Model 1 Pharma MCQ

Non-Opioid analgesics and antihistaminic

Non-Opioid analgesics and antihistaminic pharmacology Indicate the clinical condition that is an indication for NSAID monotherapy:A. extra-articular rheumatic diseases (myositis, tendovaginitis, synovitis)B. systemic lupus erythematosusC. dermatomyositisD. migraineE. all of the above diseases Correct answer is :Extra-articular rheumatic diseases (myositis, tendovaginitis, synovitis) Compared with indomethacin, acetylsalicylic acid has a more pronouncedA. analgesic effectB. inhibition of Pg synthesisC. antiplatelet effect on plateletsD. anti-inflammatory effectE. antipyretic effect Correct answer is :Antiplatelet effect on platelets Choose a selective COX-2 inhibitor: A. acetylsalicylic acidB. diclofenacC. celecoxibD. ketorolacE. indomethacin Correct answer is :Celecoxib The following drug has the greatest gastrotoxicity:A. ibuprofenB. indomethacinC. meloxicamD. diclofenacE. paracetamol Correct answer


Anti-biotics pharmacology Which structure of the microorganism is affected by cephalosporins:A. ribosomeB. cell wallC. nucleusD. mitochondriaE. vacuoles Correct answer is :Cell wall Which side effect is characteristic for aminoglycosides:A. nephrotoxicityB. vestibulopathiesC. neuromuscular blockadeD. cochleatoxicityE. all of the above Correct answer is :All listed side effects are characteristics for aminoglycosides Which antibiotic is characterized by the penicillin type of resistance development:A. erythromycinB. tetracyclineC. rifampicinD. gentamicinE. cefazolin Correct answer is :Cefazolin The metabolic rate of theophylline is altered when used concomitantly with which antibiotic:A. doxycyclineB. cefazolinC. erythromycinD. gentamicinE. penicillin Correct answer is :Erythromycin Which group of antibiotics more often causes allergic reactions:A.

Blood and hemostasis

Blood and hemostasis  State a drug that is a direct anticoagulant:A. alteplaseB. warfarinC. clopidogrelD. fractiparinE. aspirin Correct answer is :Fractiparin Specify the drug belonging to the group of antiaggregants:A. FraxiparinB. acetylsalicylic acidC. urokinaseD. hirudinE. warfarin Correct answer is :Acetylsalicylic acid  Identify the drug belonging to the group of thrombolytics:A. acetylsalicylic acidB. tenecteplaseC. warfarinD. heparinE. fractiparin Correct answer is :tenecteplase  What is the mechanism of antiplatelet action of acetylsalicylic acid:A. reversible inhibition of cyclooxygenaseB. inhibition of thromboxanthaseC. blockade of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa complexesD. irreversible inhibition of cyclooxygenase activityE. fibrin dissolution Correct answer is :Irreversible inhibition of cycle-oxygenase activity State the index that

Gastro-Intestinal system

Gastro-Intestinal System  Which drug blocks the proton pump?A. omeprazoleB. almagelC. famotidineD. atropineE. misoprostol Correct answer is :Omeprazole  Which of the following drugs maximally inhibits the secretion of hydrochloric acid:A. famotidineB. ranitidineC. misoprostolD. omeprazoleE. atropine Correct answer is :Omeprazole  Which of the following drugs promotes eradication of H.pylori:A. azithromycinB. famotidineC. clarithromycinD. lincomycinE. gentamicin Correct answer is :Clarithromycin  Which anti-ulcer agents can cause hypophosphatemia:A. aluminum-containing antacidsB. bismuth-containing medicationsC. Proton pump blockersD. H2-histamine blockersE. synthetic prostaglandins Correct answer is :Aluminum-containing antacids  Which receptors are affected by famotidine:A. M1-cholinoreceptorsB. M2-cholinoreceptorsC. H1-histamine receptorsD. H2-histamine receptorsE. N-cholinoreceptors Correct answer is :H2-histamine receptor  Which drug neutralizes hydrochloric

Respiratory system

Respiratory System In which situation you should not suppress a cough:A. excruciating unproductive coughB. cough in central cancerC. cough if there is a foreign body in the bronchiD. before bronchoscopic examinationE. cough with signs of sputum separation Correct answer is :In case of cough with sputum separation signs, you shouldn’t suppress cough Choose a narcotic anti-cough medication:A. codeine B. sinecodeC. glaucineD. paxeladineE. prenoxdiazine Correct answer is :Codeine Choose a non-narcotic cough suppressant:A. sinecodeB. prenoxdiazineC. paxeladineD. glaucineE. all of the following Correct answer is :All listed drugs are non-narcotic cough suppressants Which anti-cough medication is part of bronchodilator:A. libeccinB. butamirateC. oxeladineD. pentoxiverineE.

General pharmacology

General pharmacology Pharmacokinetics is:A. the study of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of drugsB. the study of the biological and therapeutic effects of drugsC. the study of toxicity and side effectsD. methodology of clinical testing of drugsE. study of drug interactions Correct answer is :The study of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of drugs What are the types of absorption in the GI tract:A. filtrationB. diffusionC. active transportD. pinocytosisE. all types Correct answer is :All mentioned types are correct, absorption in GIT can be filtration, diffusion, active transport or pinocytosis The result of a high degree of drug binding to