
Arrhythmia, Flutters and Fibrillations Arrhythmia, Flutters and Fibrillations ECG training course Date of show : 14 May 2024, 09:00 PM CAI Introduction to ECG – 1st part 20:19 Heart axis deviation and alfa angle 23:13 Normal ECG values and heart rate calculation 37:53 ECG of atrial and ventricular hypertrophy 31:37 ECG changes in Myocardial Infarction MI 18:56 ECG of heart rate disorders 17:21 Arrhythmia, Flutters and Fibrillations 22:50 Extrasystole arrhythmias 14:49 ECG of heart block 27:19 PDF materials of lesson : Arrhythmia, Flutters & Fibrilations

ECG of Atrial and ventricular hypertrophy ECG of atrial and ventricular hypertrophy ECG training course Date of show : 08 May 2024, 09:00 PM CAI Introduction to ECG – 1st part 20:19 Heart axis deviation and alfa angle 23:13 Normal ECG values and heart rate calculation 37:53 ECG of atrial and ventricular hypertrophy 31:37 ECG changes in Myocardial Infarction MI 18:56 ECG of heart rate disorders 17:21 Arrhythmia, Flutters and Fibrillations 22:50 Extrasystole arrhythmias 14:49 ECG of heart block 27:19

Atrial and ventricular hypertrophy

Normal ECG values : Prong P < 2.5 mm height, 0.05 – 0.11 sec. duration.» P is positive in lead II.» The height of P should not exceed the height of T in the same lead.» P can be biphasic in III, aVL, V1 Galery Important notes : » If the speed is 50 mm/sec;      1 mm = 0.02 sec» If the speed is 25 mm/sec;      1 mm = 0.04 sec   Atrial hypertrophy characters   Right atrium hypertrophy Overload by pressure or volume • Prong P is high (>2.5 mm) and pointed in II, III,