kid’s health

Developing life skills through sports

Key facts Organised sport has many physical, developmental, psychological and social benefits for children. Playing sport helps children learn to control their emotions and channel negative feelings in a positive way. Playing sport helps children build resilience and feel better about themselves. Parents play a key role in developing a child’s life skills through participating in sport. To keep your child interested and enjoying sport, make it a positive experience for them. Keep the focus on having fun and being active, rather than on winning. Organised sport has many psychological and social benefits for children – even more than the

Speech development in children

Key facts Children learn to speak at their own pace, and there is a wide range of ‘normal’ speech development. There are certain milestones that can provide a rough guide to normal development. Babies need to learn how language sounds before being able to learn how to speak. There are many different ways you can encourage your child to start talking, and also some things you should try to avoid. If you are worried about your child’s speech development, ask your doctor if your child needs an assessment or hearing test. What is normal speech development in children? Language development

Sleep tips for children

Key facts Healthy sleep means getting enough good quality sleep, and having regular sleep routines. Sleep is essential for growth, immunity and learning, and is important for helping children heal and recover from illness and injury. Poor sleep is linked to mental health problems, poor growth and reduced school performance. Why is sleep important for my child? All children need sleep for growth, learning and development. Getting enough sleep is vital for your child’s physical health, brain function, emotional wellbeing, safety, and ability to function day to day. Having a good night’s sleep can help your child be happier, helps

School exclusion for health reasons

What are school exclusions for health reasons? Sometimes children must be kept away from school or childcare. This is called being ‘excluded’. It can happen if a child has a certain type of sickness. Some sicknesses are caused by germs that can spread to other people. A person who is sick from these germs is sometimes ‘infectious. This means the germs can be spread from that person to someone else. A child may need to stay away from school or childcare if they are ‘infectious. Staying away can stop the germs spreading to other children or people in the community.

A safe sports environment for children

Key facts Children need a safe environment to play sport. This includes an environment that is free from abuse, discrimination and harassment. All equipment used should be safe and meet Australian Standards. A child’s emotional environment is just as important as their physical environment. Listen to your child. Take their concerns seriously and respond to them. Creating a safe sports environment for children It is important to ensure a safe environment for children who play sport. By law, sporting organisations in Australia are responsible for protecting children from abuse, discrimination and harassment. Make sure the sporting environment is safe by

Immunisation and vaccinations for your child

Key facts ‘Vaccination’ is when your child gets a vaccine and ‘immunisation’ is the process of them becoming immune after getting a vaccination. Immunisation protects you, your child and your community from serious diseases, before you come into contact with them in the community. Many vaccines are free for babies and children under the National Immunisation Program. The Australian Immunisation Register records every vaccine your child has to help you know when your child’s next vaccination is due. The ‘No jab, no pay’ policy means you may not get some government benefits if your child does not have their routine

Vomiting in children

Key facts Vomiting is one of the most common reasons parents take their child to the doctor. Babies often bring up small amounts of food after feeding — it’s known as posseting or reflux, but this is different to vomiting. Vomiting in children can result from many different causes, but viral gastroenteritis is the most common cause. Babies and children are especially at risk of dehydration when they are vomiting. Children with diarrhoea and vomiting should be given small amounts of oral rehydration solution or plain water often (for example, every 15 minutes), especially if they are vomiting a lot.

Physical activity benefits for children

Key facts Children of all ages can benefit from being physically active. Physical activity is essential for good physical and mental health and wellbeing. Physical activity does not need to be a structured sport. Anything that gets them up and moving will benefit your child. Children spend time sitting at school, doing homework and reading and it’s important to strike a balance and to find more opportunities for them to move. Try to encourage a mix of activities to strengthen their muscles and bones and to increase their breathing and heart rate. Benefits of physical activity for children What is

Obesity in children

Key facts Childhood obesity is when a child has too much body fat for their age. Being overweight and living with obesity are common in Australia, affecting 1 in 4 Australian children. Children living with obesity generally have a body mass index (BMI) at the 95th percentile or higher for their age group. Helping a child or teenager maintain a healthy weight means they’re less likely to struggle with weight problems as adults. You can help manage obesity in children by modelling healthy eating habits with them, encouraging lots of physical activity and limiting screen time. What is obesity in


Key facts Mumps is a viral illness which can spread from one person to another easily. It commonly causes fever, tiredness and swelling of the salivary glands in the face. Mumps can cause serious complications and have a lasting effect on your health, such as hearing loss and infertility. Vaccination is the best protection against mumps. What is mumps? Mumps is a contagious viral illness. It does not always cause symptoms. If mumps does cause symptoms, it can bring about a fever, swelling of the salivary glands (parotitis) and inflammation in other parts of the body. Some cases of mumps


