healthy eating

Vitamin D and its natural sources

Key facts The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a good source of vitamin D. It is important to be careful when getting vitamin D from UV radiation, because this source also causes skin cancer. If you don’t spend time or expose your skin when outdoors, you may be at risk of vitamin D deficiency. Why should I include vitamin D in my diet? Vitamin D is very important for bone health. It strengthens your bones by helping you to absorb calcium from the foods you eat. It also regulates the amount of calcium in your blood and helps to keep

Vitamin C and your health

Key facts Vitamin C is found in many different fruits and vegetables, especially leafy greens and citrus. Vitamin C helps your body absorb iron and copper. If you don’t reach your recommended dietary intake (RDI) of vitamin C through food consumption, supplements can help. If you take vitamin C supplements, always follow the directions on the packaging, since too much can be harmful. What is vitamin C? Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid or ascorbate, is a natural antioxidant that can be found in a variety of fresh foods and is essential to keeping you healthy and your body

Vegetarian and vegan diets

What are vegetarian and vegan diets? Vegetarian and vegan diets help reduce your risk of disease. They can also provide you with all the protein, minerals and most vitamins your body needs. Vegetarians don’t eat meat, poultry or seafood. However, there are different types of vegetarian diet: Lacto-ovo vegetarians eat eggs and dairy products. Vegans don’t eat any animal products, including honey and gelatine. Pescatarians are not strictly vegetarian as they eat seafood, but still focus on a diet high in plants. People may follow a vegetarian or vegan diet for religious reasons, or as a sustainable, ethical choice. What


Key facts Sugars are a type of carbohydrate. Sugar itself does not contain any essential nutrients — it only provides energy. Foods and drinks may contain a combination of naturally-occurring sugars and added sugars. Overconsumption of sugar can lead to obesity and other health risks. Sugar-sweetened drinks can make it easier to overconsume sugar — because they don’t make you feel ‘full’ or satisfied. What is sugar? A sugar is a type of carbohydrate. Like other carbohydrates, sugars are a source of energy for your body. Sugars can occur naturally in foods or be added to foods and drinks. Naturally-occurring sugars

Salt and sodium

Key facts Salt is a mineral made up of sodium and chlorine. Consuming too much sodium is linked to high blood pressure and increased risk of heart disease, stroke and chronic kidney disease. Salt is the main source of sodium in the diet. Most Australians are consuming nearly twice as much salt as recommended. The majority of salt consumed in the Australian diet comes from processed and packaged foods, not salt added at the table or during cooking. What is salt? Salt is a mineral made mostly of sodium chloride. It has been used to flavour and preserve food for

Dietary supplements

Key facts Dietary supplements are also called food supplements or nutritional supplements. They can give you nutrients that might be missing from your diet. You may need a dietary supplement if you are pregnant, older, have a medical condition or you have a restricted diet. Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking any dietary supplements before they prescribe or dispense a new medicine for you. For most people, the best way to get all the nutrients you need is to eat a balanced diet. What are dietary supplements? Dietary supplements (also called food supplements or nutritional supplements) are


Key facts Protein is found in foods and is needed to help you grow. Protein also helps keep you healthy and helping fight illness. Humans, need 20 different amino acids. Proteins are found in animal and plant foods. What are proteins? Proteins are components of food that are essential for life. They are found in animal and plant foods like: meats fish dairy foods nuts grains, legumes and beans Protein is also found in small amounts in breads, cereals, rice, pasta and vegetables. Your body needs protein from food to work properly. What is protein used for in my body?

Potassium and your health

Key facts Potassium is a mineral that is essential for all of the body’s functions. It helps your nerves, muscles heart to function well, and also helps move nutrients and waste around your body’s cells. Most people get enough potassium for their daily requirements through their diet. Both high and low levels of potassium in the body can be dangerous. Only take potassium supplements as recommended by your doctor. What is potassium? Potassium is a mineral that is essential for all of the body’s functions. It helps your nerves, muscles and heart to function well, and also helps move nutrients and

Iodine and your health

Key facts Iodine is an element that is essential for normal growth, and for brain development. A healthy diet needs enough iodine, but too much can cause health problems. Foods rich in iodine include seafood, dairy products and iodised salt. If you are planning a pregnancy, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it is recommended that you take an iodine supplement every day, to make sure you get enough. If you have a thyroid condition, speak to your doctor before taking an iodine supplement. What is iodine? Iodine is an element that is essential for normal growth, and for brain

How to read food labels

Key facts In Australia, by law, all manufactured foods have a label that show safety and nutrition information. Food labels help you make informed decisions about the food you buy and eat. The nutrition information panel tells you the size of a standard serving of the product and which nutrients are in that serving. The Health Star Rating is a guide to help you make healthier choices. For a healthy balanced diet, you need to eat protein rich foods like lean meat, poultry and dairy products, fresh fruit and vegetables — these foods usually don’t have a food label, a

Healthy food swaps

Key facts Healthy food swaps are simple changes you can make to your diet to replace less healthy food with more nutritious food. Healthy food swaps can help you to meet your health goals and improve your health in the long term. Follow the Australian Dietary Guidelines and plan your food shop beforehand. Eat a wide variety of food to get a range of nutritional benefits. Limit discretionary foods (ones that aren’t necessary for nutrients) to help you stay on track. What are the benefits of healthy food swaps? Small decisions around food choices can make a big difference to

