1.A man with heat collapse has:
A) Cyanosis
B) Slow pulse
C) Slow respiration
D) Subnormal temperature***
2. Which of the following affect the shape of electric burn:
A) Type of current
B) Age of victim
C) Pathway of the current
D) Exposed body surface area***
3. The mechanism of death from cold is:
A) Carboxy haemgolobin formation
B) Central nervous system depression
C) Red asphyxia
D) Respiratory enzyme inhibition **** (paralysis of cytochrome oxidase enz.)
E) Paralysis of circulation
4. Which of the following predispose in sun stroke:
A) Age
B) Sex
C) Physical health
D) Atropine***
E) Morphine
5. The best treatment for heat cramps is:
A) IV fluid
B) Increase salt intake***
C) Ice bags
6. Ionizing radiation cause:
A) Dehydration
B) Reticulo-cytosis
C) Thrombocytosis
D) Lymphocytopenia***
7. Red scars from burns stay up to :
A) 21 days
B) 1 month
C) 2 months***
D) 4 months
8. A person has heat cramps he will have :
A) Subnormal temperature
B) Normal temperature****
C) Fever
D) Hyperpyrexia