Day: November 24, 2023


What is fainting? Fainting, also called syncope, is a period of temporary loss of consciousness that happens when the blood flow to the brain is reduced. When should I see a doctor? People normally recover quickly after fainting. Fainting can be the sign of a medical condition, like a heart or brain disorder. It’s always worth checking with your doctor, especially if you haven’t fainted before. You should see a doctor if you: have fainted and do not know the cause have recently fainted more than once When should I call an ambulance? You should call an ambulance if you:

Faecal incontinence

What is faecal incontinence? Faecal incontinence is when you experience leakage from the bowel or pass a poo at the wrong time or in the wrong place due to poor bowel control. You may also have trouble with excessive wind or staining of underwear. As many as 1 in 20 people have poor bowel control, but there are treatments available. It’s more common as people get older, but young people experience faecal incontinence too. People with the condition may also have problems with bladder control. What are the symptoms of faecal incontinence? The symptoms of faecal incontinence include: being unable to

Facial injury

What are facial injuries? Facial injuries include: cuts and wounds to the face nosebleeds a broken nose injuries to the eyes and airways Some minor injuries can be managed at home, while others will need urgent medical attention. What causes facial injuries? Facial injuries can affect any part of the face, with a wide range of causes that can include: Minor cuts and grazes Wounds and grazes to the face can often be caused by a range of things, such as falling over, shaving or knocking into something. Accidental bumps and knocks are a part of everyday life but wounds can also

Whooping cough

Key facts Whooping cough is a contagious illness. Bacteria Bordetella pertussis causes it. The cough can last for months and may have a ‘whoop’ sound. Whooping cough can cause serious health problems in babies. Vaccination is the best protection against whooping cough. Adults may need booster vaccines for full immunity. Pregnant women and adults who have contact with babies should get a booster vaccine. What is whooping cough? Whooping cough is a bacterial infection that spreads from one person to another. It causes severe bouts of coughing. The ‘whoop’ refers to the sound you may make if you take a quick breath

Tuberculosis (TB)

Key facts Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease that can affect any part of your body, most commonly your lungs. TB can be latent (where you don’t have any symptoms and are not infectious), or active (where you are unwell). The tuberculin skin test or a blood test can check if you have been infected with TB. TB can be treated with a combination of antibiotics that you will need to take for at least 6 months. The BCG vaccine prevents you becoming very unwell with TB, but it is only recommended in Australia for people at high risk of


What is silicosis? Silicosis is a long-term lung disease caused by inhaling unsafe levels of silica dust, usually over a period of many years. People who work with certain materials may inhale a very fine dust that contains silica. Once inside the lungs, the dust particles can scar the lungs. This scarring is known as silicosis. Silicosis can lead to breathing problems, a serious lung condition called Progressive Massive Fibrosis (PMF), or lung cancer. There is no cure for silicosis and it can be fatal. Types of silicosis The 3 common types of silicosis are: chronic silicosis — exposure to

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)

What is respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)? Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common virus that can infect your airways and lungs. It is highly contagious and spreads easily. RSV infections most often affect children under 2 years of age. What are the symptoms of RSV? Symptoms usually start 3 to 10 days after infection with RSV. Most cases are mild, and symptoms include: a runny nose cough fever Some people will also get an ear infection. Almost all children will have been infected with RSV by the age of 3 years. Children with asthma or breathing problems will find these get worse when they

Facial droop

What is facial droop? Facial droop occurs when your facial muscles are not working properly. Your face may not look symmetrical, and you may have trouble moving your eyes and/or mouth. Facial droop can affect one or both sides of your face. What symptoms are related to facial droop? The symptoms associated with facial droop depend on its cause. Bell’s palsy symptoms usually appear quickly and gets better gradually. These symptoms may include: difficulty closing your eye or blinking on the affected side difficulty smiling or chewing food mild pain near your ear change in taste Facial droop to the

Facet joint injection

What is a facet joint medial branch block? A facet joint medial branch block involves injecting local anaesthetics into or around a facet joint to see if this relieves your back pain. Sometimes steroids are also used to reduce inflammation and to make the pain relief last longer. What are the benefits of a facet joint medial branch block? A facet joint medial branch block can be used to find out if your pain is caused by your facet joints. A side view of lumbar vertebrae Are there any alternatives to the injection? An x-ray or scan can show if you have osteoarthritis in


