic fibrosis? Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disease that mostly affects your lungs and digestive system. It results from a change in a particular gene. CF causes you to get a lot of very thick and sticky mucus in your: lungs airways digestive system This causes problems with: digesting your food repeated lung infections, which can permanently damage your


Bipolar disorder What is bipolar disorder? Bipolar disorder is a chronic (long-term) condition. It involves intense mood changes that disrupt everyday life — from extreme highs to extreme lows. It affects 1 in 50 Australians each year. Bipolar disorder often develops for the first time during teenage years or early adulthood. It tends to affect more females than males. It is sometimes known as manic depression. People with bipolar disorder will experience periods of extreme moods at different times: Manic (or hypomanic) episodes— feeling very euphoric or high. Hypomania means ‘less than mania’. Symptoms of hypomania are like those of

Cyclones and floods

Health risks after a cyclone or flood Floods and cyclones are unfortunately a part of life in Australia. Here’s a list of some of the common health risks and hazards associated with natural disasters, and how to avoid them. The most common type of flooding is when rivers flood following heavy rainfall. Flooding due to very high tides occurs in coastal areas. Flash flooding can result from relatively short, intense bursts of rainfall, commonly during thunderstorms, and can occur in any part of Australia. It can be a particularly serious problem in urban areas where drainage systems may not cope

Cycling and your health

Key facts Cycling (bike riding) is a great way to help improve your physical and mental health. It can help reduce your risk of heart disease and decrease your stress and anxiety levels. Your sleep habits can improve by bike riding. Cycling suits almost any age and fitness level. Cycling is an environmentally friendly way to commute — and can save you money. Stay safe while cycling. Follow the road rules and wear a helmet and bright clothing. Cycling and your health What is cycling? Cycling or bike riding is the sport of riding a bicycle. It is a low


What is cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is bullying using technology to bully or hurt someone else. For example, cyberbullying may involve the internet, a mobile phone or camera. It is common, especially among children and teenagers. Cyberbullying can include: sending or sharing nasty, hurtful or abusive messages or emails humiliating others by posting or sharing embarrassing videos or images spreading rumours or lies online setting up fake online profiles excluding others online repeated harassment and threatening messages (cyberstalking) A cyberbully might work in secret, keeping their identity hidden or sometimes several cyberbullies work together. They can target their victim by various electronic means, including:

Wounds, cuts and grazes

Wounds, cuts and grazes What are wounds, cuts and grazes? A wound is a break or damage to the skin surface. Minor wounds do not usually need medical attention and can usually be treated with first aid. What causes wounds, cuts and grazes? Wounds can be caused by something sudden, such as a cut, a fall or a bad knock. Cuts, grazes and lacerations are all examples of wounds. Cuts are usually caused by a sharp object like a knife or glass, or even a sheet of paper. Lacerations are a deep cut or tear of the skin – they

Cushing’s syndrome

What is Cushing’s syndrome? Cushing’s syndrome is a condition where your body is exposed to too much of the hormone called cortisol. This can be because your body is making too much cortisol, or because you have taken a lot of oral corticosteroid medicines. If you have Cushing’s syndrome, it is treatable. Cortisol is a hormone that is made by the adrenal glands. You have two adrenal glands, one sitting on the top of each kidney. Cortisol is involved in many different parts of your body. It is produced all day, and especially during times of stress. Cushing’s syndrome is most often diagnosed

CT scan

Key facts A computed tomography (CT) scan is a type of x-ray. It’s used to make detailed 2D or 3D images of the inside of your body. A CT scan can help diagnose different medical conditions. When you have a CT scan, you will lie flat, and a machine shaped like a doughnut will scan your body. It’s important to only have CT scans when necessary since they use a higher level of radiation than other imaging types. What is a CT scan? A computed tomography (CT) scan is a type of x-ray that creates 2- or 3-dimensional images of your body.

Crystal meth

What is ice? Ice (crystal meth) is an illegal methamphetamine, a member of the amphetamine family of drugs. It is very addictive and is linked to chronic physical and mental health problems. Ice is a central nervous system stimulant that affects the messages sent between your body and your brain. It is purer and more powerful than other types of methamphetamine, such as speed. It comes as little crystals that look like ice, or as a white-to-brownish, crystal-like powder. It has a strong smell and bitter taste. It can be: injected smoked snorted swallowed Ice is also known as: crystal meth meth shabu


Key facts Cryptosporidiosis is a bowel infection caused by a parasite. You can catch it from infected people or animals, or from contaminated food or water, including swimming pools. It usually gets better by itself, but it can cause dehydration. It can be dangerous for people with a weak immune system. Hand washing and good hygiene can prevent it from spreading. What is cryptosporidiosis? Cryptosporidiosis (sometimes called ‘crypto’) is a bowel infection. It is caused by a parasite called cryptosporidium. This parasite can infect humans and animals. It lives in their faeces (poo) from when they first get sick until a


Key facts Croup is an infection caused by a virus. It commonly causes swelling of the voice box (larynx) and the windpipe (trachea). Children with croup often have a distinctive, harsh, ‘seal bark’ sounding cough. Croup can cause stridor — noisy, high-pitched breathing, especially when the child breaths in. In most children, croup is a mild infection which generally clears within 4 days. Croup can quickly cause breathing problems which require urgent medical assistance. Croup is more common in winter when symptoms peak in the evenings and overnight. What is croup? Croup is a viral infection in babies and young

Crohn’s disease

Key facts Crohn’s disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease. Symptoms can include abdominal (tummy) pain and diarrhoea. Although there is no cure for Crohn’s disease, there are treatments available to help control the inflammation. What is Crohn’s disease? Crohn’s disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease. It causes swelling and inflammation (redness) inside your digestive tract. This can lead to symptoms such as abdominal (tummy) pain and diarrhoea. Crohn’s disease can develop at any age, but usually first appears in people aged 15 to 30 years. Crohn’s disease is more common in people living in the Western

