Day: February 3, 2024

Health benefits of swimming

Key facts Swimming is a sport that you can do in a squad or independently, at any time of year. Being low-impact, swimming is a great option for people recovering from injury. Swimming has many health benefits including increasing your fitness, muscle strength and wellbeing. If you are starting an exercise program you can gradually increase how far and for how long you swim as your fitness improves. Whenever you are near water, there is a risk of drowning. Always practise water safety, and never swim alone. Wherever there is water, there is a risk of drowning. Always practise water

Surgery for problems of the small toes

What problems can happen to the small toes? There are 3 main problems that can happen to the small toes. Deformity — Change in the shape of a toe. Pain in your toe joints. Metatarsalgia — Pain in the ball of your foot. Toe deformities, such as claw toe and hammer toe, happen when the tendons that move your toes get too tight or out of balance. The toe can rub on other toes and on the inside of your shoe, causing pressure and pain. Inflammatory arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis can damage your toe joints and this may make them come

Surgery for pilonidal sinus

What is a pilonidal sinus? A pilonidal sinus is a problem in your natal cleft (the area between your buttocks) that can cause infection. Hairs can grow in your natal cleft, or loose hairs can fall and collect in your natal cleft. Hairs carry bacteria, which can cause inflammation and infection. An abscess (a collection of pus) can form or the pus can drain through a tunnel (sinus) out to your skin. A pilonidal sinus. What are the benefits of surgery? Surgery is the most dependable way to remove the pilonidal sinus and pockets of infection. Are there any alternatives

Surgery for large hiatus hernia

What is a hiatus hernia? Your oesophagus passes from your chest into your abdominal cavity through a small gap (hiatus) in your diaphragm. Normally the hiatus is the right size to allow the oesophagus to pass into the abdomen while keeping your stomach in your abdominal cavity. If the gap is too big, the top of your stomach, and in severe cases the whole of your stomach and other organs, can pass through the gap into your chest. What are the benefits of surgery? Surgery should completely resolve or significantly relieve some or all of your symptoms. If acid reflux

Surgery for ingrowing toenail (child)

What is an ingrowing toenail? An ingrowing toenail happens when the toenail grows into the skin around it. The skin can get damaged, causing infection and pain. The most common cause of an ingrowing toenail is not cutting your child’s toenails properly, by cutting them too short or down the sides of the toenail. Wearing shoes that do not have enough width to fit the toes in their natural position can also cause an ingrowing toenail. What are the benefits of surgery? Your child should no longer have infection and pain. An ingrown toenail. Are there any alternatives to surgery? Try to

Surgery for ingrowing toenail (adult)

What is an ingrowing toenail? An ingrowing toenail happens when your toenail grows into the skin around it. The skin can get damaged, causing infection and pain. The problem usually happens to your big toe. The most common cause of an ingrowing toenail is not cutting your toenails properly, by cutting them too short or down the sides of your toenail. Wearing shoes that do not have enough width to fit your toes in their natural position can also cause an ingrowing toenail. An ingrown toenail. What are the benefits of surgery? You should no longer have infection and pain. Are there

Surgery for diverticular disease

What is diverticular disease? Diverticular disease is the name given to a condition where pouches form in the lining of your colon (large bowel). Most people with diverticular disease have few, if any, symptoms. However, a small proportion do have enough problems to need surgery to remove the affected portion of their bowel. Diverticular disease is probably caused by too little fibre in the diet over many years. This results in high pressure within your bowel as your bowel tries to squeeze a relatively low volume of solid matter towards your back passage. The pressure causes the wall of your bowel

Surgery for de Quervain’s disease

What is de Quervain’s disease? De Quervain’s disease causes pain when you move your wrist and thumb, and usually a tender swelling at the base of your thumb. The two tendons that move your thumb usually glide freely through a tight tunnel (sheath) at the base of your thumb. If the fibrous roof of the tunnel thickens, the tunnel becomes too tight, usually resulting in pain when you move your wrist and thumb. The pain is usually worse when your thumb is extended. Sometimes your wrist and thumb may feel stiff and your thumb may lock slightly when you move

