History of microbiology

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1. According to Pasteur statements which one of the following is true
a. Living organisms discriminate between
b. Fermentation is a aerobic process
c. Living organisms doesn’t discriminate between stereoisomers
d. Both a and b

2. “I found floating therin earthly particles, some green streaks, spirally wound serpent-wise, and orderly arranged, the whole circumstance of each of these streaks was abut the thickness of a hair on one’s head”…. These words are of
a. Leeuwenhoek
b. A. Jenner

c. Pasteur
d. Koch

3. The principle light- trapping pigment molecule in plants, Algae, and cyanobacteria is
a. Chlorophyll a
b. Chlorophyll b

c. Porphyrin
d. Rhodapsin

4. During Bio Geo chemical cycle some amount of elemental carbon was utilized by the microorganisms. The phenomenon is called as
a. Dissimilation
b. Immobilization
c. Decomposition
d. Neutralization

5. Who demonstrated that open tubes of broth remained free of bacteria when air was free of dust.
a. Abbc Spallanzani
b. John Tyndall

c. Francisco Redi
d. Pasteur

6. Reverse isolation would be appropriate for
a. a patient with tuberculosis
b. a patient who has had minor surgery
c. a patient with glaucoma
d. a patient with leukemia

7. The symptome “ general feeling of illness and discomfort “ is called
a. Cystitis
b. Malaise

c. Anaphylactic shock
d. Arthritis

8. On soybean which of the following forms symbiotism
a. Azatobactor paspali
b. Rhizobium
c. Nostoc
d. Bradyrhizobium

9. Who provide the evidence that bacteriophage nucleic acid but not protein enters the host cell during infection
a. Alfred D.Hershey & Leonard Tatum in 1951.
b. Alfred D.Hershey & Zindar Lederberg in 1951.
c. Alfred D.Hershey & Martha Chase in 1952.
d. Alfred D.Hershey & Macleod in 1952.

10. Spirulina belongs to
a. Xanthophyceae
b. Cyanophyceae

c. Rhodophyceae
d. Pheophyceae

11. The first antibody to contact invading microorganisms was
a. IgG
b. IgM

c. IgA
d. IgD

12. The light emitted by luminescent bacteria is mediated by the enzyme
a. Coenzyme Q
b. Luciferase
c. Lactose dehydrogenase
d. Carboxylase reductase

13. Pick out the vector using in human Genome project
a. Phagemid vector
b. Yeast artificial chromosomes
c. Cosmid vectors
d. Yeast episomal plasmids

14. Salt and sugar preserve foods because they
a. Make them acid
b. Produce a hypotonic environment
c. Deplete nutrients
d. Produce a hypertonic environment

15. In a fluorescent microscope the objective lens is made of
a. Glass
b. Quartz

c. Polythene
d. None of these

16. Fixation of atmospheric nitrogen is by means of
a. Biological process
b. Lightining

c. Ultraviolet light
d. All of the above

17. Which one of the following fungi is the most serious threat in a bone marrow transplant unit?
a. Candida albicans
b. Aspergillus

c. Blastomyces
d. Cryptococus

18. Direct microscopic count can be done with the aid of
a. Neuberg chamber
b. Anaerobic chamber

c. Mineral oil
d. Olive oil

19. The image obtained in a compound microscope is
a. Real
b. Virtual

c. Real inverted
d. Virtual inverted

20. Enzymes responsible for alcohol ic fermentation
a. Ketolase
b. Zymase

c. Peroxidase
d. Oxidase

21. Which type of spores are produced sexually?
a. Conidia
b. Sporangiospores

c. Ascospores
d. None of these

22. Bacterial transformation was discovered by
a. Ederberg and Tatum
b. Beadle and Tatum
c. Griffith
d. None of these

23. Father of microbiology is
a. Louis Pasteur
b. Lister

c. A.V. Leeuwenhock
d. Robert Koch

24. The antiseptic method was first demonstrated by
a. Lwanowski
b. Lord Lister

c. Edward Jenner
d. Beijerinck

25. Small pox vaccine was first discovered by
a. Robert Koch
b. Louis Pasteur

c. Lister
d. Edward Jenner

26. The term mutation was coined by
a. Pasteur
b. Darwin

c. Hugo devries
d. Lamark

27. Compound microscope was discovered by
a. Antony von
b. Pasteur

c. Johnsen & Hans
d. None of these

28. Father of Medical Microbiology is
a. Pasteur
b. Jenner

c. Koch
d. A.L.Hock

29. Disease that affects many people at different countries is termed as
a. Sporadic
b. Pandemic

c. Epidemic
d. Endemic

30. Prophylaxis of cholera is
a. Protected water supply
b. Environmental sanitation
c. Immunization with killed vaccines
d. All of these

31. In electron microscope, what material is used as an objective lense?
a. Magnetic coils
b. Superfine glass
c. Aluminium foils
d. Electrons

32. The main feature of prokaryotic organism is
a. Absence of locomotion
b. Absence of nuclear envelope
c. Absence of nuclear material
d. Absence of protein synthesis

