1. Compressing the neck by the bend of the elbow is :
A) Mugging. ****
B) Bansdola.
C) Burking.
D) Choking
2. Elimination of volatile poisons through the lungs by inhalation:
A) 100% O2.
B) 95% O2 & 5% CO2.****
C) 90% O2 & 10% CO2.
D) 85% O2 & 15% CO2.
E) 80% O2 & 20% CO2.
3. The petechial hemorrhage of asphyxia is easily seen in:
A) Heart
B) Lung
C) Eye
D) sclera****
4. Mechanism of Petecheal formation in asphyxia is:
A) Rise in venous pressure.****
B) Rise in Arterial pressure.
C) Rise in capillaries pressure.
D) Rise in Arterioles pressure.
5. Strangulation rope marks is:
A) low-down in the neck.***
B) Oblique in position.
C) Incomplete.
D) Caused by rope.
E) A pressure abrasion.
6. A significant sign of asphyxia is:
A) ill-defined hypostasis.
B) Rapid rigor mortis.***
C) Skin hemorrhage.
D) pale lungs.
7.café coronary is a term which describes:
A) coronary heart attack occurring in a café
B) choking by a bolus of food***
C) heammorrhage in the corona radiate
D) coronary embolism with café au lait
E) coronary thrombosis due to chest trauma
8.the most common cause of inward fracture of hyoid bone is:
A) hanging
B) smothering
C) throttling***
D) strangulation
E) choking
9. cerebral anaemia is the most common cause of death from ( I think it have the same meaning of cerebral anoxia):
A) Hanging***
B) Strangulation
C) Smothering
D) Shocking
E) Drowning
asphyxia by hand
11.froth in putrification:
بتكُن فًٍ رائحة معفىة
12.Fastest mechanism of death is:
vagal inhibition
13. Strangulation rope marks is:
low down in the neck
constricting the neck by the hand
bolus of food
16. Cafe coronary
bolus of food obstructs the larynx
17.Sure external signs in Drowning:
Cadaveric spasm
18.Strangulation rope marks:
a.Low down in the neck***
b.Oblique in position
ٌذي تىطبق عهى أشٍاء ثاوٍة مثم انشىق rope by caused. d
19. A significant sign of asphyxia is :
a-Defined hypostasis
b-Rapid rigor mortis ***because of convulsion, it comes early
c- Skin hemorrhage
d-Pale lungs
20. man died in closed room because of burn after 4 hours … the mechanism of death :
A) neurogenic shock
B) co inhalation***
21. Compressing the neck by the bend of the elbow-is :
(A) Mugging. ***
(B) Bansdola.
(C) Burking.
(D) Choking.
22. In judicial hanging, fracture of vertebral column is usually seen between :
(A) C1andC2.
(B) C2 and C3. ***
(C) C4andC5.
(D) C5 and C6.