Crisis management

CATT – the crisis assessment and treatment team What is a crisis assessment and treatment team? A CATT is a group of people who work together and includes mental health professionals such as psychiatric nurses, social workers, psychiatrists and psychologists. They are based in major hospitals. In some parts of Australia they are called Psychiatric Emergency Teams (PET). If someone has tried to harm themselves or someone else, or you think they are about to, call triple zero (000) immediately or go with them to an emergency department. Another option in a crisis is to contact your local crisis assessment and

Cri du chat syndrome

What is cri du chat syndrome? Cri du chat syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that causes delayed physical development, a small head size and intellectual disability. It is called cri du chat (‘Cry of the cat’ in French) because of the strange, cat-like cry made by newborn babies with this condition. Some children will be only mildly affected; in others, the condition is more severe. All children are different. What are the symptoms of cri du chat syndrome? Most children with cri du chat syndrome have: a weak, cat-like cry when very young intellectual disability, ranging from mild to severe a

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

What is Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease? Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a rare and serious disease. It causes the brain to become spongy. This leads to dementia and death. CJD belongs to a group of rare diseases known as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) or prion diseases. These diseases can affect humans and animals. The best-known form of TSE is bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), or ‘mad cow’ disease. In Australia, there are about 35 cases of CJD each year. What causes Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease? CJD happens when infectious particles called prions damage your brain cells. A prion is a brain protein where the structure has changed. A

Cradle cap

What is cradle cap? Cradle cap is a build-up of yellow, greasy and often scaly patches of skin, usually on your baby’s scalp. Cradle cap appears most often in babies in the first 2 months and tends to last only a few weeks or months. It is uncommon in babies older than 3 months but may last up to 6 to 12 months in some babies. What are the symptoms of cradle cap? The main symptom of cradle cap is scaling on your baby’s scalp. Sometimes there might be cradle cap on the eyebrows or behind the ears. The patches


Pubic lice (crabs) What are pubic lice? Pubic lice (also known as crabs or Pthirus pubis) are tiny insects that live in coarse body hair including pubic hair, armpit hair, beards, chest hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows. They do not live on your head. The female lice lay eggs (also known as nits) that are glued to the hair shaft. The eggs are smaller than the size of a pin head and difficult to see. They hatch after 6 to 10 days leaving behind empty egg sacs. The empty egg sacs look like white or grey oval dots on the hair.

Cow’s milk allergy

What causes cow’s milk allergy? Cow’s milk allergy is often due to an immune system reaction against milk proteins. Exposure to even a trace amount of milk protein can be a problem for someone with milk protein allergy. What are the symptoms of cow’s milk allergy? The symptoms of allergy to cow’s milk can range from mild to severe. Mild to moderate symptoms include: a rash (eczema or hives) swelling of the lips, face and eyes tingling mouth vomiting and diarrhoea Anaphylaxis is the most severe allergic reaction and requires immediate treatment. Symptoms include: noising breathing or wheeze swelling of the tongue swelling or tightness

COVID-19 vaccination

Who is eligible for COVID-19 vaccination? You are eligible for COVID-19 vaccination if you are: aged 5 years or older; or aged 6 months to 4 years with severe immunocompromise, complex or multiple health conditions, or disability with complex or significant health needs, which increase the risk of severe COVID-19 If you are part of one of these groups, consult the criteria below to see if a COVID-19 vaccine dose is recommended for you at this time. Which vaccine brands are available in Australia? There are 3 vaccine brands that are approved and available for use in Australia: Pfizer Moderna Novavax During

COVID-19 treatment

How is COVID-19 treated and how do I relieve my symptoms? Most adults with a mild case of COVID-19 can treat their symptoms in a similar way to how they treat a seasonal flu. That is, rest at home, take paracetamol or ibuprofen to relieve pain and fevers, keep hydrated and take cough medicine if needed. However, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has approved certain medicines for the treatment of COVID-19 in Australia. Learn more here about COVID-19 medications. Adults with severe COVID-19 symptoms may need to be treated in hospital with corticosteroids, antivirals and other drugs depending on how severe their symptoms are. Medicines such as

COVID-19 symptoms

How will I know if my COVID-19 symptoms are mild, moderate or severe? Mild symptoms Adults The following symptoms are considered mild in adults: mild upper respiratory tract symptoms such as a congested or runny nose, sneezing, or a scratchy or sore throat cough with no difficulty breathing new aches and pains, or lethargy or weakness without shortness of breath mild headache mild fever that responds to treatment loss of smell or taste loss of appetite nausea occasional vomiting or diarrhoea not drinking as much fluid (such as water) as usual in the last 24 hours Some adults have no symptoms at all. Children The following symptoms are considered mild in children: mild upper respiratory tract symptoms such


What are COVID-19 treatments? COVID-19 treatments help stop someone from becoming very sick with COVID-19. Not everyone diagnosed with COVID-19 will need these treatments. They are of most benefit to people who are at the most risk of severe disease or people who are in hospital with severe disease. Some COVID-19 treatments can be prescribed by your doctor and taken at home. Other treatments can only be administered to patients who are in hospital. More COVID-19 medicines are undergoing clinical trials and the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s vigorous approval process. For up to date information on recommended treatments and the latest


What is a counsellor? A counsellor is a person who you talk to so they can help you overcome difficulties in your life. Counsellors are a type of mental health professional. Counsellors help you solve problems and develop problem-solving skills by helping you clarify issues and explore your options. If you are struggling with issues like relationships, money, or the loss of a loved one, counselling might help you to cope and move on through life. What do counsellors do? Counselling is a talking therapy. Counsellors ask questions and listen to you in a non-judgmental, safe and confidential way. You will


Counsellors and counselling What is a counsellor? A counsellor is a person who you talk to so they can help you overcome difficulties in your life. Counsellors are a type of mental health professional. Counsellors help you solve problems and develop problem-solving skills by helping you clarify issues and explore your options. If you are struggling with issues like relationships, money, or the loss of a loved one, counselling might help you to cope and move on through life. What do counsellors do? Counselling is a talking therapy. Counsellors ask questions and listen to you in a non-judgmental, safe and confidential

