Main biology topics for Saint Petersburg University in Egypt

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Principles of biology

  – Basic attributes of living systems. Biological disciplines, biotechnology, biomedicine, main branches of medicine. Biological terminology. Key discoveries in biology and medicine.
  – Chemical elements and molecules of living systems. Basic metabolic pathways.


Molecular genetics

  – Central dogma of molecular biology. Structure and function of nucleic acids and proteins.
  – DNA replication, transcription, translation and genetic code. Genome, chromosome, and gene structure.
  – Mutations and their consequences. Basic molecular genetic methods.


Cell biology

  – Structure and organization of cells (prokaryotic, eukaryotic, plant, animal). Origin, structure, and function of mitochondria. Origin, structure, and function of chloroplasts, photosynthesis.
  – Structure and function of ribosomes.
  – Nucleus and chromatin, human karyotype. Cell cycle,
mitosis, meiosis, crossing over, oogenesis and spermatogenesis, gametes, fertilization.



  – Genotype and phenotype. Mendel laws and Mendelian and non-Mendelian modes of inheritance.
  – Gene linkage and gene interactions. Medically important autosomal recessive, dominant, sex-linked and multifactorial traits.


Virology, bacteriology, protistology, zoology, botany, and mycology

  – Classification, basic characteristics, structure and reproduction of viruses.
  – Retroviruses and
reverse transcription.
  – Viral diseases. Viroids, prions and associated diseases.

  – Eubacteria and Archea, their reproduction and importance. Bacterial infections and their therapy.
  – Protists, their taxonomy and classification. Parasitic protists and associated diseases.
  – Taxonomy and evolution of animals. Classification, reproduction, ontogenesis and body structure of invertebrates.
  – Parasitic invertebrates (helmints, arthropods), their life cycle and associated

  – Classification, reproduction, ontogenesis and body structure of chordates.
  – Taxonomy, evolution and reproduction of plants and fungi. Medically important fungi (parasitic, producing antibiotics or toxic compounds).

Basic human biology

  – Basic anatomy and physiology of the human body, tissues and organ systems.
  – Skeleton, structure and development of bones, disorders of the musculoskeletal system.  
  – Most
important muscles and the mechanism of muscular contraction.
  – Basic components and function of blood, blood groups and transfusion.
  – Heart and circulatory
system, blood vessels, blood pressure, heart rate, cardiovascular diseases. Immunity, lymphatic system, antibodies, vaccination and transplantation, disorders of the immune system.
  – Respiration, respiratory system and its disorders.
  – Digestive system and basic nutrients, vitamins,
their sources and importance.
  – Excretion, urinary system, production and composition of urine,

diseases of the urinary system.
  – Skin, its structure and importance, skin diseases.
  – Central and peripheral nervous system, its anatomy and function, sensory organs and receptors.
  – Disorders and injuries of the nervous system, stress, psychiatric diseases, addiction.
  – Exocrine and endocrine glands, endocrine system and its disorders, hormones.
  – Reproductive system and human reproduction, embryogenesis, organogenesis, prenatal care, inborn defects.


  – Evolutionary theories, Darwin’s concept of evolution, neodarwinism, selfish gene theory.
  – Evolutionary factors: variability, mutation, selection, genetic drift, gene flow.
Origin of life, prebiotic evolution, evolution of cellular organisms, fossils. Evolution of Homo sapiens, its ancestors and related species.


  – Biotic and abiotic factors, population, community, ecosystem, biome, species diversity.
  – Food web, food chain, producers, consumers, decomposers. Interspecific and intraspecific relationships.
  – Toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic factors of the human environment, genotoxicity testing.
  – Global
environmental issues and environmental protection.

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Dr. Ahmed Hafez
CEO & Founder of MEDICINE21 corporation