Surgery for benign scrotal lumps

What is a benign scrotal lump? A benign scrotal lump is a lump in your scrotum that is not caused by cancer. There are 3 types of benign scrotal lump. A hydrocele is a build-up of fluid around a testicle. An epididymal cyst is a collection of fluid in the epididymis (a tube-like structure that stores sperm). A sperm granuloma is a small painful swelling caused by sperm sometimes leaking following a vasectomy. a) A normal testicleb) A hydrocele What are the benefits of surgery? If the lump is large, surgery will ease any discomfort you may have and make it easier for

Surgery for anal fistula

What is an anal fistula? An anal fistula is an abnormal connection between the lining on the inside of your anal canal (back passage) and the skin near your anus. Most anal fistulas are caused by an abscess (a collection of pus) that has developed in your anal canal. The pus can drain away onto your skin on its own or by an operation. A fistula happens when the track made by the pus on the way to the surface of your skin stays open. What are the benefits of surgery? You should no longer have any infection or pain.

Surgery (questions to ask before)

Questions to ask before surgery Whether or not to have surgery is a big decision. No matter how much advice you get, ultimately the decision is yours. Asking your doctor plenty of questions can help guide you towards making the right decision. Do I really need this surgery? It’s a good idea to know exactly how the surgery might help you. For example, if it’s surgery on your leg, you could ask your GP and your surgeon: Will the surgery make your leg feel less painful? Will the surgery make walking easier? Be clear about what the benefits might be.

Surgery (preparing for)

Preparing for surgery Choosing your surgeon It can be hard to choose a surgeon. You want to find a person who has all the technical skills you need. You also need to find someone who listens well and can talk to you about any concerns you have. You could ask your doctor who is the best surgeon to do my operation? And why? You could ask your surgeon about their experience doing this surgery. If it’s their first time, you should know that. It’s a good idea to ask your surgeon: How many times have you done this operation? What results


Key facts Sunscreen is a cream or lotion used to help protect your skin from the damaging effects of the sun. Sunscreen should be applied 20 minutes before going out into the sun and should be reapplied every 2 hours. Use sunscreen that is SPF 30 or above, broad spectrum and waterproof whenever the UV radiation level is at 3 or above. Apply generous amounts of sunscreen to any part of your body that is exposed to the sun. See your doctor if you notice any skin changes that may suggest a skin cancer. What is sunscreen? Sunscreen is a

Sunburn and sun protection

What is sunburn? Sunburn is damage to the skin caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Too much UV radiation causes the skin to become hot, red and painful. Skin that has been sunburnt turns red within hours. The sunburn will continue to develop for the next 1 to 3 days. Most people who have been sunburnt also peel, which is the body’s way of shedding dead and damaged skin cells and making way for the new skin underneath. How is sunburn caused? UV radiation causes the skin to make more of a pigment called melanin to protect itself. This

Summer rashes

During summer, many Australians participate in outdoor activities. Many people also get rashes. These rashes can be caused by: heat rash (or prickly heat) sunburn and sunlight bites and stings sweating a lot Allergies and pre-existing skin conditions can also get worse during summer. Babies are especially prone to skin rashes because their skin is often more sensitive. Types of summer rash There are several different types of skin rashes; here are some that are more likely to happen during summer. Heat rash or prickly heat Heat rash or prickly heat is caused by a blockage and inflammation of your sweat ducts. This can be made worse

Suicide warning signs

What is suicide? Suicide is the act of deliberately ending your own life. More than 65,000 Australians attempt suicide each year, and 3,139 Australians died by suicide in 2020. In Australia, suicide is the leading cause of death among people aged between 15 and 49 years old. Suicidal behaviour can range from thinking about suicide (often referred to as ‘suicide ideation’), to making plans then attempting suicide and, in the most tragic cases, death by suicide. What are the risk factors for suicide? Suicide is complex, and there are many factors that might lead a person to experience suicidal thoughts or behaviours.

