Histopathology Specimens. Clinical, Pathological and Laboratory Aspects(Allen) 3rd edition (2017)

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Covering anatomical, clinical, pathological and laboratory aspects of surgical histopathology specimens, this revised, updated third edition relates specimen dissection and its clinical context to relevant histopathology reports, and therefore a more comprehensive patient prognosis and management is possible.

This bookexplains pathological and clinical terminology, including a glossary of clinical request form abbreviations. A standardised step-wise approach to specimen handling is illustrated with simple line diagrams and highlights essentials of the histopathology report, relating them to appropriate specimen dissection. 

The integrated multidisciplinary team approach taken to the modern clinical management of patients is reflected by correlating patient presentation, diagnostic and staging investigations with histopathology specimens. Current WHO and TNM tumour classifications are referenced.

Histopathology Specimens: Clinical, Pathological and Laboratory Aspects, Third Edition will be of educative value and act as a reference tool for the medical undergraduate student, medical trainee in histopathology and the biomedical scientist, and as a useful aide memoire for the histopathology consultant.

Histopathology Specimens. Clinical, Pathological and Laboratory Aspects(Allen) 3rd edition (2017)

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Dr. Ahmed Hafez
CEO & Founder of MEDICINE21 corporation