Forensic Medicine MCQ Modules

Virginity and Sexual Offences MCQ

1. Essential (first) step in rape examination :the victim consent 2. raped, 17 years old girl ..The most imp. Sign is :lacerated hyemen 3. Which of the the following has a medicolegal importance:dentate hyemen 4.sodomy is :anal sex 5.the most important sign in a habitual sodomist is :anal dilatation 6. fourteen yrs old girl complain of amenorrhea after puberty:imperforated hymen 7. In rape murder, identifiable spermatozoa or portion of spermatozoa up to1 week 8.Hymen that medico-legally importance:Fleshy dilatable hymen 9.14 years old girl patient after puberty … amenorrhea:Imperforated hymen 10. Recent tears of the hymen:Translucent 11.Incest sex:Between persons of the

General Toxicology MCQ

1. the most rapid form of poison is :A) SolidB) Gas***C) PowderD) Solution 2. in uncomplicated stable case of poisoning best line of Rx is :A) Antishock measuresB) Physiological antidotsC) Supportive care***D) Induction of vomiting 3.which of these is a hepatotoxic poison :A) Alcohol***B) AtropineC) MorphineD) Amphetamine 4.Which of the following causes blindness:A) Mercury.B) Amphetamine.C) Morphine.D) AtropineE) Non of the above*** 5.cyanide poisoning is ineffective in cases :A) Taking low doseB) Have low acid in stomachC) Have hyperacidityD) No acid in stomach – achloride*** 6.emesis with syrup of ipecac is contraindicated in:A)comaB)convulsionsC)absent gag reflexD)corrosive poisoningE)all of the above***F)non on the

Drug dependence MCQ method for Rx of barbiturate dependence is :A) Gradual withdrawal***B) Abrupt withdrawalC) Use of antidotesD) Psychiatric therapyE) ?? 2. cross dependence is ! ability of a drug to :A) Increase addictionB) Start withdrawal symptomsC) Stop dependence state***(suppress the manifestation of physicaldependence produced by other drug+maintain physical dependent state)D) Maintain ! addiction stateE) ?? 3. Nalline test is used for ! Dx of :A) Amphetamine dependenceB) Alcohol dependenceC) Cocaine dependenceD) Opiates dependence*** 4. the most common complication of cocaine ubused by sniffing is :A) DeathB) Cerebral hemorrhageC) Nasal septal perforation***D) Heart failure 5. morphine dependence is best characterizes by :A)

Asphyxia MCQ ModelNo. 1

1. Compressing the neck by the bend of the elbow is :A) Mugging. ****B) Bansdola.C) Burking.D) Choking 2. Elimination of volatile poisons through the lungs by inhalation:A) 100% O2.B) 95% O2 & 5% CO2.****C) 90% O2 & 10% CO2.D) 85% O2 & 15% CO2.E) 80% O2 & 20% CO2. 3. The petechial hemorrhage of asphyxia is easily seen in:A) HeartB) LungC) EyeD) sclera**** 4. Mechanism of Petecheal formation in asphyxia is:A) Rise in venous pressure.****B) Rise in Arterial pressure.C) Rise in capillaries pressure.D) Rise in Arterioles pressure. 5. Strangulation rope marks is:A) low-down in the neck.***B) Oblique in position.C) Incomplete.D)

Firearm Injuries MCQs

1. In oblique firing, the inlet is ((I guess it has the same meaning of slanting)) :A) RoundedB) Oval***C) Surrounding by powder marksD) Large than exit 2. which of ! found in inlet of far firing :A) TattooingB) Loss of substance***C) Everted edgeD) Burn 3. A lady was shot by a revolver at a distance of 2m , inlet would be :A) Inverted edge***B) Large than exitC) BlackenedD) Regular in shape 4. the inlet of contact firearm injury is best described by ! presence of :A) Inverted edgeB) Everted edge caused by gasesC) Muzzle shaped burning***D) Minimal powder markers 5.