Coughing up blood

Haemoptysis (coughing up blood) What is haemoptysis? Haemoptysis is the medical term for coughing up blood from the lungs or bronchial tubes. It can range from small flecks of blood to a lot of blood. It can be mild or indicate something serious. It is haemoptysis if the blood comes from the lungs or bronchial tubes (the tubes that bring air to the lungs). Haemoptysis does not include having blood in the saliva due to bleeding in the mouth, upper airway or from vomiting of blood from the gut. Haemoptysis is not usually life threatening, but if you cough up blood, it is still very important

Cough (whooping)

Whooping cough What is whooping cough? Whooping cough is a bacterial infection that spreads from one person to another. It causes severe bouts of coughing. The ‘whoop’ refers to the sound you may make if you take a quick breath between coughs. Pertussis, or the ‘hundred-day cough, are other names for whooping cough. Whooping cough can feel uncomfortable and last for a long time. After one to 2 weeks, the cold symptoms get better, but the cough gets worse. After 2 to 6 weeks, the cough begins to get better. But it can take weeks to months for the cough


What is a cough? Coughing is a protective reflex. It can remove substances that may have been inhaled, such as dust, and excess secretions that have built up in the airways. Coughing is how the body cleans the lungs and airways. Coughs may be dry coughs or chesty coughs. A dry cough does not produce any mucus or phlegm. A chesty cough (‘productive’ or ‘wet’ cough) is one that produces mucus and may cause feelings of congestion in the chest. Unexplained coughing that lasts for more than 3 weeks may indicate that you have an underlying medical condition. You should


What is costochondritis? Costochondritis is inflammation in the cartilage that joins your ribs to your breastbone. Although it usually gets better after a few weeks, it can sometimes last longer. What are the symptoms of costochondritis? Costochondritis causes a constant pain and tenderness in your chest. The pain usually comes on gradually. The pain often gets worse if you: cough sneeze breathe deeply move in certain ways put pressure on your chest You might put pressure on your chest by using a tight seatbelt or hugging someone. The pain is usually on one side of your breastbone and affects more

Cost of mental health services

Understanding the costs of mental health services How much do mental health services cost? The costs of mental health services can vary enormously, depending on where you live and which service you are receiving. The first step is to see your doctor. If you can’t see your doctor, any health service should be able to help you. Search for mental health services in your location. Low cost or free mental health services If you have a mental health condition, you might be able to get help with payment through a government program. The Better Access initiative gives Medicare rebates to help people see mental

Cost of dental care

What is dental care? Dental care is the care of the teeth and mouth provided by a dentist, dental specialist or other health professional. In Australia, dental services are provided by public dental services or by private dentists. Dental costs vary widely from dentist to dentist. That is because there are no standard fees for dentists like there are for doctors. Dentists charge different amounts according to where they practise and what methods they use. Does Medicare cover dental care? The Australian Government does not cover the costs of most dental services in the way it does with other health services.

Cosmetic surgery

Guide to cosmetic surgery What is cosmetic surgery? Cosmetic surgery is done to re-shape or change an otherwise healthy part of the body because a person believes it will improve their appearance, not for a medical reason. Reconstructive surgery differs from cosmetic surgery in that it is designed to restore the appearance or function of a part of the body, such as after an accident or trauma, cancer, birth defect or disease. Who can perform cosmetic surgery? Cosmetic surgery can be carried out by plastic surgeons or by cosmetic surgeons. Plastic surgeons can also do reconstructive surgery for people whose

Cosmetic dentistry

Guide to cosmetic surgery What is cosmetic surgery? Cosmetic surgery is done to re-shape or change an otherwise healthy part of the body because a person believes it will improve their appearance, not for a medical reason. Reconstructive surgery differs from cosmetic surgery in that it is designed to restore the appearance or function of a part of the body, such as after an accident or trauma, cancer, birth defect or disease. Who can perform cosmetic surgery? Cosmetic surgery can be carried out by plastic surgeons or by cosmetic surgeons. Plastic surgeons can also do reconstructive surgery for people whose


Key facts Cortisol is a hormone naturally released from your adrenal glands with many essential functions for your health. Your cortisol levels normally increase at times of stress. You can have health problems if you produce too much or too little cortisol. Corticosteroids are synthetic versions of cortisol, and if you have certain health conditions, your doctor may prescribe corticosteroids for you. Anabolic steroids are different to corticosteroids. Taking anabolic steroids without a doctor’s prescription is risky, and not recommended. The role of cortisol in the body What is cortisol? Cortisol is a steroid hormone that is produced by your

Correcting a squint (child)

What is strabismus? Strabismus (or ‘squint’) is where one of the eyes points in towards the nose (convergent) or out towards the ear (divergent). Sometimes one eye may point up or down. How does strabismus happen? Strabismus in children is usually related to how their eyes focus. The condition often runs in the family and affects 1 in 50 children under 5 years old. Strabismus can also happen if the nerves to the eye muscles, or the eye muscles themselves, are not working properly. The muscles of the eye. What are the benefits of surgery? Your child’s eyes should appear

Coronaviruses (general information)

What is strabismus? Strabismus (or ‘squint’) is where one of your eyes points in towards your nose (convergent) or out towards your ear (divergent). Sometimes one eye may point up or down. Strabismus may be present all the time or only sometimes. How does strabismus happen? Strabismus in adults can happen because of disease that affects your eye muscles (such as thyroid eye disease and myasthenia), disease that affects the nerves to your eye muscles (such as high blood pressure and diabetes) or trauma (where a physical force is applied directly to your eye). Strabismus can also be caused by

