Chemistry exam , Mechnikov university acceptance exam 2023-2024

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1. The element that exhibits negative oxidation state in IIIA group elements is
(1) B
(2) Al

(3) Ga
(4) Tl

2. Boron halides are
(1) Electron efficient compounds
(2) Ionic compounds
(3) Lewis bases
(4) Used as refractory compounds

3. Inorganic graphite is
(1) (BN)n
(2) BF4

(3) B2H6
(4) B2N2H6

4. Which of the following is the correct formula of borax?
(1) Na2[B4O5(OH)4]. 2H2O
(2) Na2[B4O5(OH)4]. 4H2O
(3) Na2[B4O5(OH)4].6H2O
(4) Na2[B4O5(OH)4].8H2O
5. Borax glass is a mixture of
(1) NaBO2 + B2O3 (2) Na2B4O7+B2O3
(3) H2B4O7 + B2O3 (4) Na2B4O7.10H2O+B2O3

6. Boric acid is prepared from borax by the action of
(1) HCl
(2) NaOH

(3) CO2
(4) Na2CO3

7. Orthoboric acid (H3BO3) and metaboric acid (HBO2) differ in respect of:
(1) Basicity
(2) Structure

(3) Melting point (4) All the above

8. Number of simple covalent bonds (B-H) present in diborane
(1) 2
(2) 4

(3) 6
(4) 8

9. In diborane, banana bond is formed by
(1) 2 electrons, 3 atoms
(2) 2 electrons, 1 atom

(3) 2 electrons, 2 atoms
(4)1 electron, 2 atoms

10. The number of hydrogen atoms bridging the boron atoms in a diborance molecule is
(1) 1
(2) 2

(3) 3
(4) 6

11. In diborane, boron atoms undergo ——- type of hybridisation.
(1) sp
(2) sp2

(3) sp3
(4) sp3d

12. SiCl4 in presence of H2O giveX”, which in temperature  1000℃ give  “Y”
in the above reaction,
X and Y respectively are

(1) SiO2 and Si
(2) H4SiO4 and SiO2

(3) H2SiCl6 and SiO2
(4) H4SiO4 and Si

13. Aluminium is extracted from
(1) Magnetite
(2) Bauxite

(3) Aluminium
(4) Haematite

14. Assertion (A): SiO2 is used as an acidic flux in metallurgy
       Reason (R): SiO2 removes basic impurities forming a slag
(1) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A
(2) Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A
(3) A is true but R is false
(4) A is false but R is true

15. Which of the following is the most stable oxidation state of aluminium (AFMC 99)
(1) -1
(2) +1

(3) +2
(4) + 3

16. Al and Ga have the same covalent radius because of
(1) Greater shielding of S – electrons of Ga atoms
(2) Poor shielding of S – electrons of Ga atoms
(3) Poor shielding of d – electrons of Ga atoms
(4) Greater shielding of d – electrons of Ga atoms

17. Assertion (A): Thallium compounds are stable in +1 oxidation state
 – Reason (R): The 6s2 electrons in Tl show reluctanace in participating in bond formation
(1) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A
(2) Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A
(3) A is true but R is false
(4) A is false but R is true

18. Statements regarding the general characteristics of IIIA group elements
I) The decreasing order of E.N. of IIIA group elements is B > Tl > In > Ga > Al
II) The S.R.P. values decreases in the order Tl > In > Ga > B > Al
III) Ga has high melting point because of its polymeric structure
(1) I and II are correct
(2) II and III are correct

(3) Only II is correct
(4) I & III are correct

19. Assertion (A): Boron forms covalent compounds
       Reason (R): Boron is an non metal
(1) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A
(2) Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A
(3) A is true but R is false
(4) A is false but R is true

20. Borax bead test is responded by:
(1) Divalent metals
(2) Heavy metals
(3) Light metal
(4) Metals which form coloured metaborates

21. BCl3 on hydrolysis gives
(1) B2O3 and HCl
(2) B2H6, HCl and O2

(3) H3BO3 and HCl
(4) B2O3, H2 and Cl2

22. Boric acid on heating yields
(1) B
(2) B2H6

(3) BO2
(4) B2O3

23. In diborane
(1) 4 bridged hydrogens and two terminal hydrogens are present
(2) 2 bridged hydrogens and four terminal hydrogens are present
(3) 3 bridged and three terminal hydrogens are present
(4) 1 bridged hydrogen and 5 terminal hydrogens

