Clinical Microbiology Made Ridiculously Simple (Gladwin) 9 ed (2023)

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Excellent for USMLE Board Review!

A brief, clear, thorough, and highly enjoyable updated approach to clinical microbiology, brimming with mnemonics, humor, summary charts and illustrations, from Ebola to AIDS to flesh-eating bacteria; to mad cow disease, hantavirus, anthrax, smallpox, botulism, Clostridium difficile diagnosis and treatment; treatment of gonorrhea in light of growing antimicrobial resistance; Tuberculosis diagnostics, drugs for treatment of latent TB infection and MDR TB; the latest antibiotics; pandemic flu, including H7N9; SARS-like coronavirus; the latest hepatitis C treatment options; the latest HIV diagnostics and approved HIV meds; Zika virus; Measles and a new chapter on the latest emerging infectious diseases and drug resistant bacteria.

*What makes this world renowned, best-selling Microbiology book so unique?

Our Approach has been to:

  1. Write in a conversational style for easy, rapid assimilation
  2. Include numerous, humorous illustrations only when absolutely necessary, serving as “visual memory tools” and summary charts at the end of each chapter. These can be used for “cram sessions” after the concepts have been studied in the text
  3. Concentrate more on clinical and infectious disease issues that are both interesting and vital to the actual practice of medicine
  4. Create a conceptual, organized approach to the organisms studied so the student relies less on memory and more on logical pathophysiology.


This last point is CRUCIAL!!! If there were no tests that required memorization in medical school, sketched, memory-based medical study tools would be obsolete as they are ENTIRELY based on memorization, NOT understanding. This leads to a real life problem: When you need to conceptually and logically understand a patient’s illness and speak to this patient or their family, a cute little sketched memory trick will not get you very far.

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Dr. Ahmed Hafez
CEO & Founder of MEDICINE21 corporation