Coronary heart disease

Key facts Coronary heart disease is a chronic (long-lasting) disease which affects the blood vessels that supply blood to your heart. Coronary heart disease can lead to chest pain (angina), ischaemic heart disease or heart attacks. It is possible to prevent coronary heart disease by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and, for some people taking medications. Coronary heart disease cannot be cured, but it can be managed to reduce your symptoms and your risk of experiencing serious complications. What is coronary heart disease? Coronary heart disease is a chronic (long-lasting) disease. It affects the blood vessels that supply blood to your heart. It is

Coronary artery bypass graft

What is coronary artery disease? Coronary artery disease is a narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries. The narrowing of the coronary arteries is caused by atherosclerosis, where abnormal fatty material coats the inside of the artery. The diseased arteries may not deliver enough oxygen to your heart. The pain associated with this is called angina. A coronary artery can become blocked, causing part of the heart muscle to die. What are the benefits of surgery? You should get less pain and have a better quality of life. Surgery may also improve your breathing and how well your heart works. Sometimes surgery

Coronary angiogram

What are the coronary arteries? Even though the heart is full of blood, the blood being pumped through doesn’t supply oxygen to the muscles of the heart. The heart muscles need their own supply of blood, and they get it from the coronary arteries, which wind around the outside of the heart. If the coronary arteries become narrow, then the supply of blood to the heart muscles can slow down. If the heart muscles don’t get enough blood, it can cause problems like angina, heart failure and a heart attack. What is a coronary angiogram? A coronary angiogram is an x-ray during which a doctor injects radioactive dye

Corneal ulcers

 the cornea? Your eye has a number of layers. The cornea is the transparent (clear), dome-shaped outer layer in front of the black pupil and coloured iris. Sometimes the cornea can become diseased, causing it to become less clear. This affects your vision. How does the cornea become diseased? There are many causes for the cornea becoming diseased. Three common causes need surgery. Cross-section of the eye. Keratoconus — A condition where the cornea becomes cone-shaped, causing blurred vision. Endothelial decompensation — A condition that causes the cornea to become swollen and cloudy. Scarring — The cornea can become scarred if

Corneal transplant surgery

What is the cornea? Your eye has a number of layers. The cornea is the transparent (clear), dome-shaped outer layer in front of the black pupil and coloured iris. Sometimes the cornea can become diseased, causing it to become less clear. This affects your vision. How does the cornea become diseased? There are many causes for the cornea becoming diseased. Three common causes need surgery. Cross-section of the eye. Keratoconus — A condition where the cornea becomes cone-shaped, causing blurred vision. Endothelial decompensation — A condition that causes the cornea to become swollen and cloudy. Scarring — The cornea can become

Contraceptive vaginal ring

What is the contraceptive vaginal ring? The vaginal ring is a form of contraception (birth control). It’s a soft plastic ring that you put into your vagina. It releases the same hormones as the contraceptive pill to prevent pregnancy. The vaginal ring can also help control your periods. It’s sometimes called a ‘birth control ring’. NuvaRing is the only type of vaginal ring available in Australia. You need a prescription from your doctor to get the vaginal ring. The contraceptive vaginal ring (birth control ring) is self-inserted and should be removed after 3 weeks. How does the vaginal ring work? The vaginal ring

Contraceptive intra-uterine device (IUD)

Intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD) What is an intrauterine device (IUD)? An intrauterine device (IUD) is a type of contraception (birth control). IUDs are small devices that are placed inside the uterus (womb) to prevent pregnancy. There are 2 types of IUD: the hormonal IUD the copper IUD An IUD needs to be put in place by a trained doctor or nurse. Placement of an IUD in the uterus after insertion. How does an IUD work to prevent pregnancy? IUDs are highly effective and reliable. They last for 5 years or more. The hormonal IUD Hormonal IUDs are made of plastic and slowly release a

Contraceptive injection

What is the contraceptive injection? The contraceptive injection is a type of contraception (birth control). The injection contains a hormone called depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA), which is like the hormone progesterone. It‘s also called simply ‘Depo’ or ‘birth control injection’. The DMPA is slowly released into your bloodstream over 3 months. You need a new injection every 3 months to prevent pregnancy. How does the contraceptive injection work? The contraceptive injection prevents pregnancy by: preventing ovulation (eggs being released from your ovaries) thickening the mucus at the entrance to your uterus (womb) so sperm can’t enter How is the contraceptive injection given? The birth control

Contraceptive implant

What is a contraceptive implant? A contraceptive implant is a type of contraception (birth control). It’s a small, thin, flexible rod that’s inserted under the skin on the inside of your arm. The implant is 4 cm long and made of plastic. It continuously releases small amounts of a hormone, etonogestrel, that prevents pregnancy. Etonogestrel is a progestogen hormone. There is only one brand of contraceptive implant available in Australia, called Implanon NXT. You can feel the implant under your skin, but you usually can’t see it. The contraceptive implant is a type of long-acting reversible contraceptive (LARC). A contraceptive implant sitting on

Contraceptive diaphragm

Diaphragm (contraceptive device) What is a diaphragm? A diaphragm is a type of contraception (birth control) that can be used to avoid getting pregnant. It is a piece of soft silicone in the shape of a dome. When using a diaphragm, you put it into your vagina before having sex. It should be positioned to cover your cervix (lower part of your womb). This prevents sperm from entering your uterus (womb). Once you place a diaphragm, it’s held in position by your pelvic muscles. You don’t need a doctor to insert it. But it’s a good idea to see a doctor or nurse to learn


What is contraception? Contraception (birth control) can be used to prevent unplanned pregnancies. Pregnancy can happen when sperm released during penis-in-vagina sex fertilises an egg, which then implants in your uterus (womb). What should I think about when choosing contraception? There are many different forms of contraception. No form of birth control is 100% effective, but some methods are more effective than others. Aside from preventing pregnancy, some — but not all — methods of contraception can also help prevent transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Discuss contraception with a new partner before having sex, so you can choose a method that

