Day: November 10, 2023


Key facts People with psychosis cannot tell what is real and what is not. They may have hallucinations, like hearing voices that don’t exist, or delusions, where they have false beliefs about themselves or the world. Psychosis can be caused or triggered by certain mental illnesses and/or drug use in vulnerable people. Depending on the cause, psychosis can be treated with a combination of medicine, psychotherapy and/or community support. If you or someone close to you is experiencing psychosis, seek urgent medical attention. What is psychosis? People with psychosis (also known as a ‘psychotic episode’) cannot tell what is real


Key facts Claustrophobia is the fear of being in an enclosed space. Common situations that can trigger claustrophobia include being in lifts, tunnels, cars, planes or crowded rooms. Claustrophobia can cause intense anxiety and/or panic attacks. Panic attacks can cause overwhelming feelings of anxiety, as well as physical symptoms, such as a racing heartbeat, shortness of breath and sweating. Claustrophobia can be successfully treated with psychological therapies. This includes cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and self-exposure therapy. What is claustrophobia? Claustrophobia is a type of phobia. A phobia is an irrational or disproportionate fear of an object, activity or situation. People


What is gonorrhoea? Gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria. It is sometimes known as ‘the clap’. It can affect the urethra (the tube for urine), cervix (the opening of the uterus at the top of the vagina), anus, throat or eyes. What are the symptoms of gonorrhoea? Gonorrhoea often has no symptoms. In women, if symptoms do occur, they usually develop within 10 days of infection. In women, symptoms may include: unusual vaginal discharge pain, discomfort or burning sensation when passing urine pelvic pain, especially during sex irregular bleeding, especially between periods or after sex anal discharge and

Cirrhosis of the liver

What is cirrhosis? Cirrhosis is permanent scarring of the liver caused by many liver diseases and conditions, such as hepatitis and alcohol abuse. The liver is a vital organ that performs many important functions for keeping your body healthy, including: removing toxins from your blood storing vitamins, extra glucose and iron making and breaking down hormones and proteins Although cirrhosis can’t be cured, early diagnosis and treatment can stop or delay its progress. This can minimise damage and reduce the chance of developing complications. Cirrhosis happens when the liver is permanently damaged, causing scar tissue to replace healthy tissue. It usually develops slowly over


Circumcision What is circumcision? Circumcision is a small surgical operation to remove the foreskin and expose the glans (head) of the penis. The foreskin is a sleeve of skin that covers the end of the penis. This article is about male circumcision. All forms of female genital mutilation (FGM), which is sometimes known as female circumcision, are illegal in Australia. Why might I choose to get my baby circumcised? Parents may choose to circumcise their children for a range of reasons. About 1 in 10 newborn boys in Australia undergo circumcision in Australia today. Male circumcision has been performed for

Circulatory system

What is the circulatory system? Your circulatory system, also called the cardiovascular system or vascular system, moves oxygen, nutrients and hormones to your body’s cells to use for energy, growth and repair. Your circulatory system also removes carbon dioxide and other waste products that your cells do not need. These key parts of your circulatory system maintain blood flow to all the cells in your body, so you can survive: blood — made up of red and white blood cells, plasma and platelets the heart — a muscular organ that pumps blood to all parts of your body blood vessels, include arteries, capillaries and veins

Ciguatera poisoning

What is ciguatera poisoning? Ciguatera poisoning is a type of food poisoning. You get it by eating some types of fish. These fish feed in warm waters and can carry the ciguatera toxin. Many species of fish have been linked to outbreaks around the world. Ciguatera poisoning is most common in: The Pacific islands The Indian islands The tropical Caribbean In Australia, ciguatera toxin is more commonly found in fish that live in the warmer waters of: northern Queensland parts of the Northern Territory More recently, a number of cases have been reported in New South Wales. These have mostly been


How does smoking affect my fertility? Quitting smoking increases your fertility for both females and males. Females who smoke may have: difficulty conceiving early onset of menopause many cancers, including ovarian cancer Males who smoke may have: trouble getting and maintaining an erection lower sperm count damage to DNA in sperm causing health problems in your baby How can smoking affect my baby? Smoking during pregnancy exposes your baby to harmful chemicals. Every time you smoke, your baby effectively smokes too. Nicotine and other harmful chemicals pass through the placenta and into your baby’s body. Smoking also reduces blood flow to your baby. Smoking while pregnant can

