Bulgarian universities

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Bulgaria is a very popular destination for international medical students, thanks to the high quality of higher education and internationally recognised degrees. Here, you can study medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and veterinary medicine in English with affordable tuition fees of around €8,200 per year.

Tuition Fees In Bulgaria

Average cost per year per course in Bulgaria

About Studying Medicine In Bulgaria

There are 7 universities where you can study medicine in Bulgaria. Medical School experiences here are very enriching as all of the universities offer world-renowned courses. The medical schools in Bulgaria offer extra classes during the week in the Bulgarian language to help students integrate into the country better.

Medical education in the country is generally 6 years. Tuition fees for studying medicine in Bulgaria are between €7,500 and €9,000 per year. Below, you can find a list of all the top universities that teach medicine and dentistry in English in Bulgaria.

Why Study Medicine In Bulgaria?

If you’re considering studying medicine abroad, here are the reasons that make Bulgaria a top choice:

  • Globally recognised degrees
  • World-class level of education
  • Low living costs and tuition fees
  • Universities with the latest modern facilities
  • High-developed hospitals and clinics to practise
  • Part of the EU, which makes it easy-accessible
  • A wide variety of universities to choose from

International equivalents post-graduate

United States Medical Licensing Examination – USMLE®

Egyptian Medical Licensing Examination – EMLE®

Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board – PLAB®


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