Latin Basics

Latin Basics & medical terminology course to prepare students to understand medical terms .

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The profound influence of Latin upon the genesis and development of English medical terminology is undeniable and well-grounded [1,2,3]. Approximately 95% of English terms are borrowed from or created on the basis of Latin and latinized Greek [4]. Therefore, the English medical terminology cannot be “reasonably mastered without the knowledge of basic Latin” [5]. Within the English terminological system, Bujalkova and Dzuganova distinguish (1) Latin terms that were assimilated into English (anglicized Latin terms, such as “muscle,” “vein,” “nerve,” and so forth), (2) terms that experienced a multiple assimilation (from Greek into Latin, from Latin into Old French, from Old French into English; for instance, “spasmos” − “spasmus” − “spasme” − “spasm”), and (3) terms preserved in the original Latin form (“vena,” “dorsum,” “nucleus,” and so forth) [2]. The last-mentioned group of terms are preserved in the original Latin form up to the present but have undergone certain modifications in terms of pronunciation in accordance with English phonetic rules. Therefore, we suggest referring to this group of lexis as semiassimilated terms. In addition, we consider it necessary to distinguish the nonassimilated Latin terminology, represented by multiple-word terms that preserve the original features of the Latin grammatical system, such as the relationship between the parts of speech, agreement in gender, inflection rules, and so forth (for example, per oscor pulmonaleos ischiimusculus latissimus dorsi, and the like).


Universities Materials


Pavlov University

Foreign Language Department - Faculty of Medicine - First Saint Petersburg State Medical University [ Pavlov ]

Kasr Al-Ainy

Foreign Language Department - Faculty of Medicine - Cairo University

St. Pediatric University

Foreign languages Department - Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

International Books


IRENA STANKOVA - Text Book of Latin Medical Terminology


Latin language basics and scientific

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