Personality disorders

Key facts Your personality is made up of unique traits (characteristics or qualities) that affect how you think and act.   A personality disorder is when someone’s traits cause distress and make it hard for them to function in everyday life. There are many kinds of personality disorders, each with their own patterns of unhelpful thoughts and behaviours. People with personality disorders may find it hard to work and form positive relationships with others. Psychotherapy is the best way to help someone with a personality disorder learn about their thoughts and behaviours and how to overcome difficulties. What is a


What is paranoia? Paranoia is a state of mind in which a person believes that others are trying to harm, deceive or exploit them. It could be a feeling of being watched, listened to, followed or monitored in some way. It might be a belief that there is some kind of conspiracy operating against them. People with paranoia sometimes have an increased sense of self-importance, believing that many others are taking notice of them when it is not true. Mild paranoid thoughts are quite common in the general population and tend to recover naturally. Long-term paranoia can be a symptom

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

What is seasonal affective disorder (SAD)? Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that comes and goes according to the season. People with SAD have symptoms of depression or mania at roughly the same time each year. SAD usually develops in autumn and winter, then disappears in spring and summer. In some people, the symptoms develop in spring and early summer. What are the symptoms of SAD? Symptoms usually start out mild and get worse as the season progresses. When the season changes, people normally become completely well again. Symptoms of SAD in winter include: lack of energy sleeping too

Melancholia (melancholic depression)

Key facts One type of depression is sometimes known as melancholia, or melancholic depression. Melancholic depression is usually severe. Most people with melancholic depression experience ‘slowing down’ of their speech, thoughts and movements, together with a complete loss of enjoyment in their usual activities. Melancholic depression can be successfully treated with psychotherapy, antidepressant medicines and other physical treatments such as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). Your doctor and psychiatrist can recommend the best treatment plan for you. What is melancholia? The word ‘melancholia’ has been used since the time of the ancient Greeks to describe feeling intensely sad and hopeless. Melancholic depression,

Cigarette smoking

Quitting smoking Why should I quit smoking? Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death and disease in Australia. Tobacco smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals and many of them can cause cancer. Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body and every cigarette is doing you harm. From the moment you stop smoking, however, your body begins to repair itself and you will start noticing the benefits quite quickly. Quitting smoking can be tough, but as well as the health benefits and being able to save money, there are other reasons to give up — with benefits both for the


Tadalafil (Cialis) What is tadalafil (Cialis)? Tadalafil is a medicine used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED, also called impotence) and problems with urination caused by an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hypertrophy or BPH). It is sometimes known by its generic name tadalafil, and sometimes known by its trade name, Cialis. There are also other brands of this medicine available. How does tadalafil work? Tadalafil works by helping to relax the blood vessels in the penis, allowing blood to flow more easily into the penis. If you have erectile dysfunction, this can make it easier to get an erection. If you have BPH, this can improve your urinary

Chronic pain

Key facts Chronic pain typically lasts for more than 3 months, or beyond expected healing time. Causes of chronic pain include illnesses, musculoskeletal problems, injury, surgery and cancer. Sometimes people with chronic pain have no obvious cause for their pain. Chronic pain can affect mood, sleep and mental health, and sometimes leads to anxiety and/or depression. Treatment for chronic pain includes medicines, physiotherapy, psychological therapy, and relaxation techniques. What is chronic pain? Chronic pain is pain that lasts for more than 3 months, or in many cases, beyond normal healing time. Chronic pain is sometimes also called persistent pain. It

Chronic kidney disease

What is chronic kidney disease? Kidney disease (also called renal disease) is a general term for when your kidneys are damaged and don’t function as they should. If you have kidney disease that lasts for more than 3 months, it’s called chronic kidney disease (or CKD). Your kidneys’ main job is to clean your blood and make urine (wee). When your kidneys don’t work properly, wastes and fluid build-up inside your body. Chronic kidney disease also can lead to other problems like heart disease and high blood pressure. Chronic kidney disease usually gets worse. If you are diagnosed early, you can usually slow down or

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)

Chronic fatigue syndrome (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) What is Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)/chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)? Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), is a chronic (long-term), complex and disabling illness that causes extreme fatigue and other symptoms that cannot be explained by any other medical condition. If you have ME/CFS, you are likely to feel very tired, very often, even if you have not been active. You may also have a host of other symptoms. Doctors do not yet understand the cause of ME/CFS, and there is no simple cure. If you or your child has ME/CFS, your doctor

