Day: February 5, 2024


What is tachycardia (fast heart rate)? Tachycardia means that your heart is beating faster than normal, usually more than 100 beats per minute. Some forms of tachycardia are normal, while others can signify disease or be life-threatening. Your heart’s job is to pump blood round your body in order to move oxygen and nutrients to your organs, and to remove waste from those organs.. It’s normal for your heart to beat faster during exercise or as a response to stress. This is to supply your organs with more blood than while you’re resting and relaxed. Sometimes a fast heart rate can


What is syphilis? Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that can cause serious health problems if left untreated. However, it’s easy to cure if found early. In Australia, rates of syphilis are higher among: men who have sex with men Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people living in remote places However, in recent years rates of syphilis have also been going up in: heterosexual males females What are the symptoms of syphilis? Some people with syphilis have no symptoms. This is why it’s important to be tested regularly. The symptoms of syphilis depend on the stage of infection. There are 4

Syndrome X

Metabolic syndrome What is metabolic syndrome? Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of risk factors that together increase a person’s risk of stroke, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. These risk factors are: high blood pressure excess abdominal weight low levels of ‘good’ cholesterol (HDL cholesterol) insulin resistance, where your cells don’t respond to insulin and your blood sugar levels rise Metabolic syndrome is also known as syndrome X or insulin-resistance syndrome. People with metabolic syndrome have 2 to 3 times the risk of having a heart attack and stroke, type 2 diabetes or chronic kidney disease than people without the condition. Metabolic syndrome affects many adults in

Symptoms of serious illness in babies and children

When should I see a doctor? Most illnesses in babies and children are mild and do not need medical treatment. But if you suspect something more serious, you should seek medical attention. You know your child best. If you are worried, take them to see a doctor. There are general features of a serious illness that should prompt you to see a doctor urgently. These include: severe pain that wakes your child from sleep fever or pain without a clear cause pain that is getting worse pain accompanied by other symptoms such as a fever, vomiting or diarrhoea your child has a fever and

Swollen or painful testicle

What causes swollen or painful testicles? Scrotal swelling or pain could be caused by many things, including: an injury an infection such as mumps and other causes. Epididymitis is one of the most common causes of scrotal pain in men a cyst — fluid-filled sac that can feel like a small, hard lump when touched. Cysts are usually harmless testicular cancer testicular torsion. This happens when a testicle twists in the scrotum and cuts off the blood supply, and causes swelling. This is a medical emergency — unless the condition is treated quickly, the testicle can die problems with the nerves, arteries or veins, such

Swollen glands

What are swollen lymph nodes? Lymph nodes, also known as lymph glands or just ‘glands’, are part of the lymphatic system, which fights infection. Lymph nodes filter impurities from the lymph, which is a type of body fluid. Glands in many different parts of the body can become swollen, but you’re more likely to feel them in your neck, armpits or groin. You may have swollen glands in only one area of your body or in many different parts of your body at the same time. Swollen lymph nodes are also known as lymphadenopathy. What causes swollen lymph nodes? There

Swimming safety (beach)

  The beach The beach is one of Australia’s most recognisable and enjoyable features. Here’s how to enjoy a day at the beach safely and help prevent accidents or injuries. If you get into trouble, save your energy by floating on your back. Try and stay calm. This will ensure you have the energy to stay afloat until help arrives. Who are lifeguards and lifesavers? Lifeguards and lifesavers are trained to supervise beachgoers. They provide advice about beach conditions. You should note what uniform the lifesaving service at your beach is wearing. This will help you know who to look


Health benefits of swimming What are the health benefits of swimming? Swimming is a great, low-impact sport. It is usually suitable for all ages and fitness levels if you know how to swim properly. Swimming can help people recovering from injury. Swimming has 4 main ‘strokes’: freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly. If you are a capable swimmer, you can swim on your own, or in a team or squad. It offers a few health benefits. Fitness: if you swim fast, swimming can be a high-intensity workout that helps get you fit. It burns kilojoules, increases your heart rate and improves your ability to exercise longer.

