Month: August 2023

Virginity and Sexual Offences MCQ

1. Essential (first) step in rape examination :the victim consent 2. raped, 17 years old girl ..The most imp. Sign is :lacerated hyemen 3. Which of the the following has a medicolegal importance:dentate hyemen 4.sodomy is :anal sex 5.the most important sign in a habitual sodomist is :anal dilatation 6. fourteen yrs old girl complain of amenorrhea after puberty:imperforated hymen 7. In rape murder, identifiable spermatozoa or portion of spermatozoa up to1 week 8.Hymen that medico-legally importance:Fleshy dilatable hymen 9.14 years old girl patient after puberty … amenorrhea:Imperforated hymen 10. Recent tears of the hymen:Translucent 11.Incest sex:Between persons of the

General Toxicology MCQ

1. the most rapid form of poison is :A) SolidB) Gas***C) PowderD) Solution 2. in uncomplicated stable case of poisoning best line of Rx is :A) Antishock measuresB) Physiological antidotsC) Supportive care***D) Induction of vomiting 3.which of these is a hepatotoxic poison :A) Alcohol***B) AtropineC) MorphineD) Amphetamine 4.Which of the following causes blindness:A) Mercury.B) Amphetamine.C) Morphine.D) AtropineE) Non of the above*** 5.cyanide poisoning is ineffective in cases :A) Taking low doseB) Have low acid in stomachC) Have hyperacidityD) No acid in stomach – achloride*** 6.emesis with syrup of ipecac is contraindicated in:A)comaB)convulsionsC)absent gag reflexD)corrosive poisoningE)all of the above***F)non on the

Drug dependence MCQ method for Rx of barbiturate dependence is :A) Gradual withdrawal***B) Abrupt withdrawalC) Use of antidotesD) Psychiatric therapyE) ?? 2. cross dependence is ! ability of a drug to :A) Increase addictionB) Start withdrawal symptomsC) Stop dependence state***(suppress the manifestation of physicaldependence produced by other drug+maintain physical dependent state)D) Maintain ! addiction stateE) ?? 3. Nalline test is used for ! Dx of :A) Amphetamine dependenceB) Alcohol dependenceC) Cocaine dependenceD) Opiates dependence*** 4. the most common complication of cocaine ubused by sniffing is :A) DeathB) Cerebral hemorrhageC) Nasal septal perforation***D) Heart failure 5. morphine dependence is best characterizes by :A)

Asphyxia MCQ ModelNo. 1

1. Compressing the neck by the bend of the elbow is :A) Mugging. ****B) Bansdola.C) Burking.D) Choking 2. Elimination of volatile poisons through the lungs by inhalation:A) 100% O2.B) 95% O2 & 5% CO2.****C) 90% O2 & 10% CO2.D) 85% O2 & 15% CO2.E) 80% O2 & 20% CO2. 3. The petechial hemorrhage of asphyxia is easily seen in:A) HeartB) LungC) EyeD) sclera**** 4. Mechanism of Petecheal formation in asphyxia is:A) Rise in venous pressure.****B) Rise in Arterial pressure.C) Rise in capillaries pressure.D) Rise in Arterioles pressure. 5. Strangulation rope marks is:A) low-down in the neck.***B) Oblique in position.C) Incomplete.D)

Firearm Injuries MCQs

1. In oblique firing, the inlet is ((I guess it has the same meaning of slanting)) :A) RoundedB) Oval***C) Surrounding by powder marksD) Large than exit 2. which of ! found in inlet of far firing :A) TattooingB) Loss of substance***C) Everted edgeD) Burn 3. A lady was shot by a revolver at a distance of 2m , inlet would be :A) Inverted edge***B) Large than exitC) BlackenedD) Regular in shape 4. the inlet of contact firearm injury is best described by ! presence of :A) Inverted edgeB) Everted edge caused by gasesC) Muzzle shaped burning***D) Minimal powder markers 5.