A facelift is a cosmetic procedure that changes a person’s appearance. Facelifts aim to reduce lines, wrinkles and other visible signs of ageing. Your face may be less lined and possibly appear more youthful after the operation. However, a facelift doesn’t stop the ageing process. What is a facelift? A facelift is a surgical procedure to lift and tighten the face and neck tissues. Facelifts also reduce sagging skin on a person’s face. The operation might also involve: tightening of facial muscles removing or redistributing fat from the neck, jowls and face taking fat from other parts of the body, such as

Fabry disease

What is Fabry disease? Fabry disease is a rare genetic condition with many different symptoms that often begin in childhood. Treatments are available to help manage the symptoms Fabry disease is a genetic disorder that belongs to a group of diseases known as lysosomal storage diseases. If you have Fabry disease, you don’t have enough of an enzyme that’s needed to break down a certain type of fat in your cells. (An enzyme is a chemical, produced within the body, that helps this process to occur.) As a result, the fat builds up in your body, causing a range of symptoms. Fabry


What are eyes? Your eyes allow you to see the shapes and colours of the world around you. They are sometimes described as your windows to the world. What do my eyes do? Your eyes gather light into electrical signals that your brain converts into what you see (your sight). Along with your ears, muscles and joints, your eyes also help coordinate your balance. Parts of my eye Your eye is ball shaped and about 2.5 cm wide. It is not perfectly round. Your eye contains special structures, which help to capture light. If you look at one of your eyes in the mirror,

Eye-health (over 60)

Many people associate older age with poorer vision. It’s true that there are many eye conditions which are more common in older age. However, there are many things you can do to help maintain good vision for life. Read on to learn more. How do my eyes change as I get older? As with other parts of your body, your eyes go through normal changes as you age. Presbyopia is a vision problem where you may notice it is more difficult to read things that are close by. You need to hold things further away to see them clearly. Almost all people will

Eye tests

  Regular eye tests with an optometrist can help make sure your eyes are in good health. They can pick up problems with your eyes before you notice anything. You don’t need a doctor’s referral to see an optometrist for an eye test. Why should I have an eye test? Regular eye tests can detect and diagnose eye problems in the early stages, such as: glaucoma cataracts macular degeneration The earlier these problems are diagnosed, the sooner you can get treated. This will improve your vision outcomes. Eye tests can also help identify if you have trouble seeing at different distances. You

Eye strain

What is eye strain? Eye strain is common. It happens when you use your eyes to concentrate on something for a long time. Lots of things can cause eye strain, but there are actions you can take to prevent it too. What are the symptoms of eye strain? When people get eye strain, they generally get tired, sore or itchy eyes, or notice that their eyes are watery or dry. Eye strain can also cause: a burning sensation in your eyes blurred eyesight, or double vision difficulty concentrating sensitivity to light headache sore neck, shoulders or back due to muscle

Eye infections

Eye infections can be caused by either viruses or bacteria, or occasionally by a fungus. Conditions such as conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, blepharitis (infection of the eye lid) and corneal ulcers cause red, puffy, swollen, watery and painful eyes. Treatment often involves eye drops and sometimes antibiotics. Other eye diseases such as glaucoma can mimic the symptoms of eye infections, so you should see your doctor or an optometrist if your symptoms don’t rapidly improve by themselves. If you experience any loss of vision, you should immediately seek medical assistance.

Eye floaters

What are eye floaters? Eye floaters are small specks or strands or clouds that move across your vision. They can drift across your field of vision and stand out more when you look at something bright. They usually don’t affect your vision. Though, if they are large, they may appear to cast a shadow over your vision in some types of light. Eye floaters become more common as we age. They don’t normally go away, but they don’t usually need treatment. Over time, your brain adapts, and you don’t notice them as much. What symptoms are related to eye floaters?

