
Endoscopic ultrasound for lung cancers

This test combines ultrasound and endoscopy. It helps your doctor to look through the wall of the food pipe at the surrounding tissue. The main airway (windpipe) is close to the food pipe. A doctor or a specialist nurse (endoscopist) does the test. To do the test the endoscopist uses a long flexible tube called an endoscope. They pass the endoscope down your throat into your food pipe. It has a tiny camera and light on the end and an ultrasound probe attached. The ultrasound scan uses high frequency sound waves to create a picture of the inside of your body. The

ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography)

ERCP test ERCP stands for endoscopic retrograde cholangio pancreatography. It is a test to help diagnose conditions of the liver, bile ducts, pancreas or gallbladder. What is an ERCP? Your doctor uses a long flexible tube with a small camera and light at the end, called an endoscope. It’s also sometimes called a duodenoscope. They pass this tube through your mouth, throat, stomach and into the first part of your small bowel (duodenum). Your doctor can look down the endoscope or see pictures on an X-ray screen of the pancreas, gallbladder and bile ducts.   They can take samples (biopsies) of any abnormal looking areas.