Male sexual problems

Prolonged erection

What is priapism? A persistent, prolonged erection of the penis that will not go down is called priapism. This unwanted erection may or may not be caused by sexual arousal, is usually very painful and can last for 2 hours or longer. Priapism is a medical emergency. The sooner you treat it, the less risk that the penis will be damaged. If it’s not treated within 24 hours your penis may be permanently damaged and you might have trouble getting an erection in future. If you have had an erection that has lasted more than 2 hours, you should go

Premature ejaculation

What is premature ejaculation? Premature ejaculation is when you have trouble controlling when you orgasm, and you ejaculate at a time that you or your partner feel is too fast. Premature ejaculation is very common. Many men ejaculate prematurely, or “come too early”, at some time in their lives. There is no fixed time that a man should ejaculate. Premature ejaculation is normally considered when you ejaculate within one minute of your penis entering your partner. Premature ejaculation may also mean some men may ejaculate during foreplay, or when trying to insert their penis during sex. If premature ejaculation happens

Libido (male – loss of)

What is loss of male libido? Low libido or low sex drive refers to a lack of interest in sex and sexual desire. Sexual desire often rises and falls over time for no apparent reason. It is very common for people to lose interest in sex (low sex drive or, low libido), from time to time. What are the symptoms of low libido? Symptoms of low sex drive or loss of libido might be: having no interest in any type of sex including masturbation rarely or never having sexual fantasies or thinking of sex being unhappy with your low desire

Erectile dysfunction

Key facts Erectile dysfunction, also known as ED or impotence, means not being able to obtain or keep an erection that is sufficient for sexual intercourse. Erectile dysfunction is very common, affecting up to 2 in 3 males over age 45 years. Erectile dysfunction can have a range of causes, both physical and psychological. There are many options available to treat erectile dysfunction. These include psychological treatments, medicines and medical devices. Ask your doctor before taking any medicines for erectile dysfunction, as they aren’t suitable for everyone. What is erectile dysfunction? Erectile dysfunction means not being able to obtain or

Dry orgasm

Dry orgasm Some men can have an orgasm without ejaculating. They still have the feeling of having an ejaculation (coming) but little or no semen comes out of the penis. Many men say dry orgasm feels like a regular orgasm, while some may have reduced sensation. What is a dry orgasm? Dry orgasm happens when: there is no semen made in the body the semen travels backwards into the bladder instead of coming out of the penis. This is called retrograde ejaculation. In this case some people notice their urine is cloudy after a dry orgasm What are the symptoms of

Delayed ejaculation

What is delayed ejaculation? Delayed ejaculation is the inability to ejaculate at will, so that ejaculation takes much longer than desired or does not happen at all. Some men find that they can only reach orgasm (come) and ejaculate after long periods of stimulation, even though they have the normal desire and a normal erection. This may happen only with sexual intercourse with a partner or may occur at all times, including with masturbation. This may or may not cause relationship problems or embarrassment. You may have delayed ejaculation if: you cannot ejaculate when you want to and experience an