Physical Injuries MCQs

1.A man with heat collapse has:A) CyanosisB) Slow pulseC) Slow respirationD) Subnormal temperature*** 2. Which of the following affect the shape of electric burn:A) Type of currentB) Age of victimC) Pathway of the currentD) Exposed body surface area*** 3. The mechanism of death from cold is:A) Carboxy haemgolobin formationB) Central nervous system depressionC) Red asphyxiaD) Respiratory enzyme inhibition **** (paralysis of cytochrome oxidase enz.)E) Paralysis of circulation 4. Which of the following predispose in sun stroke:A) AgeB) SexC) Physical healthD) Atropine***E) Morphine 5. The best treatment for heat cramps is:A) IV fluidB) Increase salt intake***C) Ice bags 6. Ionizing radiation

Head Injuries MCQs

1.Lucid interval is the period of :A) ConcussionB) AmnesiaC) Consciousness****D) Profound coma 2.Concussion lasts for:A) Minutes****B) 1hC) 6 hD) 12 hE) 12 – 24 h 3. A man was hit by head of an axe will result in :A) Fissure fractureB) Depressed fracture****C) Comminuted fractureD) Cut fractureE) ?? 4. Brain compression due to fissure fracture:A) Traumatic injuryB) Followed by concussionC) Caused by hemorrhage***D) Caused by depressed boneE) ?? 5. Brain contusion means:A) Pia mater is opendB) Pia mater is laceratedC) There is skull bleedingD) There is skull fractureE) ?? 6. Best sign for lateralization is :A) Weak rapid pulseB) Unequal

Wounds MCQs

1. Contusion may take the shape of striking surface if caused by:A) StoneB) TireC) Stick***(I HOPE IT’S RIGHT)D) Hammer 2. A 55 years old man had a fracture of the right tibia. After 3 days the most expected dangerous complication is:A) ShockB) Fat embolism***C) Bone marrow embolismD) Reactionary hemorrhage 3. Stab penetrating wound…Injury to:A) The deep musclesB) The subcutaneous tissueC) Dural or synovial cavityD) Pleural or pericardiumE) C &D**** 4. Contusion is yellow due to:A) Biliverdin in 5th dayB) Biliverdin in 7thdayC) Reduced Heamoglobin in 3rd dayD) Bilirubin in 2nd dayE) Bilirubin in 5th day*** 5.Bridging of tissues occurs in:A)Contused

Postmortem changes MCQs

1. PM Identification is difficult in cases of:A) Severe burns.B) Severe putrefaction.C) Multiple stab wounds.D) Complete charring. ***E) Absence of the head (decapitation) 2. Adibocere occurs in bodies submerged under the water after death for a period of:A) 5 daysB) 1 weekC) 2 weeks***D) 3 weeks 3. Which of the following causes pressure at ….:A) StoneB) KnifeC) Rope***D) Stick 4. Which of the following is a mechanism of RM:A) Loss of muscle toneB) Loss of reflexesC) Depletion of ATP***D) Sever nervous stress 5. Hypostasis in case of hanging is found in:A) The backB) Head & neckC) ShoulderD) Lower limbs*** 6.

Forensic Medicine MCQ Model No. 2

1.Foot prints are most commonly used for:A) Trailing the enemies in desert.B) None mixing of infants in Hospitals. ***C) Solving of crimes.D) A & BE) B & C 2. Complete identification means identification of:A) Sex and ageB) Individuality *** 3. The first permanent Teeth erupt at:A) 5 yearsB) 6 years***C) 7 yearsD) 8 yearsE) 9 years 4. Trans-sexuality is:A) Female pseudo hermaphroditeB) Male pseudo hermaphroditeC) Conflict between gender & physical sex***D) None of the above alone. 5. Blue line on the gum indicates poisoning with:A) Lead***B) MercuryC) ArsenicD) Cadmium 6. The weakest point during iris print identification in ML practice

Forensic Medicine MCQ Model No. 1

1. Foot prints arte most commonly us9ed for:a. Training the enemies in desertb. None mixing of infants in Hospitals.c. Solving of some crimes.d. Personal identification.   2. Which of the following is a Mechanism for Rigor mortis?a. Depletion of ATP.b. Loss of muscle tone.c. Loss of reflexes.d. Sever nervous stress.   3. Rigor mortis appears first in the muscles of:a. Upper limb.b. Lower limb.c. Neck.d. Trunk.e. Face.   4. In a fire accident a body was found dead within 30 minutes from the start of fire. You can expected mechanism of death to be:a. rupture of Curling ulcer.b. Pneumonia or