Suicidal thoughts

Are you experiencing suicidal thoughts? What are suicidal thoughts? Suicidal thoughts are thoughts about wanting to end your life. You might be thinking about the ways you might end your life, or the emotional pain you’re feeling. If you are having suicidal thoughts, you are not alone — 3% of Australians have considered suicide in the past 12 months. Remember — help is at hand. Why do I feel like this? Finding yourself thinking about suicide can be frightening. You might feel alone, and like nobody can understand what you’re going through. It may help to know that lots of people


What is sugar? A sugar is a type of carbohydrate. Like other carbohydrates, sugars are a source of energy for your body. Sugars can occur naturally in foods or be added to foods and drinks. Naturally-occurring sugars include lactose in milk, fructose in fruit and honey, glucose in fruits and vegetables, and maltose in wheat and barley. Added sugars is the name given to sugars that are added to a food by the person or manufacturer preparing it. Sugars are added by manufacturers for many reasons — including to make food taste sweeter, extend its shelf life or improve its appearance. There is no

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

What is sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI)? Sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) is a term used to describe the sudden and unexpected death of a baby that is less than 12 months old. It is used when the cause is not immediately obvious. Investigations after death can explain some deaths. These may be due to: accidental death smothering by bedclothes infection metabolic disorders genetic disorders non-accidental injury Sometimes these deaths happen because a baby has suffocated or been trapped by things in their sleep environment. This is called a fatal sleeping accident. When no cause for the death

Substance abuse

What is substance abuse? Substance abuse involves overuse (often to dangerous levels) of alcohol, tobacco or other drugs. Substance abuse can also be called substance use disorder. Substance use disorders are when use of a substance: is heavy is prolonged creates personal or social problems Around 1 in 20 Australians has an addiction or substance abuse problem. It can result in changes and long-term damage to your brain and other organs. What substances are commonly abused? Commonly abused substances in Australia are tobacco and alcohol. Smoking is the main cause of preventable death and disease in Australia. About 1 in

Subdural haematoma

What is a subdural haematoma? A subdural haematoma is a collection of blood between the surface of the brain and the skull. It is an emergency condition that can result from a head injury. Subdural haematoma types Subdural haematomas are classified according to the length of time since the event that caused them. They can be: acute (less than 2 days) subacute (2 to 14 days) chronic (more than 14 days) Some people with chronic subdural haematoma have had only a mild head injury or no head injury that they can recall. What are the symptoms of a subdural haematoma?


What is a stye? A stye (hordeolum) is a small, painful lump on the outside or inside of your eyelid. Styes often look like pimples. A stye may be a different colour to the rest of your skin due to swelling. If a stye eye has a white spot in the middle, this means there is pus inside. The stye may feel sore and tender. It may cause your eye to water. Chalazion cysts are another type of lump that can be found on the eyelid. These are not painful. What causes a stye? Styes are quite common. They are caused


Stuttering is a speech disorder that stops someone from speaking fluently. Most children who stutter recover naturally, but it can be a lifelong condition for some people. Different treatments and programs can help people who stutter to improve their speech. These treatments are most effective if started during the pre-school years. What is stuttering? Stuttering is a speech disorder that affects the flow of speech. A person who stutters knows what they want to say, but they can’t get the words out in the right way when they want to say them. About 1 in 100 Australians stutter. The condition


What is a stroke? A stroke occurs when the blood supply to a part of your brain is suddenly reduced. This prevents your brain from getting oxygen and other nutrients from your blood. Your brain needs a continuous supply of oxygen and nutrients from your blood. Without oxygen or nutrients, your brain cells die and the affected area can suffer permanent damage. There are 2 main reasons for reduced blood supply: a blood clot a bleed One in 4 people with have a stroke in their lifetime. What are the symptoms of a stroke? You can remember the main symptoms of

Stress relief and relaxation

Relaxation techniques for stress relief How are relaxation techniques beneficial? Stress causes your nervous system to release hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, which can help your body respond to challenging situations. But if you feel stressed for a long time, they can cause you to feel overwhelmed, exhausted or like you aren’t coping. Ongoing — or, chronic — stress is associated with some mental health conditions. It can also cause physical symptoms like high blood pressure, headaches, insomnia and a weakened immune system. Relaxation techniques can help you manage stress and improve your wellbeing. When can relaxation techniques help me? Relaxation techniques can be used

Stress in young people

What is stress? Stress is a normal and healthy part of our nervous system. However, too much stress can be difficult to manage and become problematic. Everyone experiences stress for different reasons. This can vary for different generations. Research has shown that stress in teenagers and young adults is higher than in older Australians. The good news is that most of us can usually manage the stress caused by issues with relationships, finances, and health. Stress is a natural human response to the pressure you feel from challenging or dangerous situations. In healthy amounts, it motivates us to respond to the challenging thing.