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Study Veterinary In Europe In English

Veterinary medicine courses fully taught in English
100% Guaranteed acceptance
Affordable living costs and tuition fees
Excellently organised high quality courses
Full ongoing support throughout your studies
Recognised by WHO and listed in World Directory of Medical Schools

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Study Veterinary in Europe

Everyone prefers to study and work on what they love. So we know what brought you here – the combination of love for animals and medicine. Veterinary medicine is not just a job – it’s a lifestyle. 

Every day you will meet new people with whom you share the same passion for the animal kingdom. Being a vet is one of the most exciting jobs you can think of. Your workdays will always be diverse, and every hour spent at the clinic is an adventure. You can treat all kinds of animals – from loveable puppies to exotic, rarely-seen animals, such as reptiles.

What is more, veterinary medicine will give you a chance to get highly paid right after your graduation. Veterinary graduates are among the highest-paid, with an annual average salary of €50,000. As years pass and you gain more experience as a vet, you will also increase your wage multiple times, allowing you to earn more than four times your starting payment. 

But your love for animals and willingness to grow as a vet won’t be enough. You will need to find the best university in vet science. Make sure the university is globally recognised, so you can choose where to practise after graduation. European veterinary universities are some of the best that teach veterinary in English. 

Suppose you wonder why it is better to study veterinary in English. One of the main reasons is that you will be allowed to practise anywhere you choose after graduation. For example, if you study in your native language but then want to practise in the UK, you must pass a series of exams to prove yourself. We are pretty sure that you don’t want and need this.

Medicine21 will help you find the best university for you according to your needs and income. You won’t have to research every university on your own. We have already done this for you. 

Why study veterinary science in Europe

Every student who chooses the medical path is asking questions like this. And that’s why we are here. To answer your questions and help you overcome any insecurities you have. 

Europe gives you many options to choose between countries and cities to live in and study. Most countries have similar living expenses and tuition fees, which are pretty low and affordable. But this doesn’t mean low standards and inadequate education. It’s quite the opposite. The universities are ranked as the best worldwide. They hire well-qualified professionals and invest in the development of the facilities all the time.

Despite the low tuition fees, this is not why students choose Europe. Nowadays, people decide to study abroad based on educational quality, the university’s global recognition, and the facilities. What we can say about European universities is that they have it all. 

You will be involved in clerkships and training programmes during your studies in Europe. You will graduate with a worldwide recognised diploma and will have international experience, which is highly valued.

Admission requirements to study veterinary in English in Europe

There is nothing much different from the other courses. Except for Near East University, all the others require an entrance exam.

You will need good grades on your high school diploma and a high result on the biology and chemistry exams. But there is no reason to worry about that. Medicine21 /will supply you with all the needed materials to prepare.

Also, you will need an English language certificate to prove your English proficiency to study veterinary in that language.

Graduate Entry into veterinary medicine in Europe

If you already have a Bachelor’s Degree in Veterinary Science, you are more than welcome to the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Kosice. They have a graduate entry in Veterinary Medicine in English. The university is located in Kosice, Slovakia. 

To apply for this option, you will need a Bachelor’s degree in Veterinary Science, animal science or related. The university uses the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). 

Veterinary University Transfer

If you are already enrolled in a veterinary course, but it didn’t meet your expectations, you came to the right place. Medlink Students can help you find the best veterinary school in Europe and make the transfer process simple and fast. The universities that accept students transfer are:

  • Near East University in Cyprus
  • The University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Kosice

Veterinary courses in Europe

Generally, the veterinary programmes in Europe in English last between 5 and 6 years. During your studies, you will learn everything about animals. Starting from their biology and anatomy, going through diseases and disorders, and finishing with food hygiene and public health. 

Practising any kind of medicine, including veterinary, has its legal and ethical issues, which you will have to know very well. That’s why European universities put this in their curriculums as well. 

What is more about the course is that you will also have clinical animal work, training, laboratory, and desk-based work. This means that after you graduate, you will not only know everything theoretically, but you will be able to do it.

Graduating from veterinary medicine in Europe in English enables you to find job opportunities worldwide. You will be welcome to practise in every country without a doubt that your diploma will be recognised.

International equivalents post-graduate

United States Medical Licensing Examination – USMLE®

Egyptian Medical Licensing Examination – EMLE®

Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board – PLAB®

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