33. The stalked particles on the cristae of mitochondria are called
a. Glyoxysomes
b. Peroxisomes

c. Oxysomes
d. Spherosomes

34. Antiseptic methods were first introduced by
a. Lord Lister
b. Iwanowski

c. Beijernick
d. Edward Jenner

35. Kuru disease in Humans is caused by
a. Bacteria
b. Viroides

c. Prions
d. Mycoplasma

36. A mutation that produces termination codon is
a. Mis-sense mutation
b. Neutral mutation
c. Non-sense mutation
d. Reverse mutation

37. During conjunction the genetic material will be transferred through
a. Cell wall
b. Medium

c. Pili
d. Capsule

38. Antiseptic surgery was discovered by
a. Joseph Lister
b. Ernest Abbe

c. Pasteur
d. Beijerink

39. Tuberculosis is a
a. Water borne disease
b. Air borne disease
c. Food borne disease
d. Atthropod borne disease

40. Phagocytic phenomenon was discovered by
a. Louis Pasteur
b. Alexander Fleming

c. Metchnikof
d. Robert Koch

41. Meosomes are also known as
a. Mitochondria
b. Endoplasmic reticulum
c. Plasmids
d. Chondroids

42. Hybridoma technique was first discovered by.
a. Kohler and Milstein
b. Robert Koch
c. ‘D’ Herelle
d. Land Steiner

43. The m in imum number of bacter ia required to produce clinical evidence of death in a susceptible animal under standard condition is called
a. LD50
b. ID

c. MLD
d. All of these

44. In Electron Microscope source of electrons is from
a. Mercury lamp
b. Tungsten metal

c. both a and b
d. None of these

45. Griffith (1928) reported the phenomenon of transformation first in
a. H. influenzae
b. Bacillus species

c. Pneumococci
d. E.coli

46. The resolution power of the compound microscope is
a. 0.2 micron
b. 0.2 millimeter

c. 0.2 Angstrom units
d. 0.2 centimeter

47. The capacity of a given strain of microbial species to produce disease is known as
a. Pathogen
b. Virulence

c. Infection
d. None of these

48. Monoclonal antibodies are associated with the name of
a. Burnet
b. Medwar
c. Milstein kohler
d. Owen

49. Lederberg and Tatum (1946) described the phenomena of
a. Conjunction
b. Transformation
c. Mutation
d. Plasmids

50. Hanging drop method for motility study was first introduced by
a. Robert Koch
b. Louis Pasteur
c. Jenner
d. Leeuwenhock

51. Electron microscope gives magnification upto
a. 100 X
b. 2000 X

c. 50,000 X
d. 2,00,000 X

52. Term vaccine was coined by
a. Robert Koch
b. Pasteur

c. Needham
d. None of these

53. The inventor of Microscope is
a. Galileo
b. Antony von

c. Pasteur
d. Koch

54. First Pasteur conducted fermentation experiments in
a. Milk
b. Food material

c. Fruit juices
d. Both a and c

55. Modern concepts of chemotherapy was proposed by
a. Paul Ehrlich
b. Joseph Lister

c. Elie Metchnikoff
d. None of these

56. The role of phagocytosis was discovered by
a. Paul Ehrlich
b. Joseph lister

c. Elie Metchikoff
d. Pasteur

57. L – forms are discovered by
a. Klein Berger
b. Louis Pasteur
c. Robert Koch
d. Antony von Leeuwenhocka

58. The causative organism of rocky mountain spotted fever was first described by
a. Howard Ricketts
b. da Rocha-lima

c. Both a and b
d. Robert Koch

59. The term bacteriophage was coined by
a. De’Herelle
b. F.W. Twort

c. Beijernick
d. Jwanosky

60. Viral infection of bacteria was discovered by
a. De’Herelle
b. F.W. Twort

c. Beijernick
d. Jwanoksy

61. Eye cannot resolve any image less than
a. 1ìm
b. 2ìm

c. 7ìm
d. 5ìm

62. Compound Microscope was discovered by
a. A.V. Lewenhoek
b. Pasteur

c. Janssen and Hans
d. None of these

63. Electron Microscope was discovered by
a. Prof. Fritz
b. Janssen and Hans

c. Knoll and Ruska
d. None of these

64. Magnification range of light microscope is
a. 1000x – 5000x
b. 1000x – 2000x

c. 500x – 1000x
d. None of these

65. Condensation of light in light Microscope is by
a. Objective
b. Condensor

c. Ocular
d. All of these

66. Light gathering capacity of Microscope is called
a. Numerical aperture
b. Angular aperture

c. Both a and b
d. None of these

67. If 10x and 40x objectives are used (air is the medium), the numerical aperture is
a. 1.5
b. 2.0

c. 1.0
d. 1.8

68. The ability of Microscope to distinguish two objects into two separate objects, is called.
a. Resolving power
b. Wave length

