Day: February 27, 2024

Weight-loss diets

What is a diet? A diet involves eating a certain selection of food, usually to improve your health, regulate your weight or cure a disease. New diets, programs and books on losing weight appear every day. While many Australians need to lose a few kilos, it’s important to follow an eating and exercise plan that you can maintain. The plan needs to help you stay healthy for the long term. Nearly 2 in 3 Australians are overweight or obese. Carrying extra weight increases your risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and some cancers. If you are above a healthy weight,

Weight (under)

What to do if you are underweight What does underweight mean? Being underweight means that your weight is below the healthy weight range — the weight that research has shown you need to be if your body is to work properly. Being outside this range, whether overweight or underweight, can affect your immunity, fertility, mental wellbeing and other aspects of health. How do I know if I am underweight? A good measure of whether you are a healthy weight is the body mass index (BMI). This is calculated using your weight (in kilograms) and your height (in meters squared). For most adults, a healthy weight

Watery stools (diarrhoea)

Diarrhoea What is diarrhoea? Diarrhoea is having 3 or more loose or liquid stools (poos) in one day, or more frequently than normal. If you have diarrhoea, you will experience an increase in the volume, wateriness or frequency of your bowel movements. Diarrhoea episodes are often caused by a stomach bug (gastroenteritis) and clear up on their own in a few days. However, there are many other causes of diarrhoea. Most diarrhoea is mild, but it can also be severe — even needing admission to hospital. This article covers diarrhoea in adults and children over 12 years. See diarrhoea in children for

Water safety

Water safety for babies and children What is drowning? Drowning is when liquid (usually water) is inhaled into the lungs and prevents a person from breathing. Drowning can either be fatal (drowning resulting in death) or non-fatal, when the person survives. Previously, a non-fatal drowning was referred to as a near-drowning. Other terms, such as delayed drowning, wet drowning, dry drowning, passive/silent drowning or secondary drowning, were used to describe any illness or injury after a drowning. These terms are no longer used. Anyone who has non-fatal drowning should be seen by a healthcare professional for a medical assessment. What

Washing hands

Why is good hand hygiene important? Germs collect on your hands as you go about everyday life. When you touch your eyes, nose or mouth, the germs can spread to these vulnerable areas. So one of the best ways to avoid getting sick and spreading illness is to frequently wash your hands. Hand washing helps prevent the spread of infections such as common colds, flu, COVID-19 and gastroenteritis. This is important, especially if you care for babies, older people or sick people who are more vulnerable to these illnesses. Babies and children need to wash their hands too. They’re more vulnerable to getting

Warts (genital)

What are genital warts? Genital warts are lumps on genital areas, such as the vagina, vulva, penis and scrotum. They are sexually transmitted and very common. The warts can also appear on your cervix, around your anus and rectum (back passage), in your urethra (the tube that carries urine out of your body) or around your mouth. What are the symptoms of genital warts? Genital warts are usually painless, but they may be itchy. They can be bumpy, flat or appear in clusters. If you have genital warts, you might also notice: differences in your stream of urine blood in


What are warts? Warts are small, harmless lumps of skin caused by a virus known as the human papillomavirus (HPV). A wart will usually have a flesh coloured appearance and the skin forming the wart will be rough. Warts are common in school-aged children but can happen at any age. What are the symptoms of warts? The appearance of a wart depends on its type. There are several different types of warts: Common warts (verruca vulgaris) — these are small, raised areas of skin, usually round, with a rough surface of skin often looking like the top of a cauliflower. These

Warning signs of suicide

Suicide warning signs What is suicide? Suicide is the act of deliberately ending your own life.  Australians attempt suicide each year, and 3,139 Australians died by suicide in 2020. In Australia, suicide is the leading cause of death among people aged between 15 and 49 years old. Suicidal behaviour can range from thinking about suicide (often referred to as ‘suicide ideation’), to making plans then attempting suicide and, in the most tragic cases, death by suicide. What are the risk factors for suicide? Suicide is complex, and there are many factors that might lead a person to experience suicidal thoughts or behaviours.