Contact tracing

What is contact tracing? Contact tracing is the process of identifying people who have been in contact with an infected person. Informing contacts that they may have been exposed to an infection will help slow the spread of that condition. If you’re an infected person, your doctor may ask for the details of any people you’ve been in contact with. Doctors can then test your contacts and treat them to help prevent the spread of the condition. Contacts are sometimes offered counselling as well. Contact tracing is commonly used to find the contacts of people with sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as HIV,

Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis What is contact dermatitis? Inflammation of the skin is commonly called ‘eczema’ or ‘dermatitis’. Contact dermatitis occurs when your skin comes into contact with something that makes it red and inflamed. There are 2 types of contact dermatitis: Allergic contact dermatitis — this is caused by an allergen (a trigger). Each time you come into contact with the allergen, the skin gets inflamed. Irritant contact dermatitis — also known as contact dermatitis, this is when your skin gets inflamed when it’s exposed to an irritant, usually for a long period of time. What are the symptoms of contact dermatitis? Both

Consumer rights

Your healthcare rights What are my healthcare rights? Healthcare rights ensure all patients and carers in Australia receive safe, high-quality care in partnership with healthcare providers. This article explains your rights and what to do if you feel they have been denied. Australians’ healthcare rights are set out in the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights. These rights apply to any healthcare you receive, anywhere in Australia, including in public hospitals, private hospitals, general practice and in the community. The 7 basic healthcare rights are listed below: Access: You have a right to healthcare services and treatment that meet your needs. Safety: You have

Constipation in children

What is constipation? Your child is constipated if they are doing hard poo or have trouble pushing poo out. If your child is constipated, they probably aren’t pooing regularly either. Many healthy children have problems with constipation from time to time. It is fairly common in babies, and also tends to happen around the time of toilet training. What is normal for children? Constipation in kids is quite common, but usually doesn’t have a serious cause. There are plenty of things you can do to help if your child gets constipated. Normal bowel habits for children vary. Most children have a bowel


What is constipation? Constipation is difficulty passing stools (pooing) or infrequent bowel movements. It is common in both adults and children. Constipation can be annoying and, occasionally, painful. It can usually be treated by making simple lifestyle changes. However, in some cases there may be an underlying problem. So, see your doctor if your constipation is bad or not getting better. What are the symptoms of constipation? The timing of bowel movements varies quite a lot between different people. The normal range for adults is from 3 bowel movements per day to 3 bowel movements per week. And breast-fed babies may

Conn’s syndrome

What is Conn’s syndrome? Conn’s syndrome is a hormonal condition in which one or both adrenal glands produce more of the hormone aldosterone than normal. Aldosterone helps balance the levels of salt and potassium in the body and helps control blood pressure. Conn’s syndrome causes: high blood pressure (hypertension), which can be quite severe lower than normal potassium levels in the blood an increased volume of blood in the body Conn’s syndrome is also known as Conn disease or primary hyperaldosteronism. What are the symptoms of Conn’s syndrome? The most common sign of Conn’s syndrome is high blood pressure that is difficult to


Key facts Conjunctivitis is sometimes known as ‘pink eye’ or ‘sticky eye’. Conjunctivitis is a common condition where the white part of the eye becomes pink or red. One or both eyes may be watery, sore or itchy, sometimes with sticky white or yellow discharge. Conjunctivitis can be caused by bacterial or viral infection, allergy, or irritants such as dust or chemicals. Your doctor or optometrist can tell you the likely cause of your conjunctivitis, if it’s contagious, and the best treatment for your type of conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis (pink eye) What is conjunctivitis? Conjunctivitis, sometimes known as ‘pink eye’ or

Congestive heart failure

What is heart failure? Heart failure (also known as ‘congestive heart failure’ or CHF) occurs when your heart muscle has become too weak to pump blood effectively through your body. It can also happen if your heart becomes too stiff to fill up with blood properly, so not enough blood is pumped around your body. As a result, your muscles and organs don’t get enough oxygen and nutrients. This may cause fluid to build up in your body and make you feel breathless or tired. Heart failure is usually an ongoing (chronic) condition — unlike heart attacks, which occur suddenly and require immediate treatment (acute).

Congenital heart disease

What is a congenital heart disease? Congenital heart disease is a birth defect. It happens when a baby is born with a heart that has not formed properly. Congenital heart defects can change the flow of blood and the way your heart works. There are many different types of congenital heart disease. Some are uncomplicated and do not need any treatment. Others can be very serious. These might need many visits to hospital for surgery over several years. What are the types of congenital heart disease? Congenital heart disease is the most common birth defect in Australia. It affects about

Congenital disorder

What is a congenital disorder? A congenital disorder is a condition that is present from birth. Congenital disorders can be inherited or caused by environmental factors. Their impact on a child’s health and development isn’t always severe, and sometimes it can be quite mild. However, a child with a congenital disorder may experience a disability or health problems throughout life. It’s natural to be concerned about congenital disorders if you’re pregnant or planning a pregnancy, especially if your family has a history of a particular disorder. It’s possible to test for some, but not all disorders during pregnancy, and there

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

What is congenital adrenal hyperplasia? Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, or CAH, is an inherited group of conditions that affects the adrenal glands. These glands, which sit above the kidneys, make hormones such as cortisol, aldosterone (which helps to regulate salt levels in the body) and androgens (male sex hormones). In many cases, a person who has CAH makes too many androgens and not enough cortisol and aldosterone. CAH can affect a child’s normal growth and development, including normal growth of the genitals. What are the types of congenital adrenal hyperplasia? There are 2 main types of CAH. Classic CAH is the more severe form and


What is confusion? Confusion is a term that refers to a decline in cognitive ability, that is, our ability to think, learn and understand. A decline in cognitive ability is often associated with dementia. Symptoms of confusion include problems with short-term memory, difficulty carrying out tasks, poor attention span, unclear speech and difficulty in following a conversation. Sometimes confusion can be temporary and will pass. Sometimes confusion is long term and is due to a permanent condition. When should I call an ambulance? Confusion can be the sign of a serious medical condition. Call triple zero (000) and ask for advice