Scabies What is scabies? Scabies is a very itchy skin condition caused by a tiny mite (bug). Scabies is contagious and spreads quickly. If you have scabies, the whole family may need to be treated. What are the symptoms of scabies? Scabies causes intense itching and sometimes a rash. It looks like tiny red lumps and threadlike tracks on the skin. The rash is due to an allergic reaction to the mite. The scabies mite prefers to burrow and lay its eggs in skin that is soft and protected. So common areas to get scabies are the wrists, between the


Key facts Meningitis is an infection of the membranes surrounding your brain and spinal cord. It can be caused by an infection with bacteria, viruses or fungi. Meningitis is a serious illness that needs urgent treatment. There are vaccines available that can help prevent meningitis. What is meningitis? Meningitis is a rare but serious infection of your meninges (the membranes covering your brain and spinal cord). Meningitis is usually caused by a virus or bacteria, and sometimes it’s caused by a fungus. Viral meningitis is usually a less dangerous form of meningitis and most commonly affects children. Bacterial meningitis is a


Key facts Measles is a very contagious viral illness. You are likely to be immune if you are vaccinated against measles, or have already had measles. Measles causes fever, cough, red eyes and a red, blotchy rash. Measles can lead to serious complications including ear infections, pneumonia (lung infection) and encephalitis (inflammation of the brain). Vaccination is the best way to prevent measles. What is measles? Measles is a very contagious viral illness. It’s best known for its characteristic red blotchy rash. Measles can be very serious and can lead to hospitalisation and even death. Measles was very common in

Looking after a sick child

Key facts The most common signs of illness in children include a fever, sore throat, a blocked or runny nose, and a rash. A child who has a fever, is vomiting, or who has mucus in their eyes should not go to school or day care. It’s normal for children to get mild illnesses, but you can help your child stay well by arranging on-time vaccinations, and teaching them good hygiene practices. If your child’s symptoms don’t improve after 2 days, or they get worse, your child should see a doctor. How can I tell if my child is sick?

Medicines for babies and children

Key facts Some medicines for children can only be prescribed by a doctor, and others can be bought over-the-counter in a pharmacy or shop.   In Australia, the most-used medicines for pain and fever in children are paracetamol and ibuprofen. Antibiotics are prescription medicines used to treat infections caused by bacteria. Antihistamines are medicines used to treat symptoms of allergies. In Australia, giving the wrong medicine dose is the most common cause of accidental poisonings in infants (children under one year of age). What medicines are commonly given to babies and children? Medicines for children can be either: prescribed by

Kids and mental health

Are you concerned about the mental health of your child or a child you know? Or are you a kid looking for help? Find out what some common mental health issues in kids are, why good mental health is important for children and what can be done to help. Why is kids’ mental health important? Having good mental health is key to the healthy development and wellbeing of every child. Kids need good mental health – not only to be able to deal with challenges and adapt to change, but so they can feel good about themselves, build healthy relationships with others and enjoy


What is impetigo? Impetigo is a very common skin infection that causes sores and blisters. It affects mainly children. It’s sometimes called ‘school sores’. Impetigo is contagious and can be very dangerous for newborn babies. It’s important to keep children who have impetigo away from babies and they should not go to school or childcare until treatment has started. What are the symptoms of impetigo? Impetigo causes sores on the skin. These can be in the form of blisters that grow quickly, then burst and leave a moist area with a brown crust at the edge. The blisters can be

Hygiene for children

What is personal hygiene for children? Your child needs to keep themselves clean to remain healthy and to feel good about themselves. Good personal hygiene will help boost their self-esteem and confidence. Teaching your child good hygiene habits We all need to keep clean to avoid harmful germs and avoid getting sick. Good personal hygiene also boosts confidence by dealing with problems like bad breath or body odour. For children, the basics of good personal hygiene are: washing their hands covering their mouth when they cough having regular baths or showers brushing and flossing their teeth You may have to help your child learn and practise

Hydration tips for children

Key facts Children need to drink water throughout the day, to help maintain their body temperature, make bodily fluids and for day-to-day functioning. Young children and babies are at highest risk of becoming dehydrated. If your child is very thirsty, they are probably already dehydrated. Mild dehydration can be treated at home by giving oral rehydration fluids or water. Do not give drinks that are high in sugar. Why do children need to stay hydrated? Most of your child’s body is made up of water. Water helps maintain body temperature, make bodily fluids and function day-to-day. Dehydration can cause poor sports performance,

Healthy eating for children

Key facts Healthy eating in childhood reduces your child’s chance of developing health problems as they get older. A healthy, balanced diet includes foods from all 5 food groups: fruit, vegetables, grains, proteins and dairy. Foods high in sugar, saturated fat and salt aren’t necessary for a healthy diet and should be limited. Cooking and eating healthy foods together as a family can help your child develop healthy eating habits for life. If your child has specific dietary needs or restrictions, your doctor or dietician can help you make sure their diet is healthy and balanced. What is healthy eating?

