Day: February 25, 2024


Key facts Oestrogen is one of the main female sex hormones. It is needed for puberty, the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, bone strength and other functions of the body. Oestrogen levels vary throughout the menstrual cycle and fall after menopause. Having too much oestrogen can increase your risk of blood clots and stroke. Having too little oestrogen can increase your risk of weak bones and menopause symptoms. Some medicines contain oestrogen, such as the combined oral contraceptive pill and some types of menopause treatment. High levels of oestrogen can increase your risk of breast cancer, however the added risk from taking

Endocrine glands and their hormones

Key facts There are many endocrine glands in your body that release different hormones. Many of these glands are controlled by the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland (also known as the master gland) in your brain. There are many medical conditions that can affect your glands and cause hormonal problems. What is the hormonal system? The hormonal system (also called the endocrine system) has various glands that release different hormones. Hormones are like the body’s communication system. They take messages from one part of your body (the gland) to another part of your body (the target cell). What are endocrine