Physical Injuries MCQs

1.A man with heat collapse has:A) CyanosisB) Slow pulseC) Slow respirationD) Subnormal temperature*** 2. Which of the following affect the shape of electric burn:A) Type of currentB) Age of victimC) Pathway of the currentD) Exposed body surface area*** 3. The mechanism of death from cold is:A) Carboxy haemgolobin formationB) Central nervous system depressionC) Red asphyxiaD) Respiratory enzyme inhibition **** (paralysis of cytochrome oxidase enz.)E) Paralysis of circulation 4. Which of the following predispose in sun stroke:A) AgeB) SexC) Physical healthD) Atropine***E) Morphine 5. The best treatment for heat cramps is:A) IV fluidB) Increase salt intake***C) Ice bags 6. Ionizing radiation

Head Injuries MCQs

1.Lucid interval is the period of :A) ConcussionB) AmnesiaC) Consciousness****D) Profound coma 2.Concussion lasts for:A) Minutes****B) 1hC) 6 hD) 12 hE) 12 – 24 h 3. A man was hit by head of an axe will result in :A) Fissure fractureB) Depressed fracture****C) Comminuted fractureD) Cut fractureE) ?? 4. Brain compression due to fissure fracture:A) Traumatic injuryB) Followed by concussionC) Caused by hemorrhage***D) Caused by depressed boneE) ?? 5. Brain contusion means:A) Pia mater is opendB) Pia mater is laceratedC) There is skull bleedingD) There is skull fractureE) ?? 6. Best sign for lateralization is :A) Weak rapid pulseB) Unequal

Wounds MCQs

1. Contusion may take the shape of striking surface if caused by:A) StoneB) TireC) Stick***(I HOPE IT’S RIGHT)D) Hammer 2. A 55 years old man had a fracture of the right tibia. After 3 days the most expected dangerous complication is:A) ShockB) Fat embolism***C) Bone marrow embolismD) Reactionary hemorrhage 3. Stab penetrating wound…Injury to:A) The deep musclesB) The subcutaneous tissueC) Dural or synovial cavityD) Pleural or pericardiumE) C &D**** 4. Contusion is yellow due to:A) Biliverdin in 5th dayB) Biliverdin in 7thdayC) Reduced Heamoglobin in 3rd dayD) Bilirubin in 2nd dayE) Bilirubin in 5th day*** 5.Bridging of tissues occurs in:A)Contused

Postmortem changes MCQs

1. PM Identification is difficult in cases of:A) Severe burns.B) Severe putrefaction.C) Multiple stab wounds.D) Complete charring. ***E) Absence of the head (decapitation) 2. Adibocere occurs in bodies submerged under the water after death for a period of:A) 5 daysB) 1 weekC) 2 weeks***D) 3 weeks 3. Which of the following causes pressure at ….:A) StoneB) KnifeC) Rope***D) Stick 4. Which of the following is a mechanism of RM:A) Loss of muscle toneB) Loss of reflexesC) Depletion of ATP***D) Sever nervous stress 5. Hypostasis in case of hanging is found in:A) The backB) Head & neckC) ShoulderD) Lower limbs*** 6.

Forensic Medicine MCQ Model No. 2

1.Foot prints are most commonly used for:A) Trailing the enemies in desert.B) None mixing of infants in Hospitals. ***C) Solving of crimes.D) A & BE) B & C 2. Complete identification means identification of:A) Sex and ageB) Individuality *** 3. The first permanent Teeth erupt at:A) 5 yearsB) 6 years***C) 7 yearsD) 8 yearsE) 9 years 4. Trans-sexuality is:A) Female pseudo hermaphroditeB) Male pseudo hermaphroditeC) Conflict between gender & physical sex***D) None of the above alone. 5. Blue line on the gum indicates poisoning with:A) Lead***B) MercuryC) ArsenicD) Cadmium 6. The weakest point during iris print identification in ML practice

Forensic Medicine MCQ Model No. 1

1. Foot prints arte most commonly us9ed for:a. Training the enemies in desertb. None mixing of infants in Hospitals.c. Solving of some crimes.d. Personal identification.   2. Which of the following is a Mechanism for Rigor mortis?a. Depletion of ATP.b. Loss of muscle tone.c. Loss of reflexes.d. Sever nervous stress.   3. Rigor mortis appears first in the muscles of:a. Upper limb.b. Lower limb.c. Neck.d. Trunk.e. Face.   4. In a fire accident a body was found dead within 30 minutes from the start of fire. You can expected mechanism of death to be:a. rupture of Curling ulcer.b. Pneumonia or