24. List -I                                  List -2
A. Al2O3                                   1. Dimer
B. AlCl3                                    2. Non-metal
C. B                                           3. Acidic
D. B2O3                                    4. Amphoteric
The correct match is
       A     B     C      D
(1)  4     3      2      1
(2)  1     4      3      2
(3)  2     3      4      1
(4)  4     1      2      3

25. Which of the following elements has a limited Co-ordination number of four?
(1) Sn
(2) C

(3) Si
(4) Ge

26. Which of the following is solid at room temperature?
(1) CO
(2) CO2

(3) SiO2
(4) OF2

27. Assertion (A): Pb compounds are stable in +4 oxidation state
       Reason (R): Pb exhibits inert pair effect
(1) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A
(2) Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A
(3) A is true but R is false
(4) A is false but R is true

28. Which of the following is an amphoteric oxide?
(1) CO2
(2) CO

(3) GeO2
(4) SiO2

29. Bond energy is highest for
(1) Sn-Sn
(2) Ge-Ge

(3) C-C
(4) Si-Si

30. The bond angle in diamond is
(1) 104.50
(2) 1070

(3) 1200
(4) 1090 28’

31. Which of the following is not an allotrope of carbon?
(1) Graphite
(2) Diamond

(3) Coke
(4) Carborundum

32. Hybridisation on carbon atoms in diamond is
(1) sp
(2) sp2

(3) sp3
(4) sp3d

33.   List -I                                                       List -2
         A. SiCl4                                                    (1) SiO2
         B. Tetrahedral                                         (2) Acid-flux
         C. Acheson’s process                            (3) Lewis Acid
         D. SiO2                                                     (4) Silicon
                                                                           (5) Graphite
The correct match is
      A     B     C     D
(1) 1     2      4     3
(2) 5     1      2     4
(3) 3     1      5     2
(4) 3     2      4     1

34. Which of the following is true for diamond?
(1) It is a good conductor of electricity
(2) It is very soft
(3) It is a bad conductor of heat
(4) Diamond is made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms

35. In complete combustion of petrol or diesel oil in automobile engines can be best detected by testing the fuel gases for the presence of
(1) CO + H2O
(2) CO

(3) NO2
(4) SO2



36. When oxalic acid is heated with concentrated H2SO4 it produces
(1) CO, CO2, H2O
(2) SO2, CO2, H2O

(3) CO, SO2, H2O
(4) SO2 , SO3, H2O

37. SiO2 is reacted with sodium carbonate. What is the gas liberated?
(1) CO
(2) O2

(3) CO2
(4) O3

38. Which is the anhydride of orthosilicic acid?
(1) Si
(2) SiO

(3) SiO2
(4) SiO3

39. Which oxide has three dimensional structures?
(1) CO2
(2) SO2

(3) CO
(4) SiO2

40. Which is used as an acidic flux in metallurgy?
(1) CO2
(2) Graphite

(3) Sand
(4) Gas carbon

41. Quartz is the form
(1) CO2
(2) SiO2

(3) SO2
(4) NO2

42. The structure of crystalline silica is similar to that of
(1) Diamond
(2) Graphite

(3) Silicates
(4) Silicic acid

43. Alkyl chloride when passed over silicon at 3000C in the presence of Cu catalyst gives
(1) R-S-Cl
(2) R2SiCl2
(3) R3SiCl
(4) R4Si

44. Which of the following bonds is present in silicone?
(1) Si-O-Si-O-Si
(2) Si-C-Si-O-Si

(3) Si-O-Si-C-Si
(4) Si-Si-Si-Si-Si

45. Silicones are used as.
(1) Conductors
(2) Insulators

(3) Semiconductors
(4) To prepare graphite

46. Silicones have the general formula
(1) SiO4-4
(2) Si2O7
(3) (R2 SiO)n
(4) ( SiO3)n

47. The Si-O bonds in silicates are.
(1) Very strong
(2) Weak

(3) Very weak
(4) Moderate

48. In the softening of water when zeolites are exercised the following metal ion is replaced by Na+
(1) Ca+2
(2) Ba+2

(3) Be+2
(4) Zn+2

49. The order of the stability of dihalides of Si, Ge, Sn and Pb changes in sequence
(1) SiX2 << SnX2 << GeX2 << PbX2
(2) SiX2 << GeX2 << SnX2 << PbX2
(3) PbX2 << SnX2 << GeX2 << SiX
(4) GeX2 << SiX2 << SnX2 << PbX2

50. Assertion (A): Carbon forms a large number of compounds
       Reason (R): Carbon has high catenation power.
(1) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A
(2) Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A
(3) A is true but R is false
(4) A is false but R is true

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Dr. Ahmed Hafez
CEO & Founder of MEDICINE21 corporation