GIT Pathology Module No. 1

Which one of the following is true about Barret`s esophagus? A biopsy will show a histological finding of columnar to squamous metaplasia It is a known precursor of adenocarcinoma of the esophagus It is a known precursor of carcinoma of the stomach It is a known precursor of squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus The most common location is in the proximal (upper) third of esophagus 83 years old man with anemia, weight loss and dysphagia. Endoscopy revealed a large polypoid and ulcerated lesion in mid- esophagus. The MOST LIKELY diagnosis is: transitional cell carcinoma adenocarcinoma squamous papiloma leiomyosarcoma squamous

CVS Pharmacology module No. 1

Which one of the following drugs is associated with the development of a lupus-like syndrome, especially in patients identified as “slow acetylators”? Arniodarone Clonidine Nitroglycerin Procainamide Terazosin Which one of the following actions is characteristic of amiloride? Alkalosis Block of Na reabsorption in the proximal tubule Hyperkalemia Increased tubular reabsorption of Ca Bicarbonaturia The most common manifestation of lidocaine toxicity is CNS dysfunction drug fever hypertension hypokalemia torsade A patient with hyperthyroidism develops a cardiac arrhythmia. Optimal treatment of the patient should include management with amiodarone bretylium digoxin lidocaine propranolol Calcium channel antagonists increase intracellular CAMP decrease myocardial contractility increase

Abdominal pain

What is abdominal pain? Abdominal pain is pain felt anywhere in the area between the bottom of the ribs and the pelvis. Most Australians will experience abdominal pain at some point in their lives. Abdominal pain can be serious, but most abdominal pain gets better on its own without needing any special treatment. People sometimes refer to abdominal pain as stomach pain, stomach ache, stomach cramps, tummy pain, sore stomach, wind pain or belly ache. Pain or discomfort in the abdomen can be mild or severe. It may come on suddenly (acute); it could be something that you experience from

Abdominal hysterectomy

What is a hysterectomy? A hysterectomy is an operation to remove your uterus (womb). Your cervix (neck of your womb) is usually also removed. Your fallopian tubes and ovaries may need to be removed at the same time. What are the benefits of surgery? There are common reasons for having an abdominal hysterectomy. Heavy or painful periods. Fibroids, where part of the muscle of your womb becomes overgrown. Uterine prolapse, where your womb drops down. The womb and surrounding structures. A hysterectomy may cure or improve your symptoms. You will no longer have periods. Are there any alternatives to an abdominal hysterectomy?

Physiology model No. 1

1) all of the following statements are true for the myosin head except : a-it has an actin binding site b-it has ATP binding site c-it has ATPase activity d- it has a Ca+2 binding site   2) end-plate potential : graded   3) Extracelluar fluid can be measured by: a-Radio active iodine b-Even’s blue dye c-inulin d-deuterium oxida(heavy water) e- creatinine   4) facilitated diffusion: a-does not need carrier protein b-passive transport   5)Na+_K+ pump: a-coupled with ATP b-downhill its electrochemical gradient c- pump 3 K   6) A normal individual with total body water of 42 L have

Biochemistry module No. 1

The peptide bond: has a partial double bond character is charged but non polar has cis conformation can be easily destroyed by acids keeps the integrity of proteins by hydrophobic interaction   Regarding elastin: it is a tough protein with high tensile strength it is rich in proline and lysine it is soluble protein polymer cannot regain its original length when stretched mutation of tropoelastin gene leads to marfans syndrome   Which is incorrect about proline: it contains imino group it has uncharged polar group important for fibrous structure of collagen doesn’t participate in hydrogen bonds its side chain has

