The Living World Module

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Read Time:7 Minute, 5 Second

Q 1. An attribute found in plants but not animals is

  1. Metabolism
  2. Sexual reproduction
  3. Autotrophy
  4. Asexual reproduction

Answer: 3, Autotrophy
Explanation: Autotrophy is an attribute found in plants but not animals. Autotrophs are organisms that make their food using a process known as photosynthesis, and they do not need any other organism to survive. On the other hand, animals rely on obtaining energy from their environment or from autotrophs, which can be through ingestion, absorption, or photosynthesis.


Q 2. Compared to genus, which of the following is less general in characters?

  1. Family
  2. Species
  3. pision
  4. Class

Answer: 2, species
Explanation: Species would be less general in characters compared to genus. Family, pision, and Class would be more prevalent than genus since they are at higher taxonomic levels and include more species than a single genus.


Q 3. Who is also called the “Darwin of the 20th century”?

  1. Lamarck
  2. Ernst Mayr
  3. Carolus Linnaeus
  4. Robert May

Answer: 2, Ernst Mayr
Explanation: Ernst Mayr is also called the “Darwin of the 20th century”. He was a German American biologist known for his work in evolutionary biology, population genetics, and systematics. Mayr’s work greatly influenced paleontologists, ornithologists, and evolutionists alike.


Q 4. The number of known and described species ranges between _. Fill in the blanks with the correct option from the following.

  1. 1.4 to 1.5 million
  2. 1.6 to 1.7 million
  3. 1.7 to 1.8 million
  4. 1.9 to 2 million

Answer: 1, 1.4 to 1.5 million
Explanation: The number of species known and described by scientists is estimated to range between 1.4 to 1.5 million. It’s worth noting that this is just an approximation. The number of species on Earth is believed to be significantly higher, with many species yet to be discovered and described.


Q 5. The Basis of Classification as Per the Five-Kingdom Classification System is

  1. Nucleus structure
  2. Cell wall structure
  3. Nutrition
  4. Mode of reproduction

Answer: 3, Nutrition
Explanation: The basis of classification as per the Five-Kingdom Classification System is primarily nutrition. In this system, organisms are classified into five kingdoms based on their mode of obtaining food and energy. The five kingdoms are:

While other characteristics, such as nucleus structure, cell wall structure, and mode of reproduction, can be used to differentiate and classify organisms, the primary basis of classification in the Five-Kingdom Classification System is their mode of nutrition.


Q 6. If the Five-Kingdom System is Followed, in Which Kingdom Would the Archaea and Nitrogen-Fixing Organisms?

  1. Monera
  2. Protista
  3. Fungi
  4. Plantae

Answer: 1, Monera
Explanation: If the Five-Kingdom System is followed, the Archaea and nitrogen-fixing organisms would be classified under the kingdom Monera. In the Five-Kingdom Classification System, Monera’s kingdom includes prokaryotic microorganisms, such as bacteria and blue-green algae (cyanobacteria). Archaea, a distinct group of prokaryotes, are classified within the kingdom of Monera. Nitrogen-fixing organisms, which can convert atmospheric nitrogen into a usable form for other microorganisms, can also be found in the kingdom Monera.


Q 7. What are the twin characteristics of growth?

  1. increase in mass
  2. increase in number
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. none of the above

Answer: 3, Both 1 and 2
Explanation: Growth is an organism’s increasing size, mass, or number. It can be achieved through increased cell production and increased cell size. Therefore, both increases in abundance and number are the twin characteristics of growth.


Q 8. Growth in living organisms is from

  1. outside
  2. inside
  3. both 1 and 2
  4. none of the above

Answer: 2, inside
Explanation: Growth in living organisms is primarily from the inside. Cells within an organism pide and multiply, leading to an increase in the number of cells. This internal cell pision and proliferation result in the overall growth of the organism. The growth process involves the synthesis of new cellular components, such as proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids, which contribute to the increase in size and mass of the organism.


Q 9. In a taxonomic hierarchy, family is interpolated between

  1. kingdom and class
  2. class and order
  3. order and genus
  4. class and genus

Answer: 3, order and genus
Explanation: The family is interpolated between the order and genus in a taxonomic hierarchy. From broader to more specific categories, the hierarchical sequence typically goes kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.