Eye discharge

Key facts It’s normal to find some crusty eye discharge along your lashes and in the corner of your eye when you wake up from sleep. This is not usually a cause for concern. Eye discharge may be watery or sticky — these different types of discharge indicate different causes for eye discharge. You do not need antibiotics for all types of eye discharge. See your doctor or pharmacist if you have yellow-green sticky discharge, pain or swelling in or around your eye, blurred vision or light sensitivity. What is eye discharge? Eye discharge is secretion of mucus or other

Eye care

There are simple steps you can take to care for your eyes, and to protect them with essential eye care habits every day. Here are some things you can do to care for and help protect your eyes. How can I protect my eyes at work and at home? If you work in an environment where there’s a risk of getting something in your eyes (such as dust, wood chips, metal fragments or chemicals), protect your eyes by wearing a face visor or a pair of wrap-around goggles. You may also want to ask your employer to provide protective clothing. It’s also

Eye cancer

What is eye cancer? Eye cancer develops when abnormal cells in your eye grow and divide in an uncontrolled way. In adults, it is usually caused by melanoma. Eye cancer can be quite hard to treat, but luckily it is rare in Australia. Many different cancers can affect the eyes or the muscles and tissue around the eye. Eye cancers are sometimes called ‘intraocular cancers’. Sometimes they start to grow in the eye itself, and sometimes they spread there from other cancers elsewhere in the body, such as the breast or lungs. What are the types of eye cancer? The most common

Eye (objects or chemicals)

Objects or chemicals in the eye What is an object or chemical in the eye? An object in the eye is something small such as dirt, metal or sawdust that gets into the eye. Most objects in your eye can be found under your eyelid or on the surface of your eye. Something can get in your eyes when you’re cleaning, gardening or at work. It can also happen when something is carried by the wind and gets in the eye. If you get something in your eye during activities such as drilling, cutting or grinding, you may have a

External cardioversion

What is an external cardioversion? An external cardioversion is a procedure to treat an abnormal heart rhythm. It involves connecting you to a defibrillator machine that gives a controlled electric shock to make your heart beat normally again. Your heart is a muscle that pumps oxygen-rich blood from your lungs around your body and oxygen-poor blood from your body to your lungs. The pumping (heartbeat) is controlled by electric impulses from a group of cells on your heart called the sinus node. When your heart beats normally, the electric impulses cause the upper collecting chambers (atria) and lower pumping chambers

Expressing breast milk

Expressing and storing breast milk What is expressing? Expressing is a way to get milk from your breasts when your baby is not breastfeeding. You can express milk by hand or with a pump. There are manual pumps and electric pumps available. Not everyone will need to express breast milk. Why would I need to express? Being able to express breast milk is useful in several situations. Such as if your baby has been born prematurely is unwell and is not able to breastfeed can’t attach and suck effectively is refusing the breast your breasts are very full and uncomfortable needs to be fed

Expired medicines

Out-of-date medicines What is an out-of-date medicine? All medications have an expiry date. The expiry date is the point in time when the medication will no longer be as effective as it should be. Medicines should not be used past their expiry date. This includes prescribed as well as over-the-counter (OTC) medicines. Expiry dates can vary widely between different medicines and different forms of medicine. For example, dry tablets are likely to have a later expiry date than liquids. It doesn’t matter what form your medicine is in, all medicines expire, including patches, creams, lotions, ointments, liquids, injections and tablets. The

Exercise and mental health

What are the physical health benefits of exercise? Exercise has many benefits for your physical health. Physical activity helps reduce your risk of illnesses, such as: heart disease high blood pressure diabetes obesity cancer Exercise can help people with illnesses and conditions such as: stroke Alzheimer’s disease Parkinson’s disease dementia Physical activity can also help you maintain a healthy weight and improve your overall health. Different exercises can help you: lose weight if you need to build muscle mass and strength Exercise can also boost your self-esteem. What are the mental health benefits of exercise? If you exercise regularly, it can help: reduce

Exercise (older adults)

Physical activity guidelines for older people Why should older people stay active? Whatever your age, you can enjoy the benefits of physical activity. There’s a host of health reasons to stay active and it doesn’t have to be ‘serious business’ — being active can be fun, especially if you can socialise at the same time. Exercise also helps keep your mind active and improves your quality of life. Even a small increase in daily physical activity can reduce your risk of health conditions such as: high blood pressure high cholesterol type 2 diabetes heart disease bone problems, including osteoporosis obesity some