Head lice

beginning of content   What are head lice? Head lice are tiny wingless insects about the size of a sesame seed that live in the hair of humans and animals where they feed on blood by biting the skin. Head lice commonly affect children but adults can also have lice. What are the symptoms of head lice? Lice often cause itching of the skin. Bites can cause the skin to become red and irritated, which can be made worse by scratching. You can see the lice and nits (eggs) if you look closely at your head and scalp. Nits look

Hand, foot and mouth disease

Key facts Hand, foot and mouth disease is a very contagious and common viral illness that mainly affects children under 10 years old. The main symptoms are blisters in and around your child’s mouth, on the palms of their hands and soles of their feet. Your child may also have a fever and a sore throat and mouth. The virus spreads through contact with the fluid inside the blisters, as well as via faeces (poo), coughs and sneezes. Treat symptoms with paracetamol and rest, and by staying hydrated. What is hand, foot and mouth disease? Hand, foot and mouth disease

German measles (rubella)

Key facts Rubella is a contagious illness caused by a virus. Around 1 in every 2 people who become infected with rubella do not experience any symptoms. Symptoms of rubella are usually mild and include fever, rash, joint aches and tiredness. Rubella can cause serious birth defects in babies whose mothers catch rubella during pregnancy. Vaccination is the best protection against rubella. Rubella (German measles) What is rubella? Rubella is a contagious illness caused by a virus. Rubella is also known as ‘German measles’, but it is different to the illness caused by the measles virus. Some people with rubella

Food allergies (in children)

Key facts A food allergy is an immune response to a food that the body incorrectly identifies as being dangerous. Food allergies can range from mild to severe and in some cases can be life-threatening. Children need to avoid eating foods that they are allergic to. As children get older, they often outgrow their food allergies. If your child has a food allergy, you should work with their doctor to create an ASCIA action plan. This plan will guide you in the event your child experiences an allergic reaction, including a severe reaction (anaphylaxis). What are food allergies? A food

Flu (influenza)

Key facts Influenza (the flu) is a viral infection that causes symptoms like fever and chills, sneezing, coughing and a sore throat. The flu can be serious for some people, but if you are otherwise fit and healthy you usually don’t need to see a doctor. There is a vaccine available for the flu, and it’s recommended that everyone over the age of 6 months has a flu vaccination every year. You can treat the symptoms of mild flu by resting and drinking plenty of water. Medicines are available to treat fever and aches. What is the flu? Influenza (the

Fever in children

Key facts Fever is common in children. Fevers are usually caused by viral infections. If your child has a fever, they will have a high temperature and may also be flushed, shivering or sweating. You can make your child with a fever more comfortable by keeping them cool, dry and rested. If your child with a fever is under 3 months old, seek medical attention. What is a fever? A fever is a temperature of 38°C or higher. Fevers are quite common in young children and are usually mild. Sometimes the causes of a fever will need urgent attention, but

Whooping cough

Key facts Whooping cough is a contagious illness. Bacteria Bordetella pertussis causes it. The cough can last for months and may have a ‘whoop’ sound. Whooping cough can cause serious health problems in babies. Vaccination is the best protection against whooping cough. Adults may need booster vaccines for full immunity. Pregnant women and adults who have contact with babies should get a booster vaccine. What is whooping cough? Whooping cough is a bacterial infection that spreads from one person to another. It causes severe bouts of coughing. The ‘whoop’ refers to the sound you may make if you take a quick breath

Dental care for children

Dental care for children In Australia, tooth decay in children is on the rise. Children aged 5 to 10 years have an average of one and a half decayed, missing or filled baby teeth. So, it’s more important than ever to teach your child good oral health habits that will stay with them for life. Caring for children’s teeth is important It’s important to look after your child’s teeth from the moment they start teething. Keeping your child’s teeth and gums clean will protect against infection, cavities and pain. Decayed baby teeth can damage the permanent (adult) teeth underneath. It’s important


