Zinc and your health

Key facts Zinc is a mineral that is essential for many of the body’s normal functions and systems. Zinc also supports normal growth and development during pregnancy, childhood and adolescence. Having enough zinc is important for skin health and effective wound healing. Zinc is found in many food sources, but is better absorbed from animal-based foods, so vegans and vegetarians need to be extra careful to ensure they get enough. Too much zinc can cause side effects, so if you decide to take a supplement, don’t take more than 40mg of extra zinc, unless you are advised to by your

Youth suicide

How common is suicide in young people? Suicide is the leading cause of death among young Australians. More than 350 young people aged 18 to 24 take their own lives every year — this is more than the number who die on the roads. For every youth suicide completed, there are 100 to 200 more attempts. Who is at risk of suicide? People of all ages, races, genders, incomes and family backgrounds die by suicide. But young people are especially at risk. Common risk factors for suicide include: having a mental health condition such as depression, anxiety, bipolar or PTSD having a physical illness or disability using

Younger onset dementia

  What is younger onset dementia? Younger onset dementia is used to describe any form of dementia that develops in people under the age of 65. Dementia has been diagnosed in people in their 50s, 40s and even in their 30s. It is sometimes called early onset dementia. Younger onset dementia is similar to other types of dementia in many ways. The same problems generally occur, but the disease can have a different impact on a younger person because they are more likely to be employed full time, raising a family or financially responsible for a family. What are the symptoms of

Young people and depression

What is depression in young people? Depression is a mental health condition that causes you to feel sad or have a low mood. While it is normal to feel down sometimes, if you feel this way for 2 weeks or more, or your mood gets in the way of your day-to-day life, you may have depression. This page is about depression in young people; however, many aspects and risk factors of depression are not age specific. Go here for general information about depression. How common is depression in young people? Depression affects 3 in 100 men aged 18 to 24 and


Health benefits of yoga and Pilates What are yoga and Pilates? Yoga Yoga is an ancient exercise and wellbeing practice that originated in India. Yoga is a physical activity which focuses on building your body’s strength and flexibility. You do this by moving into different poses. Yoga involves calm breathing techniques, mindfulness and meditation to help improve your wellbeing. A full yoga session is a whole-body workout suited to all fitness levels. There are different yoga types that involve a range of gentle to strong poses. The most popular styles of yoga are Hatha, Bikram, Iyengar and Vinyasa. Asana is

Yellow fever

What is yellow fever? Yellow fever is a disease that can cause severe illness and even death. It is called yellow fever because in serious cases, it causes jaundice (makes your skin turn yellow). Yellow fever is part of a group of illnesses called viral haemorrhagic fevers. Yellow fever kills about 30,000 people every year worldwide. What causes yellow fever? Yellow fever is caused by the yellow fever virus. The virus is caught by being bitten by an infected mosquito. Yellow fever is usually spread by: Haemagogus mosquitoes Aedes mosquitoes, also known as the Dengue mosquito It is found in parts of: Africa Central America

Young adults’ health

Contraception options There are many different forms of contraception. No form of birth control is 100% effective, but some methods are more effective than others. Click here Domestic violence and abusive relationships Domestic violence (also known as family violence) is when someone uses violence or manipulation to maintain power and control over someone  Click here Drugs and alcohol Some details about types of drugs and how dangerous of it Click here How alcohol affects your health Many Australians drink some alcohol. Some people drink alcohol in amounts that are harmful to their health. Click here Glandular fever Glandular fever is an

Youth suicide

If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, do not ignore the warning signs. There are things you can do, both to keep safe now and to get help in the future. It can be very worrying when someone wants to take their own life — but suicide can be prevented. Many young people have intense emotions and think about dying from time to time. They may feel overwhelmed by distress or pain. They may not actually want to die, but they see taking their life as the only way out.  With support, things can improve and they can work

Younger onset dementia

What is younger onset dementia? Younger onset dementia is used to describe any form of dementia that develops in people under the age of 65. Dementia has been diagnosed in people in their 50s, 40s and even in their 30s. It is sometimes called early onset dementia. Younger onset dementia is similar to other types of dementia in many ways. The same problems generally occur, but the disease can have a different impact on a younger person because they are more likely to be employed full time, raising a family or financially responsible for a family. What are the symptoms of younger

Health benefits of yoga and Pilates

Key facts Yoga combines physical movements with meditation and calm breathing techniques. Pilates involves a series of repetitive body moves with a breath technique to enhance correct movement and coordination. Regular yoga and Pilates classes improve your muscle strength, and balance and flexibility skills. An instructor can change yoga and Pilates moves to suit all ages and fitness levels. If you are new to yoga or Pilates, take classes with a certified instructor to learn the correct movements and to help avoid injury. What are yoga and Pilates? Yoga Yoga is an ancient exercise and wellbeing practice that originated in

Youth (teenagers’ health)

Acne Acne is a common skin condition that causes spots on the face, neck, back or chest. These spots can be whiteheads, blackheads or inflamed, pus-filled pimples. Read more Glandular fever Glandular fever is an infectious disease that is common in teenagers and young adults. It is caused by the Epstein Barr virus. Read more Puberty for boys Puberty is the time when your body develops and goes through rapid growth. Your body’s reproductive system matures, and so too will other body organs and systems. Read more Puberty for girls Puberty in girls usually begins between the ages of 8 and 13

Depression in young people

What is depression in young people? Depression is a mental health condition that causes you to feel sad or have a low mood. While it is normal to feel down sometimes, if you feel this way for 2 weeks or more, or your mood gets in the way of your day-to-day life, you may have depression. This page is about depression in young people; however, many aspects and risk factors of depression are not age specific. Go here for general information about depression. How common is depression in young people? Depression affects 3 in 100 men aged 18 to 24 and

Yellow fever

Key facts Yellow fever is a disease that is transmitted through mosquito bites. Symptoms can be mild or very severe, causing jaundice (skin yellowing), organ failure and death. Yellow fever is found in parts of Africa, South America and Central America. There is no specific treatment for yellow fever, but it can be prevented by getting vaccinated and protecting yourself against mosquito bites. What is yellow fever? Yellow fever is a serious disease caught by being bitten by a mosquito infected by a virus. It can cause severe illness, with bleeding from the organs of the body and even death. It is