Exercise (getting started)

How to start exercising Everyone should aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity on most, preferably all, days of the week. Moderate-intensity physical activity is an activity that is energetic and raises your heart rate, but doesn’t make you too breathless, such as fast walking. If you are pregnant, have been previously inactive, or suffer from any medical conditions, it is recommended that you seek medical advice before commencing vigorous physical activity. For best results in achieving a healthier lifestyle and reducing your risk of developing a chronic disease, combine physical activity with healthy eating. Build up slowly

Excision of a ganglion

What is a ganglion? A ganglion is a lump under your skin that contains fluid. Ganglions usually form near joints. 3 in 4 ganglions form near the wrist. They are also found on your ankle and foot. The fluid in the ganglion comes from a joint or tendon through a narrow channel. What are the benefits of surgery? The lump and any discomfort from it should settle. Surgery gives the best chance of preventing the ganglion from coming back. A ganglion on a wrist. Are there any alternatives to surgery? A ganglion will often disappear or become less painful after

Excision biopsy of a breast lump

What is an excision biopsy of a breast lump? An excision biopsy of a breast lump involves removing a lump through a small cut. What are the benefits of surgery? An excision biopsy is usually performed for the following reasons: You may want to have the lump removed. You may have cosmetic reasons or the lump may be causing you pain. Your surgeon may be concerned about the lump. The tissue will be examined under a microscope to find out if you have cancer. An excision biopsy. Are there any alternatives to an excision biopsy? If the lump is probably benign


Key facts A pneumothorax is when air leaks into the space between one of your lungs and your chest wall. The most common symptoms are sharp chest pain and breathing problems. Treatment will depend on your symptoms, as well as the type and size of your pneumothorax. A tension pneumothorax is a medical emergency that needs immediate treatment. What is pneumothorax? A pneumothorax is when air leaks into the space between one of your lungs and your chest wall. This is called the ‘pleural space’. A pneumothorax can cause a ‘collapsed lung’ when the air in your pleural space pushes


Key facts Pneumonia is an infection in your lungs. Pneumonia can be life-threatening for babies, young children and people older than 70 years. Treatment will depend on whether your pneumonia is caused by bacteria or a virus. There are vaccinations available that can help prevent some types of pneumonia. What is pneumonia? Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs. The infection is usually caused by bacteria or a virus. The infection causes inflammation (swelling) in your lungs. The air sacs in your lungs can fill up with fluid, making it harder for you to breathe. There are many types of


What is pleurisy? Pleurisy is inflammation of the pleura. The pleura are linings that cover the outside of the lungs and the inside chest wall. They are lubricated so that the lungs and chest wall can move easily during breathing. When someone has pleurisy, the pleura become rough and rub against each other, which is painful. What are the symptoms of pleurisy? Symptoms can vary in severity and include: chest pain that may worsen with deep breathing and coughing, usually on one side. The pain can be sharp and stabbing, or a constant ache. You may also feel pain in the back

Pleural effusion

Key facts A pleural effusion is an abnormal build-up of fluid in the space around your lungs. This can cause pressure on your lungs, making breathing difficult. A pleural effusion can be a sign of serious illness. Your doctor may use a needle or tube to drain the fluid, which can also be sent off for testing. What is pleural effusion? The pleural cavity is a space between your lungs and the inside of your chest. If you have a build-up of fluid in the pleural cavity, this is known as a pleural effusion. What causes pleural effusion? Pleural effusion can be


Key facts Mesothelioma is a cancer caused mainly by exposure to asbestos. There are 2 main types of mesothelioma — pleural and peritoneal. Treatment may involve chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy and sometimes surgery. What is mesothelioma? Mesothelioma is a cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. Australia has one of the highest rates of mesothelioma in the world because of our extensive use of asbestos in the past. Even though asbestos is now banned in Australia, the number of Australians with mesothelioma is growing because the disease can take decades to develop. What are the types of mesothelioma? Mesothelioma grows in the