
Kaposi’s sarcoma 

Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) is a rare type of soft tissue sarcoma. A soft tissue sarcoma is a type of cancer. What is Kaposi’s sarcoma? Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) develops from cells called endothelial cells, which line the blood and lymph vessels. It is most commonly found on the skin, but it can also affect the inside of the body, such as the lymph nodes, lungs, bowel, liver and spleen. KS growths are also called lesions or tumours.  KS develops in a different way from other types of cancer. Most cancers begin in one place in the body and may then spread to

Treatment for Large bowel and rectal neuroendocrine tumours (NETs)

The treatment you have for a large bowel or rectal neuroendocrine tumour (NET) depends on a number of factors. This includes where the cancer started, its size and whether it has spread (the stage). Surgery is the main treatment for large bowel and rectal NETs and is usually the only treatment that can cure it. Which treatment do I need? A team of doctors and other professionals discuss the best treatment and care for you. They are called a multidisciplinary team (MDT).  The treatment you have depends on: where the large bowel or rectal NET started and its size whether

Linitis plastica of the stomach

Gastric linitis plastica is the medical term for a rare type of stomach (gastric) cancer. It can thicken your stomach wall and affect digestion. Treatment for linitis plastica is like treatment for other types of stomach cancers. What is linitis plastica? Linitis plastica is a type of adenocarcinoma. Adenocarcinoma is the most common form of stomach cancer. Linitis plastica spreads to the muscles of the stomach wall and makes it thicker and more rigid.   This means that the stomach can’t hold as much and doesn’t stretch or move as it should when you’re digesting food. This stiff walled stomach is sometimes

Treatment for phaeochromocytomas

The main treatment for phaeochromocytoma is surgery. Other treatments include internal radiotherapy, external radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Your treatment depends on different factors including: the size of the tumour whether it has spread your general health and fitness A team of doctors and other professionals discuss the best treatment and care for you. They are called a multidisciplinary team (MDT). The team usually includes a: specialist surgeon doctor specialising in hormone disorders (endocrinologist) cancer doctor (oncologist) doctor specialising in the diseases of tissues or cells (pathologist) doctor specialised in reading scans (radiologist) clinical nurse specialist (CNS) You may need to travel

Treatment for pseudomyxoma peritonei

The main treatments for pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) are surgery and chemotherapy. Your treatment depends on the size of the cancer and your general health. You might not start treatment straight away. Your doctor closely monitors your cancer in case you need treatment in the future. This is called watch and wait.  If you need treatment you might have: surgery combined with chemotherapy into the tummy (abdomen) surgery to remove as much cancer as possible (debulking surgery) chemotherapy Watch and wait Your doctor might decide to closely monitor your cancer if it’s small and slow growing and you don’t currently need

Treating retinoblastoma

Retinoblastoma is rare and so your child will go to a specialist centre for treatment. There are different treatments such as freezing and laser therapy, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery. The treatment your child has depends on several things including the size of the cancer and if it is in one or both eyes. Treatment centres There are 2 specialist retinoblastoma centres in England and they are: The Royal London Hospital Birmingham Children’s Hospital These 2 centres serve all parts of the UK including Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. They have teams of specialists who know a lot about retinoblastoma and

Treatment for small bowel cancer

Your treatment will depend on what type of small bowel cancer you have. This page is about the treatment you might have if you have small bowel adenocarcinoma. This is the most common type of small bowel cancer.  Treatment for other types of small bowel cancer, such as neuroendocrine tumours and lymphoma will be different. Deciding which treatment you need Your doctor will talk to you about the treatment they suggest. They will explain its benefits and the possible side effects. Your treatment will depend on: where your cancer is how big it is and whether it has spread (the stage) the type

Treatment by type of stomach NET

The treatment you have for a stomach neuroendocrine tumour (NET) depends on a number of things. This includes the type of NET and whether it has spread. Doctors call this the stage of the cancer. NETs grow at different rates, but they often grow very slowly. Some might not grow at all for months or years. So, you might not need treatment straight away. Your doctor might ask you to have regular tests to keep an eye on it. Which treatment do I need? A team of doctors and other professionals discuss the best treatment and care for you. They

Treating tonsil cancer

The main treatments for tonsil cancer are surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. You might have a combination of these or one treatment on its own. The tonsils are part of the oropharynx and treatment is similar to other cancers of the oropharynx. Treatment by stage Staging is a way of describing the size of cancer and how far it has grown. We have information about treatment for early and advanced cancer. Your doctor will tell you more about the stage of your cancer and the treatment you will have. There is an increase in the number of tonsil cancers that are

Treating tongue cancer

The main treatments for tongue cancer are surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, either combined or on their own. Your treatment depends on how big the cancer is and whether it has spread (the stage). It also depends on which part of the tongue is affected. Treating the oral tongue The front two thirds of the tongue (oral tongue) are treated like a mouth cancer. Early stage Early cancer means your cancer is smaller than 4cm and is contained within the tongue. The most common treatment is surgery to remove the affected area. You might also have radiotherapy after surgery to try

What is prehabilitation ?

Prehabilitation (prehab) means getting ready for cancer treatment in whatever time you have before it starts. It is a programme of support and advice that some NHS hospitals are using. It covers three particular parts of your health: what you’re eating and your weight physical activity or exercise mental wellbeing Stopping smoking and cutting down on alcohol can also help. It helps while you’re having treatment, with your recovery, as well as improving your overall health. How does prehabilitation help? At diagnosis, your medical team should screen you for any problems in the three areas above. Research shows that if you

Sex and erection problems after treatment for prostate cancer

Prostate cancer treatments can affect your sex life. Some treatments can damage the nerves that you need to get an erection. Other treatments can affect the levels of hormones needed to get and maintain an erection.   Even if you can’t get a full erection, you can still have a sex life. There are several treatments that may help you but not everyone chooses to have treatment. Treatments might include: drug treatments such as tablets and creams vacuum pumps implants Sex therapy and counselling can also help. Speak to your doctor or specialist nurse if this is something you think might help.  

Mastectomy — breast cancer treatment or prevention

Key facts A mastectomy is surgery to remove your breast. A bilateral (double) mastectomy is removal of both breasts. A mastectomy is one of the treatments for breast cancer. What is a mastectomy? A mastectomy is an operation to remove your breast. A bilateral (double) mastectomy involves the removal of both breasts. When is a mastectomy needed? A mastectomy is usually done to treat breast cancer. Breast cancer is when cells start to grow abnormally in your breast. It can spread to other parts of the body. Surgery is just one of the treatments for breast cancer. Some people with a high