What are condoms? Condoms are a form of contraception available for both males and females. A condom is a very fine sheath made of rubber or plastic. It’s designed to prevent your and your partner’s body fluids from mixing during sexual activity. Condoms can be used for vaginal, anal or oral sex. As well as reducing your risk of pregnancy, they can also reduce your risk of getting or spreading sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Types of condoms There are 2 types of condoms: Male (external) condoms — these are rolled onto an erect (stiff) penis or a sex toy. Female (internal) condoms — these


Key facts Concussion is a mild brain injury caused by a knock or blow to the head or a sudden change in motion. Concussions are common in contact sports such as football and boxing. Common symptoms of concussion are confusion, memory loss, headache, vomiting and vision or speech problems. If you think someone has had a concussion while playing sport, they should not return to play that day, even if they feel well. The main treatment for concussion is rest, followed by a gradual return to physical and mental activity. What is concussion? Concussion is a minor traumatic brain injury

Computer addiction

What is addiction? Addiction is when you have a strong physical or psychological need or urge to do something or use something. It is a dependence on a substance or activity even if you know that it causes you harm. It can impact your daily life. This article describes the types, causes and signs of addiction, and where to get help. Many people have heard of addiction to: smoking drinking alcohol gambling taking drugs prescription medicines Addiction to drugs can include cannabis, ice and amphetamines. Alcohol and nicotine are also drugs. It’s possible to be addicted to anything, such as: Computers — computer addiction is increasing. You may

Complementary therapy

Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) What is complex PTSD? Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can develop in people who have been through a traumatic event. The event may have threatened their life or safety, or they may have witnessed a serious accident, death or natural disaster. Complex PTSD is a condition that can occur after prolonged and repeated trauma, particularly due to child abuse or domestic violence. Trauma can cause problems with memory and disrupt the development of a person’s identity and their ability to control emotions and form relationships with others. What are the symptoms of complex PTSD? People with complex


Acts of kindness and compassion Benefits of kindness and compassion Research is showing that people who are kind and compassionate are more content with their lives. They have better physical and mental health and feel less isolated, fostering stronger relationships. Small acts of kindness, such as a smile, or ‘hello’ can have enormous power. The person being kind and the recipient can both benefit. You can be kind, generous and compassionate to someone you know, or to a stranger. Studies have shown benefits from kindness, compassion and giving. The benefits can be: greater sense of contentment or wellbeing good mental health less stress better

Compartment syndrome

What is compartment syndrome? Compartment syndrome is a painful condition caused by high pressure in a group of muscles (a muscle compartment), most commonly in the leg. High pressure can be caused by bleeding or swelling. When pressure reaches dangerous levels, it reduces blood flow, oxygen and nourishment to nerves and cells. What is a compartment? A compartment is a group of muscles enclosed in a tough sheath called fascia keeping the muscles together. The sheath does not stretch easily, so if there is a build-up of blood or fluid inside the compartment, pressure can build up. What are the

Community nursing

The role of a nurse What do nurses do? Nurses work with people and their families to: help prevent disease maintain health treat any existing health problems Nurses can work in: hospitals the community aged care other organisations Nurses specialise in different areas of care including: pregnancy and childbirth (midwifery) child and family health community nursing mental health palliative care In Australia, nurses and midwives need to be registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia to practise. What types of nurses are there? There are different types of nurses. The different types indicate the level of training that

Combined oral contraceptive pill

The pill (combined oral contraceptive pill) What is the combined oral contraceptive pill? The combined oral contraceptive pill is a type of contraception (birth control). It is often just called ‘the pill’. Some doctors refer to it as the ‘OCP’. You take the pill as a daily tablet. It contains 2 hormones — oestrogen and progestogen. Types of combined oral contraceptive pills There are many different types of combined OCP. If you are thinking about going on the pill, talk to your doctor about the best option for you. You need a doctor’s prescription to take the pill. Some types of the pill are


What is a coma? When someone is in a coma, they are unconscious, they do not respond, and they cannot be woken up. A coma is a medical emergency and the person in the coma will need immediate treatment in hospital. Someone who is in a coma is alive but completely unresponsive to the world around them. There is very little activity in their brain. Some people in a coma can breathe on their own but others will need help. They won’t be able to cough or swallow and they won’t respond to pain, light or sound. Their eyes will


What is a colposcopy? A colposcopy allows your doctor to examine your vagina and cervix very closely. The doctor uses a colposcope, which looks like a pair of binoculars with a bright light. It allows the doctor a greatly magnified view of the surface of the vagina and cervix. If an area needs further investigation, the doctor can remove a tiny piece of tissue and send it to a laboratory for a biopsy. Why is a colposcopy performed? A colposcopy is usually done to assess the health of your cervix (the neck of the womb), the vagina and vulva to see

Colour blindness

Key facts Colour blindness is when you can’t see certain colours in the usual way. People who are colour blind may confuse some colours, may not see some colours as brightly as people with normal vision or they may not see colours at all. Colour blindness is usually inherited and is there from birth, but it can also arise later in life from damage to the brain or eyes. Your doctor or optometrist can use different types of colour vision tests, such as the Ishihara test, to help diagnose colour blindness. What is colour blindness? Colour blindness is a condition


What is a colostomy? A colostomy is surgery to bring part of your colon (bowel or large intestine) to the wall of your abdomen (tummy). At the skin it forms a stoma. A stoma is an artificial opening on the outside of your abdomen. The colon is the first 1 to 1.5 metres of your large intestine. It absorbs water and nutrients and passes the remaining waste to your rectum. A colostomy allows faeces (poo) and gas to leave your body via the stoma. A small disposable bag is worn on the outside of your body to collect the faeces. Large intestine, colostomy

Colonoscopy (child)