Cholesterol and lipid tests

Key facts A cholesterol (or lipid profile) blood test looks at the levels of cholesterol and other fats in your blood. You might need this test if your doctor wants to assess your risk of heart disease and stroke. You will usually need to fast for 8 to 12 hours before having this test. This means not eating any food and drinking only water. You should talk about the results of your lipid profile test with your doctor. What is a cholesterol and lipid blood test? Lipids and cholesterol are fat-like substances in your body. A cholesterol (or lipid profile) test looks

Cholesterol (what is)

What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a fat-like substance in the body. It is produced by your body and also found in food. While it is needed for good health, too much cholesterol can damage your arteries and increase your risk of heart disease. Why is cholesterol essential? Your body needs some cholesterol to work properly. For example, cholesterol is used to build cell walls and produce some hormones. Most of the cholesterol in your body is produced by your liver; the rest comes from the food you eat. What are the types of cholesterol? Cholesterol is carried in the blood

Cholesterol (how to lower it)

Key facts Cholesterol is a type of fat needed to build and repair cells and to make hormones. Cholesterol is made in your liver but is also present in some foods. There are different types of cholesterol — including LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol. Over time, too much LDL cholesterol (or, ‘bad’) cholesterol in your blood can raise your risk of heart attack and stroke. You can lower high cholesterol by making lifestyle changes and often through medicines. What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a type of fat which is needed by your body to build and repair cells and to make

Cholesteatoma surgery

This page will give you information about surgery for a cholesteatoma. If you have any questions, you should ask your GP or other relevant health professional. What is a cholesteatoma? A cholesteatoma is a sac of dead skin cells that forms in a pocket in your middle ear. The cholesteatoma will slowly get larger and eventually fill your middle ear and mastoid bone. The cholesteatoma can cause an unpleasant-smelling discharge and loss of hearing. What are the benefits of surgery? The aim is to remove the cholesteatoma and stop the discharge. It may be possible to improve your hearing at the


What is cholera? Cholera is an illness caused by infection of the intestine with the vibrio cholerae bacteria. Infection may cause severe diarrhoea and, as a result, dehydration. It’s most often found in parts of the world with poor quality water and sanitation. What are the symptoms of cholera? Symptoms of cholera include: sudden watery diarrhoea vomiting Some people don’t have any symptoms or only have mild diarrhoea. Their faeces (poo) can still infect other people. Symptoms can appear within a few hours to up to 5 days after infection with the bacteria. About 1 in 20 people have a severe (bad) cholera infection.

Cholecystitis (gallbladder inflammation)

What is cholecystitis? Cholecystitis is inflammation of your gallbladder, often caused by gallstones. It can be very painful and usually needs prompt medical treatment. Your gallbladder is a small organ underneath your liver on the right side of your upper abdomen. It stores a thick dark green fluid called bile, which the liver produces to help with digestion. What are the symptoms of cholecystitis? Symptoms of cholecystitis include: an intense pain in the middle or right side of your upper abdomen, spreading to your back or shoulders nausea and/or vomiting fever If you are in pain, don’t ignore it because cholecystitis is a

Cholecystectomy and exploration of the bile duct

This page will give you information about a cholecystectomy and exploration of the bile duct. If you have any questions, you should ask your GP or other relevant health professional. What are common bile-duct stones? Common bile-duct stones are gallstones that move out of your gallbladder and get stuck in your common bile duct, which is a tube that connects your gallbladder to your intestines. Gallstones are ‘stones’ that form in your gallbladder. They are common and can run in families. Your liver produces a fluid called bile that is concentrated by, and stored in, your gallbladder. When you eat food, your

Cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal)

What is a cholecystectomy? A cholecystectomy is surgery to remove your gallbladder. Your gallbladder is a small organ that sits just below your liver on the right side of your abdomen (tummy). It collects and stores bile, which is used to help digest food. Gallbladder removal can be done in 2 ways. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy — keyhole surgery. Open cholecystectomy — open surgery to remove your gallbladder. When is a cholecystectomy needed? Gallstones can form in your gallbladder. Your doctor may recommend having your gallbladder removed if you have gallstones that are causing problems. Most people don’t have any symptoms with gallstones. But sometimes, gallstones