Embryology model No. 2

1) regarding corpus luteum which is incorrect : a- it developed under the effect of LH b- it secretes progesterone c- when pregnancy occurs degeneration of corpus luteum is preventedby hCG d- if oocyte is not fertilized the corpus luteum degenerate 10-12 days after ovulation e- corpus luteum of pregnancy remain active throughout the gastation period   2) which of the following component plays the most active role in invading the endometrium during implantation: a- epiblast b- syncytiotrophoblast c- hypoblast d- extraembryonic somatic mesoderm e- extraembryonic splanchnic mesoderm   3) proliferative phase is influenced by the following hormones: a- estrogen

Embryology MCQ model No. 1

1. This phase in the development of sperm has no counterpart in ovum-development (a) spermiogenesis (b) phase of multiplication (c) phase of growth (d) polar body formation Answer: (a)   2. During this phase, the nuclear envelope begins to disappear (a) cytokinesis (b) S phase (c) Anaphase (d) Prometaphase Answer: (d)   3. In humans, the number of ova and sperms that would be produced from 100 secondary oocytes and 100 secondary spermatocytes during gametogenesis is (a) 50 ova, 100 sperms (b) 100 ova, 100 sperms (c) 100 ova, 200 sperms (d) 200 ova, 200 sperms Answer: (c)   4.

Anatomy MCQ Module No. 4

1) Which of the following terms describes the body’s ability to maintain its normal state? (A) Anabolism(B) Catabolism(C) Tolerance(D) Homeostasis(E) Metabolism 2) Which of the following best describes the human body’s defense mechanism against environmental bacteria? (A) Hair in the nose(B) Mucous membranes(C) Osteoblasts(D) Saliva(E) Tears 3) Which cells in the blood do not have a nucleus? (A) Lymphocyte(B) Monocyte(C) Erythrocyte(D) Basophil(E) Neutrophil 4) Which of the following is flexible connective tissue that is attached to bones at the joints? (A) Adipose(B) Cartilage(C) Epithelial(D) Muscle(E) Nerve 5) Which of the following allows air to pass into the lungs? (A) Aorta(B)

Anatomy MCQ module No. 3

1. Which of the following muscular valve controls the flow of digestive juice from the hepatopancreatic duct to the duodenum? (a) Sphincter of Oddi (b) Semilunar valve (c) Ileocaecal valve (d) Pyloric sphincter Sol: (a) Sphincter of Oddi.   2. Which of the following is present on the surface of intestinal epithelial cells? (a) Zymogen granules (b) Pinocytic vesicles (c) Phagocytic vesicles (d) Microvilli Sol: (d) Microvilli.   3. Lungs are enclosed within (a) Perichondrium (b) Periosteum (c) Pleural membrane (d) Pericardium Sol: (c) Pleural membrane.   4. The maximum amount of urea is present in  (a) Dorsal Aorta (b) Hepatic Vein (c)

General Anatomy MCQs – Module 2

1. The periosteal arteries are derived from:a) A major artery passing near the bone.b) Anastomosis around the joints.c) Nutrient artery of the bone.d) Muscular arteries of the muscles attached to the bone.e) Metaphyseal arteries.Key: dTopic Specification: General Anatomy 2. Which of the following belongs to the diarthrosis variety of joints?a) Gomphosis.b) Synchondrosis.c) Symphysis.d) Synovial joints.e) Sutural joints.Key: dTopic Specification: General Anatomy 3. Which of the following function as resistance vessel?a) Elastic arteries.b) Muscular arteries.c) Arterioles.d) Venules.e) Capillaries.Key: cTopic Specification: General Anatomy 4. The acrosome reaction occurs:a) When the spermatozoa are traveling through the uterine cavity.b) Just before the penetration of

General MCQ Module 1.

