Dealing with life events

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Everybody, from time to time, has things that go wrong in their lives.

They could be money worries, job loss, a death, an accident, or the breakdown of a relationship. But sometimes even happy events like the birth of a baby or planning a wedding can cause you to feel down or depressed.

Here are some strategies to try if you are feeling low:

  • Talk with your family or friends — someone you trust and find reassuring can listen and help you work through your issues. You may also find it helpful to speak to someone from a counselling service. Speak with your doctor who can refer you to one.
  • If you need to cry, then cry — don’t feel embarrassed. Crying relieves tension and can help you ‘move on’.
  • Keep communicating — if a relationship with a partner or family member is causing problems, talk to them and try to resolve any issues. You may also find it helpful to talk to someone from a specialist organisation such as Relationships Australia.
  • Stick to your routine — keeping up with your usual work and home life can help take your mind off your worries. Try to resist the urge to stay in bed all day – get up and go about your usual activities if you can.
  • Keep a diary — write down what you’d like to achieve each day, and tick off what you get done. Focus on all the positive things you do. Don’t be hard on yourself if you don’t achieve all you had planned. You can begin again tomorrow.
  • Practise relaxation.
  • Look after yourself — make sure you are eating healthily and getting enough sleep. Cut back on alcohol and drugs.
  • Exercise — spend time outdoors.
  • Take time out to do something you enjoy.
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Sama Mohamed

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