Administration: Voriconazole Suspension

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This leaflet explains how to reconstitute or prepare the Voriconazole suspension by mixing water with the powdered medication. 

What is this medication for?

​Voriconazole is an anti-fungal medication which works by stopping the growth of fungi. It is used to treat fungal infection and may also be used to prevent fungal infection in patients after an organ transplant or in patients with weak immunity.

This leaflet explains how to reconstitute or prepare the Voriconazole powder for oral suspension, which means to mix water with the powdered medication to produce a suspension. To find out more about Voriconazole precautions and side effects, please refer to the Voriconazole leaflet.

How should I take or use this medication?

  • Do not stop taking your medication without checking with your healthcare professional.
  • Voriconazole oral suspension is to be taken at least one hour before, or two hours after food.

Follow the instructions below to reconstitute the powder for oral suspension. 

  1. Tap the bottle to loosen the powder.
  2. A total of 46 mL of cool, boiled water should be added to the bottle: measure 23 mL of water by filling the measuring cup to the top of the marked line. Add the water to the bottle. Measure another 23 mL of water using the measuring cup and add this to the bottle.
  3. Replace the cap and shake the closed bottle vigorously for about 1 minute.
  4. Remove child-resistant cap. Press the bottle adaptor into the neck of the bottle.
  5. Replace the cap.
  6. Write the date of expiration of the reconstituted suspension on the bottle label (the shelf-life of the reconstituted suspension is 14 days).

Once reconstituted, the oral suspension should only be administered using the oral syringe supplied with each pack as below.


Shake the closed bottle of the reconstituted suspension for approximately 10 seconds before each use. Remove the cap.


While the bottle is upright, on a flat surface, insert the tip of the oral syringe into the adaptor.


Turn the bottle upside down while holding the oral syringe in place. Slowly pull back the plunger of the oral syringe to the graduation mark that marks the dose for you. To measure the dose accurately, the top edge of the black ring should be lined up with the graduated mark on the oral syringe.


If large bubbles can be seen, slowly push the plunger back into the syringe. This will force the medicine back into the bottle. Repeat step 3.


Turn the bottle back upright with the oral syringe still in place. Remove the oral syringe from the bottle.


Put the tip of the oral syringe into the mouth.

Point the tip of the oral syringe towards the inside of the cheek. SLOWLY push down the plunger of the oral syringe.

Do not squirt the medicine out quickly.


Replace the cap on the bottle, leaving the bottle adaptor in place.

The syringe should be washed after each dose.

  • Pull the plunger out of the syringe and wash both parts in warm soapy water. Then rinse with water.
  • Dry the two parts. Push the plunger back into the syringe.

Keep it in a clean, safe place with the medicine.

How should I store this medication?

Before reconstitution: Store at 2°C-8°C (in a refrigerator)

After reconstitution: Store at room temperature, at a cool dry place. Do not refrigerate or freeze.

Discard any remaining suspension 14 days after reconstitution.

How do I throw away this medication safely?

Pack the empty bottles into a black trash bag and seal it tightly before throwing into the rubbish chute or bin. If there is any balance medication, pack the medication into a bag and bring it back to the pharmacy where you received the medication from.

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Sama Mohamed

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