55 Cases in Neurology: Case Histories and Patient Perspectives (McCarron) 1st edition (2023)

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Written by a neurologist with 20 years of experience working in a general hospital, this engaging and informative book brings together 55 example cases from a general hospital setting with differential diagnoses. The case report format facilitates up to date management including modern neuroimaging, but also allows the reader to consider the potential diagnoses before turning the page to determine the correct diagnosis and treatment. The history, epidemiology as well as diagnostic criteria and management of specific neurological disorders are provided in an accompanying comment section. 

Unusual for a book of neurology, patients have had an opportunity to explain how neurological illness impacted their physical, psychological and social activities (provided by a relative/carer when the patient could not contribute). The themes provide a personal and truthful testament of the immediate and longer-term real-life impact of neurological illness, giving readers an insight into the effects of neurological diagnoses on their patients.

55 Cases in Neurology: Case Histories and Patient Perspectives (McCarron) 1st edition (2023)

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Dr. Ahmed Hafez
CEO & Founder of MEDICINE21 corporation