Q 10. Growth cannot be taken as a defining property or feature of living organisms because

  1. all living organisms do not show growth
  2. nonliving things grow from inside
  3. nonliving things also grow
  4. some living organisms do not show the process of reproduction

Answer: 1, all living organisms do not show growth
Explanation: Living organisms differ from nonliving things in many ways, one of those key differences is the growth process. Growth is not a defining property or feature of living organisms, as all living organisms do not show growth. On the other hand, growth is something that only living things can do – they can grow from the inside out in a way that nonliving things cannot. Furthermore, some living organisms do not show the process of reproduction, which makes them unique when it comes to growth and development processes.


Q 11. Growth is synonymous with reproduction for which of the following organisms?

  1. unicellular algae
  2. amoeba
  3. bacteria
  4. all of the above

Answer: 4, all of the above
Explanation: Unicellular algae, amoeba, and bacteria all reproduce by asexual (binary fission) or sexual (conjugation) means to grow and spread in the Living World.


Q 12. Growth is synonymous with reproduction for which of the following organisms?

  1. unicellular algae
  2. amoeba
  3. bacteria
  4. all of the above

Answer: 4, all of the above
Explanation: Unicellular algae, amoebas, and bacteria are all organisms that reproduce and grow through asexual reproduction, which is the process by which one single organism can produce offspring without the involvement of another organism.


Q 13. Which of the following organisms multiply by fragmentation?

  1. fungi
  2. filamentous algae
  3. planaria
  4. all of the above

Answer: 4, all of the above
Explanation: Fungi, filamentous algae, and planaria are all organisms that multiply via fragmentation. Living World gives you an in-depth look at how these organisms reproduce and explains why fragmentation is an important part of their lifecycle.


Q 14. An actual species comprises a population

  1. Interbreeding
  2. sharing the same niche
  3. Reproductively isolated
  4. Feeding over the same food

Answer: 3, reproductively isolated
Explanation: Yes, a valid species comprises a population that is reproductively isolated and interbreeding while sharing the same niche and feeding on the same food. Living World provides educational materials to help you understand more about species and their populations.


Q 15. Living organisms can be unexceptionably distinguished from nonliving things based on their ability for

  1. responsiveness to touch
  2. reproduction
  3. interaction with the environment and progressive evolution
  4. growth and movement

Answer: 3, Interaction with the environment and progressive evolution
Explanation: The ability to interact with the environment and progressive evolution is the most appropriate basis for distinguishing living organisms from nonliving things.

While living organisms exhibit responsiveness to touch, reproduction, growth, and movement, these characteristics can also be observed in certain nonliving things or processes. For example, some nonliving things can respond to touch due to physical or chemical properties, and certain crystals can grow or move under specific conditions.

However, the ability to interact with the environment and progressive evolution is unique to living organisms. Living organisms can actively interact with their surroundings, respond to stimuli, and adapt to environmental changes through metabolism and homeostasis. They also can undergo progressive evolution, which involves genetic changes and adaptations over time, leading to the persification and development of new species.


Q 16. The most apparent & complicated feature of all living organisms is:

  1. The ability to sense their surroundings or environment and respond to these environmental stimuli.
  2. Reproduction – sexual or asexual – for production of the progeny of own kind.
  3. The ability to grow in size due to cell pision.
  4. Presence of complex organ systems such as digestive and nervous systems.

Answer: 4, Presence of complex organ systems such as the digestive and nervous systems.
Explanation: The most apparent and complicated feature of all living organisms is the presence of complex organ systems, such as the digestive and nervous systems. These systems enable organisms to perform essential functions necessary for their survival. The digestive system allows organisms to process and obtain nutrients from their environment. In contrast, the nervous system enables them to sense their surroundings, process information, and coordinate responses to environmental stimuli. These organ systems comprise various specialized organs and tissues that work together to maintain the organism’s homeostasis and carry out specific functions. Although other features, such as the ability to sense the environment, reproduction, and growth, are essential aspects of living organisms, the complexity and integration of organ systems make them the most remarkable and intricate feature.

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Dr. Ahmed Hafez
CEO & Founder of MEDICINE21 corporation

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