What is a colonoscopy? A colonoscopy is a procedure to look at the inside of the large bowel (colon) using a flexible telescope. What are the benefits of a colonoscopy? If the endoscopist finds a problem, they can perform biopsies to help make the diagnosis. Sometimes a polyp is the cause of the problem and the endoscopist may be able to remove it during the procedure. Are there any alternatives to a colonoscopy? A colonoscopy. Other options include a contrast enema (an x-ray which takes pictures of the large bowel) or CT colography (a CT scan of the large bowel). However, these procedures have a higher


Key facts Colonoscopies are used to diagnose medical conditions such as bowel cancer. Bowel preparation, using a strong laxative, is necessary to clean out the bowel so it can be examined. Sedation is used to keep the patient comfortable during the procedure. What is a colonoscopy? A colonoscopy is a procedure that uses a flexible tube, known as a colonoscope. It is inserted into your anus and through the rectum. It lets your doctor see the inside of your large bowel (the colon). The tube transmits images to a screen where signs of medical conditions can be seen. The colonoscope

Colon resection for colon cancer

What is colon cancer? Colon cancer is a harmful growth that starts in the wall of your colon (large bowel). A colon resection involves removing the cancer along with part of your colon either side of it. What are the benefits of surgery? The aim is to remove the cancer along with part of your colon either side of it. Are there any alternatives to a colon resection? Chemotherapy or biological therapy will not lead to you being cured but can shrink the cancer. It is possible to have procedures to ease any blockage of your bowel without treating the underlying

Colon cancer

Bowel cancer (colon and rectal cancer) What is bowel cancer? Bowel cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, develops when cells in the wall of the large bowel grow in an abnormal and uncontrolled way. Bowel cancer can occur anywhere along the large bowel, which includes the large intestine, rectum and anal canal. It typically begins growing from the inner lining of the bowel or from small growths on the bowel wall called polyps (adenomas). If left untreated, these cells can spread along the wall of the bowel, to lymph nodes and to elsewhere in the body. Bowel cancer is the second biggest cause

Colds and flu

Medicines for cold and flu What over-the-counter medicines are available to relieve cold and flu symptoms? There are a number of over-the-counter medicines that can help relieve cold and flu symptoms. These include: Paracetamol for pain and fever Paracetamol can be used for adults and children over one month old for pain and fever. Make sure you have the right strength for your child’s age and weight, as overdosing can be dangerous. Read and follow the directions on the label carefully. If you are not sure check with your doctor or pharmacist. Ibuprofen for pain and fever Ibuprofen belongs to a class of medicines known


What are colds? A cold is a viral infection that affects the nose, the throat and upper airways. Colds are very common. Children may get between 5 and 10 colds a year, while adults may get 2 to 4 colds each year. What are the symptoms of a cold? The symptoms of a cold can be mild or they can be moderately severe. Symptoms of a cold may include: fever (a temperature of 38°C or higher) sneezing blocked or runny nose cough sore throat When should I see my doctor? Colds and flu can make other conditions worse, including conditions such as asthma

Cold or flu? (infographic)

Cold sores What are cold sores? Cold sores are small blister-like spots that appear in or around the outside of the mouth and are caused by infection with the herpes simplex virus. There is no cure for cold sores, but there are ways to treat the symptoms and prevent new outbreaks. What are the symptoms of cold sores? Cold sores start with an itchy and tingling sensation usually on the mouth, lips or nose and may form small blisters that crust after 3 days. Example of a cold sore around the outside of the mouth. Cold sores usually clear up

Cognitive behaviour therapy

Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) What is cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT)? Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy (talking therapy) based on the idea that how you think and act affects how you feel. It can help in many different situations — with both mental and physical health problems. How does CBT work? If you are thinking negatively about yourself or a situation and that is causing you problems, CBT might be able to help. In CBT, you work with a therapist to recognise the patterns of thinking (cognition) and behaviour that cause you problems. Then CBT teaches you

Coffee (see caffeine)

Caffeine   What is caffeine? Caffeine is a chemical found in foods and drinks. It can stimulate your brain and nervous system. It is found in: coffee tea leaves cocoa beans guarana — a South American plant with high levels of natural caffeine chocolate cola drinks energy drinks Caffeine and medicines Caffeine can also be found in some prescription and over-the-counter medicines, such as some: pain-relief medicines cough medicines weight loss products How will caffeine affect my body? Caffeine affects everyone differently. The effect of caffeine depends on: your height, weight and general health the amount you eat or drink genetic

Coeliac disease

  Coeliac disease   What is coeliac disease? Coeliac disease (pronounced SEE-lee-ak) is an autoimmune disease. In people with coeliac disease, the lining of the small bowel is damaged by even tiny amounts of gluten. Gluten is a protein found in grains such as wheat, rye, barley and oats. Coeliac disease affects people of all ages and genders. It runs in families and can develop at any age from infancy to adulthood. Currently, the only available treatment is with a gluten-free diet. Early diagnosis and treatment of coeliac disease significantly reduces the risk of most complications. You should tell family who share your


Key facts Codeine is an opioid pain-relief medicine used for the short-term relief of mild to moderate pain. It is not usually recommended for the treatment of chronic (long-term) pain. Codeine doesn’t work for everyone, as some people’s bodies aren’t able to process it due an inherited genetic difference. Codeine is only available with a prescription from your doctor. If you stop taking codeine suddenly, you may experience withdrawal symptoms. What is codeine? Codeine is an opioid medicine that is only available on prescription from your doctor. What is codeine used for? Codeine is used for the short-term relief of mild to

Cochlear implant

What is a cochlear implant? A cochlear implant is a small electronic device that is surgically inserted into the cochlea, a part of your inner ear, to help you hear better. The implant stimulates your hearing nerve to provide sound signals directly to your brain. Cochlear implants are also known as ‘bionic ears’. If you have hearing loss, a cochlear implant may help you: understand speech and communicate better sense which direction sound is coming from hear despite loud background noise How does a cochlear implant work? The cochlear implant has 2 parts: external and internal. The external part is