Key facts Croup is an infection caused by a virus. It commonly causes swelling of the voice box (larynx) and the windpipe (trachea). Children with croup often have a distinctive, harsh, ‘seal bark’ sounding cough. Croup can cause stridor — noisy, high-pitched breathing, especially when the child breaths in. In most children, croup is a mild infection which generally clears within 4 days. Croup can quickly cause breathing problems which require urgent medical assistance. Croup is more common in winter when symptoms peak in the evenings and overnight. What is croup? Croup is a viral infection in babies and young

Coughs and colds (in children)

Key facts Most coughs and colds in children are caused by viral infections. Cold viruses are spread easily through droplets from the nose and mouth of infected people. Cold viruses can cause a runny nose, sore throat, cough and lethargy. The best treatment for a cold virus is to rest at home so your child’s immune system can fight the virus. Cough syrups and cold medicines are not considered effective or recommended for children. What is the ‘common cold’? The common cold is an infection caused by a virus. Hundreds of different viruses can cause colds and they usually affect the

Constipation in children

What is constipation? Your child is constipated if they are doing hard poo or have trouble pushing poo out. If your child is constipated, they probably aren’t pooing regularly either. Many healthy children have problems with constipation from time to time. It is fairly common in babies, and also tends to happen around the time of toilet training. What is normal for children? Constipation in kids is quite common, but usually doesn’t have a serious cause. There are plenty of things you can do to help if your child gets constipated. Normal bowel habits for children vary. Most children have a bowel


Key facts Conjunctivitis is sometimes known as ‘pink eye’ or ‘sticky eye’. Conjunctivitis is a common condition where the white part of the eye becomes pink or red. One or both eyes may be watery, sore or itchy, sometimes with sticky white or yellow discharge. Conjunctivitis can be caused by bacterial or viral infection, allergy, or irritants such as dust or chemicals. Your doctor or optometrist can tell you the likely cause of your conjunctivitis, if it’s contagious, and the best treatment for your type of conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis (pink eye) What is conjunctivitis? Conjunctivitis, sometimes known as ‘pink eye’ or

Children’s feet

Key facts Care for your baby’s feet by keeping them warm, clean, and freely moving. When your child is outside, make sure they have comfortable, breathable footwear. When your child learns to walk, keep an eye out for foot problems. You can speak to your doctor or a podiatrist about support for your child’s feet. Why is foot care important for my child? Children’s feet are always growing. The last bone in a child’s foot only begins to form at around 3 years old. It’s important to care for your child’s feet so that they stay healthy as your child

Bedwetting in older children

Bedwetting in older children What is bedwetting? Bedwetting happens when a child doesn’t wake up during the night when they need to empty their bladder (urinate or wee). It can happen every night, or now and again. Bedwetting is also known as nocturnal enuresis. Some children continue bedwetting from birth, while others start bedwetting again when they are older. It can be very upsetting for a child, and distressing and frustrating for you. But it isn’t their fault. Bedwetting has nothing to do with bad behaviour. What causes bedwetting in older children? Some children sleep very deeply and don’t wake up

Exercise for children with asthma

Key facts Having asthma is not a reason for children to avoid exercise. Some people experience asthma symptoms after vigorous exercise. This is known as exercise induced asthma or exercise induced bronchoconstriction. Symptoms of exercise induced asthma usually start about 5 to 10 minutes after vigorous exercise. Make sure your child always has their reliever puffer with them. It’s important that your child and any supervising adults know how and when to use it. Your child’s asthma action plan should contain information about preventing and responding to exercise induced asthma. Keep the plan with your child when they exercise. Should


Key facts Anxiety disorders are not just a matter of feeling too anxious. Children with anxiety disorders have fears and worries that cause distress. Children with anxiety may try to avoid situations or issues they’re worried about. Treatment for anxiety disorders in children includes psychological therapy. Lifestyle adjustments may also help. Medicines are rarely recommended to treat anxiety in children. What is anxiety? Anxiety is a normal part of life and can affect anyone, including children. But as parents and carers, it’s sometimes hard to know the difference between normal worries and something more serious. In most cases, anxiety in

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Key facts Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a developmental disorder that begins in early childhood. ADHD affects your brain’s executive functioning — and your ability to self-regulate and control thoughts, words, actions and emotions. If you are concerned that you may have ADHD, the first step is to see a doctor. What is ADHD? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a developmental disorder that begins in early childhood. ADHD used to be called attention deficit disorder (ADD). ADHD is often misunderstood. It can cause problems: concentrating becoming distracted being hyperactive (sometimes) being impulsive This may cause people with ADHD