Que 1. The weight of the human body is mainly made up of?(a) Bones(b) Skin(c) Body parts(d) Water Ans. (d) WaterExplanation: Water contributes to the maximum weight of the human body.   Que 2. How much percent of water is present in the human body?(a) 25%(b)56%(c) 67%(d) 45% Ans. (c) 67%Explanation: 65% of water is present in the human body. Que 3. The element which is found in excess amounts in our body is?(a) Sodium(b) Oxygen(c) Iodine(d) Phosphorus Ans. (b) OxygenExplanation: Oxygen is the most abundant element found in the human body.   Que 4. How many bones are found in the adult human body?(a) 208(b)


Laura __(1)__ in a big city. If she lived in the country, she __(2)__ a dog. Laura __(3)__ a flat with three other girls. But if it __(4)__ possible, she __(5)__ on her own. If she __(6)__ in the country, she __(7)__ a small cottage, and she __(8)__ her own flowers and vegetables. She __(9)__ by underground and __(10)__ shopping in big department stores, but she __(11)__ this at all. If she __(12)__ in the country she __(13)__ her bike, and she __(14)__ things in a small village shop. 1.A) was livingB) livedC) would like to liveD) lives 2. A) hasB)


1. Don’t wait for me. I _____ late. It depends on the traffic.A) will beB) amC) might beD) am going to be 2. “What are you doing tonight?” “I don’t know. I _____ out, or I _____ at home.”A) will go / am stayingB) might go / might stayC) am going / am stayingD) go / stay 3. We have guests coming for Saturday lunch. I _____ cook roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. I have bought all the ingredients.A) mightB) willC) am going to cookD) can 4. A- I’m going to buy George a green shirt.    B- I wouldn’t


1. The telephone _____ by Bell in 1876.A) has inventedB) is inventedC) was inventedD) invented 2. Thieves _____ two pictures from the museum last night.A) have stolenB) stoleC) was stolenD) had stolen 3. They _____ the picture for £3.000.A) has soldB) are soldC) soldD) sell 4. Three new factories _____ this year.A) builtB) were builtC) have been builtD) has built 5. 10.000 cars _____ next year.A) will produceB) producedC) are producedD) will be produced 6. The television _____ by Bell.A) was inventedB) is inventedC) wasn’t inventedD) invented 7. _____ they _____ many cars last year?A) Have / madeB) Did /


Concorde, the world’s fastest passenger plane, __(1)__ by France and Britain together. In the 1950s, both countries dreamed of having a supersonic plane, and the project __(2)__ in 1962. £1.5 billion __(3)__ on developing the Concorde, and it __(4)__ for over 5.000 hours, which makes it the most tested plane in history. The first passenger plane __(5)__ by British Airways and Air France in 1976. The Concorde holds many world records, including the fastest crossing of the Atlantic Ocean from New York to London, which __(6)__ in 2 hours 45 seconds! Flying at twice the speed of sound means that


1. “What _____ to do tonight?” “What about going out for a meal?”A) do you likeB) would you likeC) are likingD) will you like 2. “What _____ to do after university?” “I’d like to get a job in publishing.”A) do you hopeB) will you hopeC) are you going to hopeD) are you hope 3. My family is trying _____ where to go on holiday.A) are you hopeB) decideC) to decideD) deciding 4. I’d like _____ somewhere different for a change.A) wentB) to goC) goD) going 5. I enjoy _____ places I’ve never been to before.A) visitingB) to visitC) visitsD) visit


1. He agreed _____ the job as soon as possible.A) startB) startingC) to startD) starts 2. I stopped _____ my book and went to bed.A) to readB) readC) will readD) reading 3. My teachers always expected me _____ well in exams.A) didB) doingC) doD) to do 4. Let me _____ for the meal. You paid last time.A) payB) to payC) paidD) paying 5. The dentist told me _____ more careful when I brush my teeth.A) will beB) beingC) to beD) be 6. I asked Monica _____ some stamps.A) buysB) buyingC) to buyD) buy 7. I never liked _____ to church

Abdominal aortic aneurysm

What is an aortic aneurysm? An aneurysm is a bulge or weakness in your blood vessel. When this happens in the aorta (one of the main blood vessels in the body), it’s called an aortic aneurysm. The bulge in the aorta happens when part of your blood vessel wall grows weak. Aneurysms usually start small and then get bigger. They usually grow slowly. Sometimes aneurysms burst and cause bleeding inside your body. Because the aorta is such a large blood vessel, this can be very dangerous and is often fatal (causes death). What are the types of aortic aneurysm? The