c. N.A.
d. None of these

69. Limit of resolution of compound microscope is
a. 0.018 Ao
b. 0.1 mm

c. 5 ìm
d. 1 mm

70. Source of light in fluorescence microscopy is from
a. Mercury lamp
b. Sunlight

c. Both a and b
d. None of these

71. Who perfected a magnetic lens in 1927
a. Gabor
b. Broglie

c. Busch
d. None of these

72. The magnefication power of electron microscope developed by Knell and Ruska is
a. 10,000x
b. 12,000x

c. 15,000x
d. 20,000x

73. In electron microscope source of electrons is from
a. Mercury lamp
b. Tungsten metal

c. Both a and b
d. None of these

74. The e lectron passed out from the specimen are called
a. Primary electrons
b. Secondary electrons

c. Tertiary electrons
d. None of these

75. Mycorrhiza was first observed by
a. Funk
b. Frank

c. Fisher
d. Crick

76. The transfer of genetic material during transformation is proved basing on Griffith’s experiment by
a. Avery Macleod & Mc.Carthy
b. Lederberg & Taulum
c. Zinder & Lederberg
d. Watson & Crick

77. Phagocytic theory was proposed by
a. Louis Pasteur
b. Elie Metchnikoff

c. Behring
d. Widal

78. Anaphylaxia was first observed by
a. Parter & Richet
b. Coombs

c. Gell
d. None of these

79. Primary mediators in anaphylaxis
a. Histamine
b. Seratonin

c. Heparin
d. All of these

80. Arthus reaction was discovered by
a. Marrice Arthus
b. Von Perquit

c. Richet
d. Porter

81. Serum sickness reaction was discovered by
a. Marrice Arthus
b. Von perquit

c. Richet
d. Porter

82. Hybridoma technique was developed by
a. Kochler & Milston
b. Niel’s Jerne

c. Both a and b
d. None of these

83. Disease that effects many people at different countries is termed as
a. Sporadic
b. Pandemic

c. Epidemic
d. Endemic

84. If the vectors transmit the infection mechanically they are called
a. Biological vectors
b. Mechanical vectors
c. Biological reservoir
d. Both a and c

85. If a person can be infected by direct contact with infected tissue of another person, it is termed as
a. Indirect contact transmission
b. Attachment
c. Direct contact transmission
d. None of these

86. Reduction of virulence is known as
a. Exaltation
b. Attenuation

c. Both a and b
d. None of these

87. Enhancement of virulence is known as
a. Exaltation
b. Attenuation

c. Both a and b
d. None of these

88. The virulence of a pathogen is usually measured by
a. LD
b. MLD

c. ID
d. All of the above

89. The lethal dose required to kill 50% of the lab animals tested under standard called
a. ID
b. LD50

c. ID50
d. MLD

90. The most important virulence factors are
a. Adhesions
b. Invasiveness

c. Toxigenicity
d. Enzymes

e. All of the above

91. The ability of a pathogen to spread in ths host tissues after establishing the infection is known as
a. Adhesion
b. Invasiveness

c. Toxigenicity
d. None of these

92. Which is the following enzyme acts as a spreading factor?
a. Hyaluronidase
b. Coagulase

c. Catalase
d. DNase

93. Vibrio Cholerae was discovered by
a. Koch
b. Metchnikoff

c. John Snow
d. Virchow

94. E.coli was first isolated by
a. Louis Pasteur
b. Escherich

c. Shiga
d. Robert Koch

95. Mycobacterium tuberculosis was first discovered by
a. Robert Koch
b. Edward Jenner

c. Louis Pasteur
d. None of these

96. Mycobacterium lepree was discovered by
a. Robert Koch
b. Hansen

c. Edward Jenner
d. Louis Pasteur

97. Streptococcus pneumoniae was isolated by
a. Robert Koch
b. Edward Jenner
c. Antony von Leewenhock
d. Louis Pasteur

98. B.anthracis was isolated by
a. Louis Pasteur
b. Robert Koch
c. Antonyvon Leewenhok
d. None of these

99. Staphylococcus aureus was isolated by
a. Rosenbach
b. Louis Pasteur
c. Passet
d. Sir Alexander Ogston

100. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was first named
a. Schroeter and Gessard
b. Robert Koch
c. Louis Pasteur
d. Edward Jenner

101. T. pallidum was discovered by
a. Robert Koch
b. Schaudinn and Hoffman
c. Louis Pasteur
d. Edward Jenner

102. Neisseria gonorrhoeae was first described by
a. Neisser in 1879
b. Pasteur in 1878

c. Robert Koch
d. None of these

103. Rh factor of the blood was discovered by scientist
a. Louis Pasteur
b. Landsteiner and Weiner
c. Janskey
d. Moss
e. None of these

104. Trepanema pallidum was discovered by
a. Schaudinn and Hoffman
b. Louis Pasteur
c. Burgey
d. Laennec
e. None of these

105. Fluroscent substance used in fluorescent microscopy are
a. Quinine sulphate
b. Auramine

c. All of these
d. None of these

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Dr. Ahmed Hafez
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