
Introduction to ECG – 1st part Introduction to ECG – 1st part ECG training course Date of show : 02 May 2024, 09:00 PM CAI Introduction to ECG – 1st part 20:19 Heart axis deviation and alfa angle 23:13 Normal ECG values and heart rate calculation 37:53 ECG of atrial and ventricular hypertrophy 31:37 ECG changes in Myocardial Infarction MI 18:56 ECG of heart rate disorders 17:21 Arrhythmia, Flutters and Fibrillations 22:50 Extrasystole arrhythmias 14:49 ECG of heart block 27:19 PDF materials of lesson : Introduction to ECG for beginners

Introduction to ECG

Clinical values of ECG By the end of this course you will learn how to detect many diseases by ECG which is important, easy & inexpensive clinical test as following : Heart rate : Normal, bradycardia or tachycardia How to detect Heart axis and measure α angle Hypertrophy of both aria & ventricles on both sides right and left Myocardial Infarction, type, localization & stage Arrhythmia types, localization & stages Heart blocks, types & stages unusual syndromes of arrhythmia Features of Time voltage chart The P-QRS-T sequence is usually recorded on special ECG graph paper that is divided into grid-like