Healthy eating (over 60)

Key facts People aged over 60 need more of certain nutrients than younger people. Nutritional needs also differ between older men and older women. If you are not as active as you were, you may need fewer kilojoules. If you’re eating less, you’ll need to ensure your diet has a higher concentration of nutrients. Maintaining a healthy weight can help you be more active and help preserve bone health and muscle strength. Should my diet change as I get older? Eating well when you’re over 60 will help you maintain your health and independence. A good diet can also help

Foods high in iron

Key facts Iron is an important nutrient that you can only get through your diet. Haem iron is found in meat, poultry and fish. Non-haem iron is found in plants, eggs, and nuts. The amount of iron you need each day depends on your sex and age. If you are concerned about your iron intake, speak to your doctor. What is iron? Iron is a nutrient that comes from your diet. It’s needed for many functions in your body, with one of the most important being to prevent anaemia. Iron is needed to make haemoglobin, a molecule found in your red


What is folate? Folate is a B-group vitamin, also called vitamin B9, that your body needs to grow and develop. Folate occurs naturally in food, but is called ‘folic acid’ when it comes in the form of a food additive or supplement. Everyone needs folate, but it’s especially important for pregnant women because a lack of folate can lead to abnormalities in the development of the brain and spinal cord in babies (neural tube defects). What does folate do? Your body uses folate to: make DNA form red blood cells grow and repair cells and tissues It’s particularly important that women get enough folate

Dietary fibre

Key facts Fibre is a type of nutrient that reduces your risk of disease and keeps your digestive system healthy. There are several types of fibre that can be found in different foods. Including a variety of fresh foods in your diet will ensure you get enough fibre. High-fibre foods and diet What is fibre? Fibre is a nutrient that is needed by your body to keep you healthy. It’s digested by the bacteria in your gut to produce substances that keep you healthy. Eating a diet high in fibre and wholegrain foods is linked to a lower risk of: obesity type

Dietary fats

What are fats? Fat is a kilojoule-dense nutrient needed for energy and to help absorb vitamins A, D, E and K. There are different types of fats. Fats are important for a healthy diet. But some are better for you than others. It’s best to choose foods containing monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats such as omega-3 and 6. Eating too much saturated and trans fats, on the other hand, will increase your risk of high cholesterol and heart disease. Unsaturated fats Unsaturated fats help reduce the risk of heart disease and lower cholesterol levels. There are 2 types of unsaturated fats: polyunsaturated

Dairy foods

Key facts Dairy foods include products such as milk, yoghurt and cheese. They are rich in many essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium. Unpasteurised (raw) dairy products can be unsafe to eat and are more likely to contain bacteria. What are dairy foods? Dairy foods are products such as milk, yoghurt and cheese. Most dairy foods come from cow’s milk, although some are made from the milk of sheep, goats and other animals. Dairy foods are rich in many essential vitamins and minerals, in particular calcium. As part of a balanced diet, dairy foods contribute to strong bones and help you


  Carbohydrates What are carbohydrates? Carbohydrates are a nutrient that provides energy and other health benefits. Carbohydrates are present in all fruit and vegetables, breads and grain products, and sugar and sugary foods. It is best to choose carbohydrate-rich foods that are healthy and full of dietary fibre. Try to limit your intake of snack foods, as they are high in kilojoules, saturated fat, sugars and salt, and have very few nutrients. Types of carbohydrates Sugars, starches and some types of dietary fibre are carbohydrates. Sugars include: glucose — in fruit, honey and some vegetables fructose — in fruit and honey sucrose


  What does calcium do? Calcium is important for strong bones, as well as for the healthy functioning of nerves, muscles and heart. You can usually get enough calcium from your diet, although in some cases a supplement is needed. You need calcium to build and maintain healthy bones. Calcium combines with other minerals, such as phosphate, in your bones to give them structure and strength. Calcium also circulates in your blood to be used by your heart, muscles and nerves. To absorb calcium, your body needs vitamin D. Regardless of your calcium intake, if you don’t get enough vitamin D, you

Barbecue food safety

Key facts Defrost and marinate foods in the fridge, especially meats. Separate raw and cooked food and use different equipment and utensils for each. Do not eat meat such as chicken, mince or sausages that looks raw or pink inside. The germs that cause food poisoning can be killed by cooking foods at correct temperatures. What are barbeque food safety risks? Barbecuing food can lead to food poisoning if it is not done correctly. Food poisoning is usually mild and most people get better within a week. However, sometimes it can be more severe, even deadly; so it’s important to

Balanced diet

What are the 5 food groups? A healthy diet does not need to be complicated. Eat foods from the 5 food groups every day. The 5 food groups are: vegetables and legumes (beans) fruit grains and cereals lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, legumes (beans), tofu, nuts, seeds milk, cheese, yoghurt or alternatives Each food group has important nutrients. The amount of each food you need will vary during your life. Your diet will depend on factors such as: how active you are whether or not you are growing whether or not you are pregnant or breastfeeding Why should I eat vegetables and legumes (beans