What is cocaine? Cocaine is an illegal, highly addictive drug made from the leaves of the South American coca bush. It is a central nervous system stimulant, which causes high levels of dopamine to be released. Dopamine is a brain chemical associated with pleasure and reward. Cocaine is a white powder with a bitter, numbing taste. It is typically snorted through the nose, but it can also be: injected rubbed into the gums added to food and drinks It comes in 3 main forms: cocaine hydrochloride, freebase and crack. Cocaine hydrochloride is a white powder usually mixed or ‘cut’ with other substances. Freebase is

CMIs – how to read them

How to read Consumer Medicine Information (CMI)   What is a consumer medicine information leaflet? Consumer medicine information (CMI) gives you information about your medicines. The CMI gives you facts you need to know before, during and after taking your medicine. A CMI leaflet gives you information on how to use your medicine safely. For example, it tells you about: who should take the medicine who should not take it how to take the medicine any known side effects other medicines it may interact with Your pharmacist will give you a CMI when you start a new medicine. You can also ask them for the

Cluster headache

What are cluster headaches? Cluster headaches are a rare but very painful type of headache, in which headaches occur in groups, or clusters. They are more common in males and usually start at age 20 to 40 years. People who get them find they have frequent headaches over a few weeks, then none for a while. This is called ‘episodic cluster headache’. During a cluster, headaches can occur up to 8 times a day. They often start at night or early in the morning and can wake you up from sleep. These clusters often occur at the same time each year. In

Closure of loop ileostomy

What is clubfoot? Clubfoot is a deformity that makes a baby’s foot abnormally pointed and twisted. It doesn’t hurt the baby and can be corrected with treatment by a specialist. What causes clubfoot? We don’t know why some babies are born with the condition. It’s thought to be because the bones and ligaments don’t develop properly in the womb. It can run in families and is more common in boys than girls. Clubfoot affects about 1 in 1,000 babies. Smoking while you are pregnant increases your chances of having a baby with clubfoot. The medical name for clubfoot is congenital

Closure of loop colostomy

This page will give you information about closure of a loop colostomy. If you have any questions, you should ask your GP or other relevant health professional. What is closure of a loop colostomy? A loop colostomy was made at your original operation to divert the contents of your bowel into your stoma bag. It was expected that this would be only temporary and that your bowel ends would be put back together. Your bowels will then open in the usual way. What are the benefits of surgery? You should be able to open your bowels in the normal way and you

Cleft palate

Clinical trials What are clinical trials? Clinical trials are research studies that are carried out on humans. Clinical trials test whether new treatments are safe and effective. The new treatment might be a new medicine, vaccine, or medical device. It may also be new lifestyle advice or a change to the health service. Clinical trials can involve both healthy people and people with a medical condition. Clinical trial and research ethics A human research ethics committee must agree that a clinical trial is ethical before it can go ahead. The ethics committee has a range of members that include: at least two members of

Cleft lip and cleft palate

Key facts A cleft lip or palate happens when parts of your lip, upper jaw or the roof of your mouth don’t join properly during development in the womb. A cleft lip or palate can lead to problems with breast or bottle feeding, and later with speech. Surgery can resolve these issues as well as help the child’s appearance and speech to develop normally. What is cleft lip or palate? Cleft lip or palate develops when parts of the lip, upper jaw or roof of the mouth don’t join properly in early pregnancy, resulting in a ‘cleft’ or opening. While


Key facts Claustrophobia is the fear of being in an enclosed space. Common situations that can trigger claustrophobia include being in lifts, tunnels, cars, planes or crowded rooms. Claustrophobia can cause intense anxiety and/or panic attacks. Panic attacks can cause overwhelming feelings of anxiety, as well as physical symptoms, such as a racing heartbeat, shortness of breath and sweating. Claustrophobia can be successfully treated with psychological therapies. This includes cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and self-exposure therapy. What is claustrophobia? Claustrophobia is a type of phobia. A phobia is an irrational or disproportionate fear of an object, activity or situation. People


What is gonorrhoea? Gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria. It is sometimes known as ‘the clap’. It can affect the urethra (the tube for urine), cervix (the opening of the uterus at the top of the vagina), anus, throat or eyes. What are the symptoms of gonorrhoea? Gonorrhoea often has no symptoms. In women, if symptoms do occur, they usually develop within 10 days of infection. In women, symptoms may include: unusual vaginal discharge pain, discomfort or burning sensation when passing urine pelvic pain, especially during sex irregular bleeding, especially between periods or after sex anal discharge and

Cirrhosis of the liver

What is cirrhosis? Cirrhosis is permanent scarring of the liver caused by many liver diseases and conditions, such as hepatitis and alcohol abuse. The liver is a vital organ that performs many important functions for keeping your body healthy, including: removing toxins from your blood storing vitamins, extra glucose and iron making and breaking down hormones and proteins Although cirrhosis can’t be cured, early diagnosis and treatment can stop or delay its progress. This can minimise damage and reduce the chance of developing complications. Cirrhosis happens when the liver is permanently damaged, causing scar tissue to replace healthy tissue. It usually develops slowly over


Circumcision What is circumcision? Circumcision is a small surgical operation to remove the foreskin and expose the glans (head) of the penis. The foreskin is a sleeve of skin that covers the end of the penis. This article is about male circumcision. All forms of female genital mutilation (FGM), which is sometimes known as female circumcision, are illegal in Australia. Why might I choose to get my baby circumcised? Parents may choose to circumcise their children for a range of reasons. About 1 in 10 newborn boys in Australia undergo circumcision in Australia today. Male circumcision has been performed for

Circulatory system

What is the circulatory system? Your circulatory system, also called the cardiovascular system or vascular system, moves oxygen, nutrients and hormones to your body’s cells to use for energy, growth and repair. Your circulatory system also removes carbon dioxide and other waste products that your cells do not need. These key parts of your circulatory system maintain blood flow to all the cells in your body, so you can survive: blood — made up of red and white blood cells, plasma and platelets the heart — a muscular organ that pumps blood to all parts of your body blood vessels, include arteries, capillaries and veins