growth disorders

Turner syndrome

What is Turner syndrome? Turner syndrome is a genetic disorder affecting some females. It might cause problems with hearing, vision and fertility. It does not usually affect intellectual ability. Treatment with hormones can help manage some of the problems. Turner syndrome is a genetic disorder. This means there has been a change in the person’s DNA. Normally, a female has two X chromosomes in each cell. Turner syndrome happens when all or part of one of these X chromosomes is missing. The change in DNA can affect the child’s development. Turner syndrome affects about 1 in every 2,500 females born


What is gigantism? Gigantism is a very rare condition. It causes children to grow faster than normal and grow very tall. There is treatment for gigantism. Some affected children may still have symptoms after treatment. They need regular check-ups with their doctor as they grow. What are the symptoms of gigantism? Gigantism can appear in a child of any age, from baby to teenager. The main symptom is faster than normal growth. This means that your child will be unusually tall for their age. They can also have: a large head a very noticeable forehead a jaw that seems to


Key facts Dwarfism is a condition where a person is unusually short — 147cm or shorter. There are 2 main types of dwarfism — proportionate short stature and disproportionate short stature. Most people with the condition of dwarfism live long, fulfilling lives. What is dwarfism? Dwarfism is a condition where a person is unusually short. Short stature is generally defined as an adult height of 147cm (4 feet and 10 inches) or less. However, most people with dwarfism only grow to 122cm (4 feet). Most people prefer the term ‘short stature’, while others are happy to be called ‘little people’