Warning signs during pregnancy

Warning signs during pregnancy How can I tell if there is a problem with my pregnancy? Pregnancy is a time of great change for your body as you get ready for your baby to arrive. You may be worried about some of the changes you are experiencing, and want to know when you should seek help. Many changes in your body are likely to be a normal part of pregnancy. It’s a good idea to be familiar with common pregnancy health issues that you might experience. However, some signs could point to a more serious pregnancy complication. Some of these symptoms may happen

Waist circumference (and BMI)

Body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference What is body mass index (BMI)? Body mass index (BMI) is calculated from your weight and height. BMI is calculated by dividing your weight by the square of your height as follows: BMI = Weight in kilos/Height in metres x Height in metres You can find your BMI using the healthdirect BMI calculator. The calculator can give you an idea of any health risks related to your BMI or waist circumference. It also offers information based on your personal results. Once you know your BMI, you can find your weight classification. For adults, the

Von Willebrand disease

What is von Willebrand disease? Von Willebrand disease is a bleeding disorder passed down in the genes you inherit from one’s parents. It is similar to haemophilia, but more common and usually less severe. If you have von Willebrand disease, you don’t have enough of a clotting factor called von Willebrand factor, or the factor doesn’t work properly. The result is that it takes longer than normal for your blood to clot and for bleeding to stop. Von Willebrand disease is also called von Willebrand disorder, or VWD. Types of von Willebrand disease There are 3 types of VWD: Type 1

Vomiting (mother)

Morning sickness What is morning sickness? Morning sickness is a feeling of nausea or actual vomiting (being sick) during pregnancy. Despite its name, morning sickness can happen at any time of the day or night. When will I get morning sickness? You are more likely to have morning sickness between 6 and 14 weeks of pregnancy. This is during your first trimester. Most pregnant women have morning sickness at some point. For many women, the feelings of sickness will be over by the second trimester. It is unusual to have morning sickness for the first time after week 10 of pregnancy. If

Vomiting (in babies and children)

What is vomiting? Vomiting is a very common symptom experienced by children. It’s one of the most common reasons parents take their child to the doctor. Vomiting can be caused by many different factors, but viral gastroenteritis (‘gastro’) is the most common cause of sudden vomiting in children. Vomiting from viral gastroenteritis usually clears up in a couple of days, but the diarrhoea usually goes on longer. Babies often bring up small amounts of food after feeding — it’s known as posseting or reflux. It happens without any effort, in contrast to vomiting — which involves forceful contractions of the


What is vomiting? Vomiting is the forceful ejection of the contents of the stomach and upper digestive system through the mouth. It is sometimes known as throwing up or being sick. Vomiting is a reflex that helps the body get rid of substances that may be harmful. Most people will experience vomiting at some point. This information concerns vomiting in adults and children over 12 years of age. See vomiting in children for information relating to children between 0 and 12 years. What symptoms relate to vomiting? Vomiting is accompanied by forceful contractions of the abdominal muscles. It is different from reflux or regurgitation which happen


Benefits of volunteering Being a volunteer has lots of benefits. It can bring meaning and purpose to your life, while increasing your self-esteem and wellbeing. Volunteering can also relieve stress, and alleviate symptoms of depression. As well as having a positive impact on your community, volunteering can improve your relationships. Volunteering explained Volunteering is spending time willingly to help someone else without being paid. It can be formal or informal. Informal volunteering includes helping friends and family with things like babysitting, home repairs or caring. Formal volunteering usually takes place through a charity or other not-for-profit or community organisation. There are many organisations that actively

Voluntary assisted dying

What is voluntary assisted dying? Voluntary assisted dying (VAD) is when someone chooses medical assistance to end their life. Terms such as ‘physician-assisted suicide’, ‘physician-assisted dying’ and ‘euthanasia’ refer to VAD. VAD is voluntary. You can only choose VAD if you are an adult who is able to make decisions and if you choose VAD on your own. No one can force you. There are 2 main types of VAD: self-administered — when a person takes VAD medicine that an eligible healthcare practitioner has prescribed for them practitioner-administered — when an eligible healthcare practitioner administers VAD medicine to a person Is


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. What is vitiligo? Vitiligo is a skin condition where patches of skin become pale or white. It affects 1 to 2 in every 100 people. If you have vitiligo, you are likely to otherwise be healthy. Vitiligo can cause emotional trauma because of the way the skin looks. What are the different types of vitiligo? There are 4 main types of vitiligo: Non-segmental vitiligo is symmetrical, meaning it usually occurs on the same area of body parts on both sides of the body. Segmental vitiligo usually