Swimmer’s ear

What is swimmer’s ear? Swimmer’s ear is an infection of the skin of the outer ear canal, and is also known as otitis externa. This type of infection is very common and affects all age groups. It usually gets better quickly with treatment. What are the symptoms of swimmer’s ear? The symptoms of swimmer’s ear can include: pain in the outer part of the ear — this may range from slightly uncomfortable to severe pain that feel worse when you chew itchiness a squelching or popping sensation when you move your ear or jaw a feeling of pressure or fullness in

Swelling in groin

Groin pain or swelling The most common causes of groin pain or swelling are swollen glands, a groin injury or groin strain or a hernia. If your groin pain or swelling doesn’t improve in a few days, you should see your doctor. What are swollen glands? Swollen glands or lymph nodes usually mean you’re fighting an infection. If the glands in your groin are swollen, you might have an infection or inflamed area in your leg. Swollen glands usually get better by themselves, but if they don’t go away or you are in discomfort, see your doctor. How does a groin injury or groin strain

Swelling (in joints)

Joint pain and swelling What is joint pain and swelling? Swollen joints happen when there is fluid in the tissues around the joints. It can be very uncomfortable and can make it difficult to move the affected joints. In some cases, swelling may cause affected joints to increase in size or appear to be an odd shape. Joint pain and swelling can affect more than one joint at a time. The most common joints to be affected by pain and swelling are elbows, wrists, shoulders, the base of the spine, knuckles in the hand, hips, knees or ankles. Acute and

Swedish massage

What is Swedish massage? Swedish massage is one of the most popular forms of massage therapy. It’s usually used to: help people to relax release tension from your muscles improve your joint range of motion The techniques used in Swedish massage are usually designed to help blood return to your heart. This helps to improve your circulation (blood flow). What does a Swedish massage involve? Swedish massage involves: rubbing and kneading your muscles placing pressure on your muscles and bones compression and vibration of your muscles tapping your muscles moving your joints The most common strokes used during a Swedish

Sweats (night)

Night sweats What are night sweats? If you wake up with your pyjamas and sheets soaked with perspiration, even when it’s not hot or you don’t have too many blankets on the bed, you may be having night sweats. Anyone can have night sweats, no matter your gender or age. What causes night sweats? There are many causes of night sweats. Most are not serious. In some cases, night sweats are a sign of a medical condition. In others, they may be caused by a medicine that you are taking. The most common causes of night sweats are related to

Sweating (excessive)

Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) What is excessive sweating? Excessive or uncontrollable sweating, also known as hyperhidrosis, can be very distressing and embarrassing, but it’s quite common. Around 3 in every 100 Australians have excessive sweating, meaning they sweat a lot for no apparent reason, even when they are not hot or doing physical activity. If you have this condition, you might sweat so much it soaks through your clothes. If you live with hyperhidrosis and your condition bothers you, you can get help. Treatments can help lessen the impact of excessive sweating on your life. There are 2 types of excessive

Swallowed substance (swallowed)

Key facts Common household and garden products can be swallowed by accident. If you suspect that someone has taken an overdose of medicine or has swallowed a poisonous substance, get medical help immediately — this is an emergency. Store all medicines, chemicals and cleaning products in a high, locked cupboard out of sight and reach of children to prevent poisoning in children. If you suspect that the poisoning was not the result of an accident and that it was done on purpose, seek help from a healthcare professional as soon as possible. Which substances often get swallowed? Common household and

Swallowed object (swallowed accidentally)

Key facts Sometimes people accidentally swallow something they shouldn’t. Some swallowed objects can progress through the body without a problem and can pass in stools (poo), but some objects can be very dangerous if they are swallowed. Objects that are particularly dangerous when swallowed including button batteries — these can cause serious injury or death. Other objects that are very dangerous to swallow include large and sharp objects, magnets and objects made of lead. What is a swallowed object? A swallowed object usually refers to an item that you should not have swallowed. Healthcare professionals may call it a suspected

Surgical and medical abortions

Abortion – surgical and medical options What is abortion? An abortion (also known as termination) is the medical process of ending a pregnancy, so it does not result in the birth of a baby. I think I am pregnant with an unplanned pregnancy. What should I do? If you think you are pregnant, the first thing to do is take a pregnancy test. You can do this by visiting your doctor or buying a test from a pharmacy or supermarket. The sooner you do this the better. If you are pregnant, you can work out the stage of your pregnancy by calculating the number of days since

Surgery for tennis elbow

What is tennis elbow? Tennis elbow is caused by wear and tear of the tendons on the outside of your elbow, causing pain, stiffness and, sometimes, weakness. What are the benefits of surgery? 9 in 10 people heal within a year without surgery. The main benefit of surgery is to get relief from the symptoms more quickly. Are there any alternatives to surgery? Resting your elbow when you have symptoms and not doing the activities that cause pain will treat the condition but it can take up to 2 years to recover fully. Physiotherapy can help you to recover more quickly. Some

Surgery for rectal cancer

What is rectal cancer? Rectal cancer is a harmful growth that starts in the wall of your rectum, which is the final part of your large bowel just before your anus. Surgery for rectal cancer involves removing the cancer along with part of your rectum either side of it. What are the benefits of surgery? The aim is to remove the cancer along with part of your bowel either side of it. If the cancer is small, it may be possible for it to be removed without removing part of your bowel. Are there any alternatives to surgery for rectal